Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 25 July 28

When Professor McGonagall joined, the construction speed of the Maple Leaf Training Ground increased.

This master of transfiguration played a role far beyond others in the construction of the wall.

In the midst of my busy schedule, the time came to the evening of July 27th.

"I'll set off at night to celebrate Harry's birthday in the early morning." Hagrid was busy in his hut, making cakes, and asked Voldemort, "Are you coming with me?"


Voldemort refused without hesitation. He would not interact too much with Harry in order to prevent unnecessary trouble.

"Okay, then where are you waiting for me?" Hagrid asked.

"The Leaky Cauldron, I will follow you from afar." Voldemort said.

"Okay, then I won't let you eat." The first cake was spoiled, which made him feel very bad.

"Ok, see you tomorrow."

Voldemort turned to say goodbye, walked to Hogsmeade, and returned to the Leaky Cauldron.

The Leaky Cauldron.

When he woke up in the morning, the first thing Voldemort did was organize his equipment:

A silver bottle containing a compound potion, three wands, guns and ammunition, and some healing potions.

"The production of the blessed elixir must be put on the schedule as soon as possible."

If there was a blessed elixir, Voldemort would drink a drop or two without hesitation, but this thing was too precious. He patrolled the black market and found many fakes, but none of them were genuine.

As one of the few masters of potions in the world, Voldemort can certainly tell the difference between genuine and fake elixirs. If he is given enough time and ingredients, he can even make one.

It's just a pity that what he lacks is time.

"Hope everything goes well." Encouraging himself, Voldemort went downstairs to have breakfast.

"Quillo, you haven't come back much recently." Old Tom said to him.

"I'm busy at Hogwarts. I'll probably move there tomorrow or the day after tomorrow." Voldemort said.

"So soon?" Old Tom was a little surprised. It was still early before school started.

"To build a training ground, I want to increase the combat effectiveness of the students." Voldemort said, taking the breakfast handed over by Old Tom.

"What a great idea. When my granddaughter goes to Hogwarts, she can also practice there."

As Old Tom was talking, he suddenly saw Hagrid. He immediately shouted excitedly and asked him what he wanted to drink.

"No, Tom, I'm running errands for Hogwarts." Hagrid patted Old Tom on the shoulder with his huge palm, almost knocking him down.

"Oh my god," Old Tom, who was bending down and just in time to see Harry, exclaimed, and then said intermittently, "Is this - could this be -"

The entire bar was quiet, except for Voldemort, who was still eating his breakfast - he had seen Harry Potter before, although it was through the monitor, but the novelty had long since disappeared.

Moreover, he was a little nervous, fearing that the curse would affect him.

Next, there was some chaos in the Leaky Cauldron. Old Tom trotted out and said hello to Harry, and others rushed forward like crazy.

Kodori was the most excited one. He shook Harry's hand no less than five times. Di Ge couldn't control himself well and took off his hat in tears.

Voldemort paid attention to the two of them, wondering whether their memories had been damaged.

"Harry, this is your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Quilinus Quirrell." Hagrid rescued Harry from the crowd and brought him to Voldemort, "Just like I told you, I am his associate professor.”

"Hello, Harry." Voldemort put down the sandwich in his hand and looked at Harry who was being dragged over. "What's wrong with your leg? It doesn't look very good."

"Professor Quirrell, I...I got the rabies vaccine and it hurts a lot, so..." Harry said shyly.

Voldemort blinked and forgot about it. He guiltily picked up a tissue and wiped the corners of his mouth, and quickly changed the subject.

"Hagrid, when are you going to Gringotts? Do you want to go down with you when I see you?"

"Go to Gringotts first, Harry needs to withdraw money." Hagrid said, pushing away the people who were about to come forward, and walking back while protecting Harry, "You should come with me, I'm not too worried."

Voldemort nodded, picked up his sandwich and followed.

In the backyard, the three of them were finally freed. Hagrid began to teach Harry how to enter Diagon Alley. Harry watched all this curiously.

"Can three clicks be enough? I thought it was going to turn into a door, just like you turned Dudley into a pig..." Harry's voice suddenly stopped, and he was shocked by the separation of Diagon Alley.

"You turned a man into a pig?" Voldemort asked in surprise.

He was not surprised that Hagrid used magic, but he was surprised that Hagrid actually turned Dudley into a pig. According to the book, he should only have a pig tail.

"Thanks also for your wand, it's great." Hagrid raised the umbrella in his hand, where a new wand was already placed.

Voldemort nodded and said nothing more.

The three of them walked forward in silence. Hagrid seemed a little worried about the next trip, Harry was full of curiosity about everything, and Voldemort...

He had a bad premonition in his heart, as if a curse was awakening.

"Quirrell, will you come down with us?" Hagrid asked when he arrived at the door of Gringotts.

Voldemort wanted to refuse. Even if he entered, he had to drink the compound potion before doing so. But at this moment, the curse suddenly came.

He shivered, as if he had been jolted by the cold morning wind, and then his soul automatically retreated into the blood curse. Quirrell's soul dominated his body - the curse fell, but it did not fall on Voldemort's soul. Instead he found Quirrell.

"Master, I will snatch the Sorcerer's Stone for you in the chaos, kill Harry, and then resurrect you." Quirrell's soul said crazily.

"No, stop Quirrell, you are cursed, don't get involved, get out of here." Voldemort shouted amid the blood curse, but Quirrell seemed not to hear anything.

"Of course." Quirrell, who had taken control of his body, said to Hagrid, "I will go down with you. If there is danger, I will protect you."

Voldemort's soul roared under the blood curse, but to no avail. Quirrell's soul seemed to be cut off from him. This guy's brain was completely broken.

The three of them entered Gringotts, and Harry was already addicted to the bizarre world. Hagrid was holding the umbrella warily, and Quirrell...

He glanced at everything around him with a gloomy look. After seeing Malfoy's figure, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly - at the same time, Malfoy also saw him.

At this moment, the two of them magically had the same thought: It’s you.

Quirrell is thinking about relying on the chaos caused by Malfoy to obtain the Philosopher's Stone and kill Harry.

Malfoy meant it simply and literally. He had already figured out who the troublemaker the master was talking about was.

As soon as their eyes missed each other, they began to prepare for action.

Only the nervous Hagrid didn't know if there were any enemies. While he was nervous, he was still regretting his big mouth.

But there is really no need for him to be so regretful. His big mouth is instinctive and will not change because of one mistake.

Perhaps, he should try to accept this flaw of his, after all, it cannot be changed.

Thanks to "Shiyi's Cat", I finally accepted it. Thank you very much for your setting of the curse in the comment area.

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