Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 167 The Magic Pool at Hogwarts

People grow up day by day, but maturity occurs in an instant.

If Voldemort knew what Draco had been through, he would be happy for his student.

In fact, he was willing to spend a few more days for this purpose, to consolidate Draco's understanding of the complex life, and to remember the tricks of nature and the unpredictability of the world.

However, he had neither such opportunity nor such time.

The day after Colin's death, Voldemort took control of Ginny's body for the first time starting in the early morning.

Halfway through the morning class, he discovered from the Marauder's Map that Old Bee and Mag had left the castle.

Voldemort couldn't wait for get out of class to end, so he asked for leave to go to the bathroom and then entered the Chamber of Secrets.

"The magical forgetting spell."

Looking at the phantom of Slytherin composed of thick green fog, Voldemort couldn't help but sigh.

"You can do it too, if you don't divide your soul so much." Mr. Oblivion Curse finished and asked, "Is there any difference between possessing Ginny and possessing Quirrell?"

"I see more hope, and I am more energetic." Voldemort said.

"The other you doesn't think so." The Forgetting Curse said, obviously referring to the crown. "He is confused about everything that happened, and in my opinion, he is more like you before - he is ruthless and decisive enough."

"That's not important, Mr. Forgetting Curse. I'm curious, how did you allow me to recover my previous memories after I come back here? Are those memories always stored in my mind?"

Voldemort asked the doubts in his heart, because as soon as he returned here, his previous memories were restored.

And he was sure that when he left, these memories would disappear again - how could he play such a wanton trick on a master of black magic, and how could he do this spell with a soul?

"If you were the curse itself, Voldemort, then all this would not be difficult, but I think you are not here to study me, right?"

"Yes." Voldemort also decided to temporarily put aside his exploration of magic, "I need the magic of the castle to help me fuse the soul in the Horcrux."

"As the heir of Slytherin, you have the right to enter the Hogwarts Magic Pool, now?"


Voldemort said, putting his soul into the notebook, while Ginny slowly fainted on the spot.

"Your soul seems to be much more powerful than the previous one. Voldemort, have you discovered the secret about the soul that the four founders have not discovered?"

Mr. Oblivion Curse asked as he came to the Slytherin statue. Without seeing what he did, one of the statue's hands slowly lifted up.

"I have never seen it, but I have some insights."

Voldemort hid the secret of the traveler's soul, and he did not completely trust the forgetting spell - sometimes, he even felt that Slytherin was not dead yet.

"I hope you can explore more, Voldemort. That is what countless wizards hope for."

Mr. Forgetting Curse said with profound meaning, and then placed the diary in the raised palm of the Slytherin statue, "You may see something, but don't be too surprised, just absorb the magic power."


Voldemort answered in the diary, and then felt a magic vortex appear under the diary.

A whirlpool of black mist and silver threads wrapped around the diary, pulling him and disappearing into the secret room along a corridor leading to an unknown place.

Voldemort's soul floated in the sky of the diary world, looking up at the black mist and silver threads seeping into the world, and he could feel the powerful magic from it.

Especially those silver threads, which look like the liquefied form of magic power. They are much more powerful than the magic power of black mist.

"Can magic power be concentrated to this extent?"

Voldemort's soul flew into the vortex, feeling the magic of freedom, and his whole soul was intoxicated.

"The flames are blazing."

He reached out and pointed to the sky, and the endless magic passed through his soul and turned into a raging flame, burning in the entire sky of Hogwarts.


Voldemort quickly extinguished the flames with his backhand. His diary could not withstand the continuous magic output.

"Even without a body, with these magic powers, I can still use magic. The meaning of the body..."

Voldemort suddenly smiled in surprise, "There must be a carrier, I think too much."

And after he smiled, he suddenly felt that the world outside had stopped moving.

In other words, the diary has reached the end of the corridor.

"Although I should fuse the soul immediately, I am really curious about the source of magic in Hogwarts."

He couldn't help but feel curious, and his soul squeezed out of the space in the diary along the gap where the magic power penetrated.

The moment he came out, Voldemort felt endless pressure - the silver ocean was surrounding him, turbulent and rolling.

He has never seen such huge magic power, it seems endless.

He tried to peek further into the distance, but there was only an endless ocean of magic around him and nothing could be seen at all.

"What kind of magic can gather so much magic power?"

Voldemort was filled with curiosity, and enduring the pain of his soul being squeezed, he tried to surge toward the top of the ocean of magic.

Following the waves, he went up again and again, and finally, after several efforts, he broke through the sea of ​​magic and came to the surface.


Looking at the four huge statues around him, Voldemort was stunned.

What did he see? ? ?

The Hogwarts Big Four's Horcruxes? ? ?

Yes, Voldemort, who had rich experience in making Horcruxes, made such a judgment instantly.

Four statues stand opposite each other, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Hufflepuff, looking down at the magical sea.

At the same time, traces of magic power were condensed by the four Horcrux statues and sprinkled into the magic sea.

In other words, this huge sea of ​​magic power, the sea of ​​magic power that supports the entire castle, is the result of these four Horcrux statues slowly condensing over thousands of years.

"The Big Four..."

Voldemort's sigh was full of admiration for the four giants.

He made Horcruxes himself because he was greedy for life and afraid of death, but the four predecessors in front of him did it for the academy, for the children, and for the future of the magic world.

Comparing this realm...

Grindelwald's road is narrow.

After sighing, Voldemort, not daring to waste any more time, dived back into the diary and directly lifted Tom Riddle out of the Chamber of Secrets.

"This time with the blessing of magic, I hope to integrate more souls faster."

As he spoke, he put his hand on Tom Riddle's head and penetrated it again.

In the sky over Hogwarts in the diary, Tom Riddle is tied to a cross and fixed in the air, with Voldemort's hand hanging over his head.

Endless black mist and silver magic energy enveloped the two of them, washing them constantly.

At the same time, these visible magic powers were also cleaning the entire diary.

Time, at this moment, seems to no longer exist.

And Voldemort sank into Riddle's soul again...

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