Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 149 Conversation between Two Death Eaters

It was late at night, and the lights of the small building were still on, which meant that its owner had not rested yet.

Old Nott was guarding the door. His mission was to stop Dumbledore who might appear and buy time for Voldemort to leave.

Although Voldemort felt that Dumbledore would not come, he did not let Old Nott leave, just in case.

Old Nott had stayed here for more than ten days and was generally used to this kind of life.

Every night when he couldn't sleep, he would enjoy the cool air in front of the small building and drink a drink provided by the Malfoy house elf.

But today was different. The house elf didn't come, but Lucius came over with a bottle of wine.

The two of them were sitting on two armchairs, with two glasses of wine on the small table, drinking one at a time.

"What do you think it means?" Lucius asked first.

There was no surprise on Old Nott's face, he knew what Lucius meant by coming here.

"Test it." Old Nott glanced at the lights upstairs that were still on, and whispered like Lucius, "The Dark Lord is back this time, and it's different."

"I discovered it a long time ago, but..." Lucius said hesitantly, "The glory of pure blood..."

"What glory?" Old Nott turned to look at him and asked.

Lucius was stunned and opened his mouth twice, but he really didn't say anything about glory.

"Those of us who were the first to follow the Dark Lord are not talking about glory."

Old Nott took a sip of his wine and looked at the stars in the sky, as if he was lost in memories.

"At that time, we just felt that he was powerful, wise, and ambitious. We voluntarily followed him, a group of seventeen or eighteen-year-old children. Haha, in a flash, it has been more than forty years."

"More than forty years..." Lucius blinked. He was not yet forty years old this year.

Unlike old Turner, he was born in 1954 and only joined the Death Eaters after graduation.

At that time, Voldemort was already in his thirties, and it was also when he began to seek power for the first time.

The ambitious Lucius became Voldemort's subordinate when he rose. He was valued for his intelligence and wide connections. He later made many contributions to Voldemort's rise.

It can be said that his life after graduation was smooth, including marrying a wife, having children, and expanding his family business, all while following Voldemort.

However, everything ended in 1981. Voldemort's defeat left Lucius facing several accusations and might even enter Azkaban.

That was the darkest day of his life so far...

Fortunately, his wife supported him, and he himself was not completely panicked. He relied on his wit and family connections to extract himself from the damn whirlpool.

Since then, he has reflected on why the Dark Lord failed for a long time.

He was obviously strong enough, and he obviously had many supporters, but in the end...did he really lose to prophecy and fate?

He didn't know, even if ten years had passed, he still couldn't figure it out.

But he felt that the Dark Lord must know the reason, because he has always been the wisest one.

Could it be that this time of temptation is because he has found a new direction?

"That's how Hogwarts used to be."

Old Nott's words interrupted his thoughts, "Slytherin's hatred of Muggles was not caused by him. It was already like this before we entered school."

Lucius was startled, and he blinked, thinking that it seemed to be the case, but now...

"But now everyone says that it is the Dark Lord who hates Muggles and wants to kill all Muggles, as if he has become the most unforgivable one."

Old Nott said with a disdainful smile on his face, "Some people even absurdly believe that as long as the Dark Lord completely fails, this kind of discrimination will no longer exist."

"He became our representative, didn't he?" Lucius said.

Old Nott curled his lips, but said nothing.

Lucius understood that he was referring to the fact that the Dark Lord himself was not pure blood.

Although not everyone knows about this, old Nott, as Voldemort's classmate, must know, and Malfoy...

His father told him.

"What kind of person was the Dark Lord when he was in school?" Lucius asked curiously.

Of course he had been curious about the Dark Lord's past, but his father never told him much, and the old Nott before... was an arrogant person who didn't like to talk too much to "new recruits" like them.


Old Nott glanced at him, then turned his head and picked up the wine glass and took a sip, with a heartfelt smile on his face.

"I have never seen such an outstanding person, Lucius. I don't know what Dumbledore was like when he was in school, but I think that based on his performance in school, he may not be as good as the Dark Lord."

"Uh... it's too general, Nott, are there any details?" Lucius asked again.

"As for the details..." Old Nott frowned and thought for a while, then said, "At that time, whether it was the Eagle Academy, the Badger Academy, or even some of the Lion Academy prefects, they all took orders from him."

Lucius was really surprised this time. In his opinion, the Snake Court and the Lion Court were completely incapable of making friends.

"Don't be so surprised, Lucius. There are many purebloods in the Lion Court, but it is true that the Dark Lord looks down on the Badger Court. He hates the weak." Old Nott curled his lips and said. It seems that he doesn't like the Badger Court very much either. .

"So among the Death Eaters, the ones from the Badger House are the least, right?" Lucius said with a smile. He didn't like all the students outside the Snake House.

"Maybe..." Old Nott suppressed his smile and said, "But in the past, the Dark Lord was not so distrustful of others. It seems that he started from the fourth grade. In that year, he lost many friends from other colleges."

Lucius's eyes lit up, and he seemed to have spied something...

Is it because of the Horcrux? It can't be that early.

"The Dark Lord is becoming wiser," Lucius said. "I think he's trying to trust others again."

Old Nott looked at him strangely again, but then said: "If that's the case, I think it was the Dark Lord's intention to reveal this information this time."

"Why?" Lucius asked.

"Because of trust, Lucius, I don't know how you think the Dark Lord trusts you, but I have been here for more than ten days and I have already proven his trust in me." Old Nott said proudly.

Lucius nodded and agreed with Old Nott's statement.

"Talk to those Death Eaters you are familiar with, Lucius, and talk about these thoughts of the Dark Lord. I think since he revealed them, they must have deep meaning."

Old Nott lost interest in continuing the conversation. He picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp. He stood up and spoke again.

"Following the Dark Lord or pursuing those illusory and non-existent glory may not be an alternative, but no matter what, you can't put the cart before the horse, Lucius."

"Following the Dark Lord of course, Nott, I think I know what you mean."

Old Nott nodded, indicating that he was going to rest, and walked into the first floor of the small building - where he lived temporarily.

Lucius watched him leave, sat alone for a while, then drank the remaining wine in the glass, stood up and left.

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