Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 255 People who do not exist in history

"Why choose him, Dark Lord."

Malfoy asked him as he left the White Castle and headed towards the next level.

"Because it fits, Lucius."

Voldemort said in a calm tone, "We need someone who can do justice and help us rehabilitate."

"How to redress?" Old Nott asked curiously, "What we did before was really not very kind."

When he said this, he had a smile on his face, which reminded Voldemort of his school days.

At that time, he and Old Nott would often look at each other with a smile like this after doing bad things.

"The official word has two different meanings. I mean, it's just a different way of saying it."

Voldemort used Chinese before, but later he had to explain, "The wizarding world of cholera, and the failed revolution, Geraint, they seem to be completely different, but in fact they lead to the same goal."

Old Nott curled his lips, as if he was saying:

I believed your ghost.


Voldemort laughed a few times, not minding his old friend's trouble.

"Why don't you choose one of your own?" Lucius asked curiously again.

"Because no one will believe that we are good people, Lucius. Before the lake is in chaos, black powder can only be black powder. If you want to whitewash it, you have to make the water black."

Voldemort shrugged, "Confusing right and wrong, that's basically it, but it requires careful planning."

Lucius nodded and looked like he was thinking.

"Where are we going next?" Old Nott asked.

Voldemort took out his pocket watch and checked the time, and said: "The time it took to convince Crouch exceeded my estimate, so let's find a place to sit down first."

Several people reached out to touch him, and then under his guidance, everyone instantly arrived at his office in the Riddle Building.

There was no way around it. The places where the wizarding world gathered were not suitable for Voldemort to appear. He could only come to Muggles to find some leisure.

Porchis was of course quite excited about the arrival of several people.

Needless to say, we offered them all kinds of food and drinks, and even asked them if they needed to change the office so that they would be more comfortable next time they came here.

After all, the office is really not a place for small talk.

"Build a special guild hall." Voldemort directly set the tone, "One that can be open to the public."

This was not said in a very grand manner, but when Pochs introduced the situation of his consortium in front of everyone, several people seemed a little confused.

"This money is enough to build several Malfoy manors?" Old Nott was the first to ask.

"Excluding the magical value, if it were just a manor like that, the number would be staggering, but without magic, it wouldn't mean much to a wizard."

Voldemort waved his hands indifferently and put on a "small target" expression.

"Look at what people say, trenches are inhumane."

Old Nott was joking about Voldemort, and the atmosphere was quite relaxed.

"Lucius, what's wrong with you?" After Voldemort smiled, he looked at Lucius and asked.

He found that the child looked troubled and seemed a bit out of place.

"Dark Lord, can I tell you something alone?" Lucius asked.

Voldemort nodded and asked Porchis to arrange an office.

"What happened?" Voldemort asked.

"No, Dark Lord, it's just..."

Lucius still seemed a little hesitant. Voldemort didn't say a word, just waiting quietly for him to collect his thoughts.

"The Malfoy family has a secret that the wizarding world doesn't know. I don't know if I should tell you."

Finally, he said to Voldemort.

Voldemort shrugged, holding out his hand to indicate that it was up to him.

"We have connections with the royal family," Lucius said.

Voldemort frowned slightly, thinking about what this meant.

"Before the secrecy law came into effect, the Malfoy family took the lead in going to the royal family to seek help."

Lucius lowered his head as he spoke, and Voldemort nodded slightly. He heard this from Senior Abu.

"But that thing didn't go well. The royal family refused to help the entire wizarding world..."

"Just refusing to help the entire wizarding world?" Voldemort asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yes, he promised to protect the nobles, but he asked the pure-blood wizards to give up their protection of the low-level wizards."

Lucius waved his hand in disgust and said, "The wizarding world at that time was still in chaos. The Ministry of Magic had not been established. The Wizengamot was more like a meeting of wise men. They only discussed general directions and rarely made decisions."

Voldemort nodded slightly, trying to picture such a world in his mind.

The conflict between Muggles and wizards intensified, and witch hunters organized and massacred wizards.

There is a serious divide between the nobility and the poor in the wizarding world, and Muggle wizards will rarely receive safety guarantees.

In such a precarious situation, there is no organization in the wizarding world that can unite everyone.

They are too unique to be manipulated like Muggles.

As a result, the poor were defeated by Muggles one by one, and the wizards who existed in a family situation stayed behind closed doors.

Voldemort suddenly became somewhat interested in this period of history, and he began to think about the contents of the books he had read.

[International Statute of Secrecy] was born in 1689. The British Ministry of Magic was born in 1707.

In other words, before the establishment of the British Ministry of Magic, secrecy laws had been born internationally.

If we speculate further, perhaps the Ministry of Magic itself was established to promote the [International Statute of Secrecy].

"We can't refuse that kind of help. For our families, our own continuation is the most important." Lucius said with a frown.

Voldemort nodded, indicating that he understood, but he still asked curiously: "But you finally changed your choice, right?"

"Yes." Lucius nodded.

"Why?" This time it was Voldemort's turn to frown.

"Because of a wizard who doesn't exist in history."

Lucius also frowned and replied, "I don't know how to describe it. Basically, there are no books that can record his name. The Malfoy family relies on word of mouth to continue this memory."

"Word of mouth?" Voldemort's words were filled with doubt.

"Yes, we had our doubts."

Lucius smiled bitterly and said, "If a certain ancestor had his memory altered, or if that ancestor thought it was fun, in short, all of this is probably fake."

Voldemort nodded, he felt the same way.

"We have also tried to find out from other families and explore implicitly whether they know about this matter, but so far there is no result."

Lucius's brows furrowed again, much deeper than before.

"My ancestors studied this for a long time, and one of them made a bold guess."

"Since most nobles have never rejected the queen in their memory, how did the [International Secrecy Law] appear?"

"The nobles are unwilling to protect poor wizards, but without the help of the nobles, why was the [International Statute of Secrecy] born?"

The Malfoy ancestor's guess made Voldemort raise his eyebrows in surprise.

He rubbed his chin and said in murmuring words: "In that case, the person whose name cannot be written in books probably really existed?"

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