Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 179 Snape’s Office

Voldemort thought that everything in this world would stop when the potion was made.

However, no.

Behind this, there is also the process of experiencing the potion, a total of three times:

Thieves committing theft, fugitives being chased by the police, and prisoners heading to the execution ground.

With the blessing of the blessing elixir, all three got what they wanted.

Even prisoners heading to the execution ground had their execution delayed due to various accidental breakages of torture instruments.

The extreme environment determined the potion's power, but the third person did not escape punishment.

"Perhaps, deliberately escaping from the execution ground under the influence of the Felixir is a better choice."

With this thought in mind, Voldemort left the world of Elixir.

After that, he did not continue to explore to the right. His soul left the diary too far, making him insecure.

Returning to the diary, he explored to the left, front, and back. After failing to find the book with the world, he experienced "Let there be light" several more times.

Unfortunately, I didn't feel any difference. Perhaps, this book is really just used by wizards to deceive believers.

After struggling like this for two nights, finally on the afternoon of the third day, Ginny walked into the restricted book area with a note from Professor Gilderoy Lockhart.

"I thought I'd never see you again."

Ginny's eyes were red and she pursed her lips as she hugged Voldemort's waist - Ginny's height only reached Voldemort's chest.

Voldemort smiled with a smile on his lips and stroked Ginny's long hair silently.

"Jerry, I feel you have become more attractive." Ginny said as she backed away with a blush.

"Really?" Voldemort asked with a smile, but he obviously didn't want to go into details, but asked, "Have the enemies in the castle been found?"

Ginny immediately forgot about the topic and told Voldemort about the recent changes in the school.

Draco's return undoubtedly surprised Voldemort, and Draco's subsequent series of operations surprised him even more, and he also saw the child's growth.

Being able to do this at the age of twelve made Voldemort expect more from him.

Voldemort was a little worried about Percy's condition, but he couldn't get in touch with him now and could only wait until the future.

The two chatted in the diary world all afternoon, and Ginny didn't leave until dinner time.

"The patrols are so tight, the other one I will definitely not dare to act. Let's see if Dumbledore is here tonight..."

Not wanting to waste any more time, Voldemort made a plan almost immediately.

After finishing her meal, Ginny quickly returned to the diary world to chat with him. Voldemort took the opportunity to control her and got up from the bed.

"Ginny, why did you go to bed so early today?" Ginny's roommate asked curiously.

"I've been too tired from studying magic with Professor McGonagall these past two days. I wanted to take a rest early, but suddenly I remembered that I had to go out for something."

Voldemort dealt with it casually, turned his back to Ginny's roommate, and took out the parchment hidden deep in the bookshelf.

"I solemnly swear that I will not do bad things."

He said in a very small voice, tapped the wand on the parchment, and the Hogwarts map slowly unfolded.

Voldemort first looked at the principal's office. Dumbledore's name was not there.

But he did not dare to be careless and searched carefully on the map. When his eyes passed through Snape's office, Voldemort discovered that this person was not there either.

"I'm going to the Maple Leaf training ground, Ginny, are you going?" the voice of Ginny's roommate came from behind.

"No, I have to go to bed early later." Voldemort responded with a frown.

Since both of them were gone, should we go to the Chamber of Secrets or Snape's office?

Voldemort quickly made his choice.

Compared to Dumbledore, who often ran outside, Snape, a homebody, had fewer opportunities to be away, so he chose to go to Snape's office.

"Without further ado, let's start early."

Thinking in his mind, Voldemort put away the parchment and walked out of the dormitory quickly.

"Ginny, where are you going?" Ron asked her as they passed by the lounge.

Voldemort ignored him and left quickly.

"My sister is getting more and more rude." Ron complained to Harry dissatisfied.

"Maybe she went to do research with Professor McGonagall, just like Hermione last year. She was also very busy at that time." Harry said something for "Ginny", but kept his brows furrowed.

"Why are you more absent-minded than you were two days ago, Harry?" Ron asked dissatisfied.

"Um, it's nothing, Ron, I want to go out too." Harry said and walked out of the lounge.

"I'll accompany you." Ron followed immediately.

"No, Ron."

Harry turned around and saw an expression of disbelief on Ron's face. He knew instantly that Ron had misunderstood.

"Ron, I'm not..."

"Stop talking, I know you don't want to play with me anymore." Ron said angrily, turned around and walked deeper into the lounge.

Harry opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't know what to say. He could only shake his head helplessly, turned around and walked out of the lounge.

Voldemort, on the other hand, had already taken a shortcut and reached the eighth floor.

After he once again confirmed that the principal was not there, he walked into the Room of Requirement, took out a bottle of potion from the depths of the bookshelf under the Slytherin flag and drank it.

Not long after, Ginny's body began to twist and grow, and Voldemort, who was already prepared, took out a simple black wizard's robe from behind the stack of books.

Thanks to Snape's simplicity, there are plenty of wizard robes like his on the market.

After adjusting his clothes, straightening his hair, and adding a disguise around his neck, Voldemort took out a cloth bag from behind the Slytherin flag and placed it in his robes.

After doing all this, he took on Snape's posture and walked out of the Room of Requirement.

All the way from the eighth floor to the basement, Voldemort's steps were fast and furious, but the students were obviously used to such "Snape".

"The Alajo hole opens."

A covert spell was cast on the door to Snape's office, but it did not unlock the door.

Snape had apparently cast the Anti-Alaho Opening Charm on the door, as any clever wizard would do.


Voldemort coughed, and Botu shrouded the door. Then he waved his hand slightly, and the door lock cracked.

This time, the anti-Alajo hole spell failed to work.

"Good evening, Professor Snape."

There was a sudden greeting from behind, which made Voldemort pause. He turned around in confusion, and saw Harry with a confused look on his face.

"Potter, what are you doing here?"

Voldemort asked with a calm voice and a disgusted expression on his face.

"I..." Harry looked very confused, "I have some questions to ask you about my parents."

Voldemort's brows furrowed, which made Harry think that he had said the wrong thing, and he immediately closed his mouth and did not dare to speak any more.

"come in."

After thinking for a moment, Voldemort opened the door of his office and said to Harry.

Harry glanced at Snape in disbelief, but quickly walked in.

Voldemort followed closely behind him, closing the door behind him and using Botu to restore the door to its original state.

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