Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 124 Dumbledore’s spine goes cold

Dumbledore left Snape's office and did not go to meet McGonagall as planned, but returned to his office on the eighth floor.

"If not Snape, then who..."

He murmured softly and took out all the papers he had used to deduce.

Densely packed names were listed on pieces of paper, spread out on the desk, covering almost everything.

Dumbledore's eyes glanced down from the first page very quickly, but he was sure that he saw every name clearly.

Countless thoughts flashed by like lightning.

He has many related memories and clues for each name, but this does not slow down his reading speed - he has studied these memories and clues too many times, and he is too familiar with every name and content.

He continued to look at them one by one without any pause - even when he looked at the name Quirinas Quirrell, he didn't pause much.

Frowning his brows, Dumbledore was confused...

"Tom...Tom...this is not like you...where are you..."

He whispered softly, as if he wanted to talk to the student from a distance, but no one responded to him in the quiet office.

My eyes were confused as I searched through the list, my eyes barely meeting each other, and then...

Focusing on the upper left corner of the desk, where three lists intersect, a corner of a book is revealed. In that corner, there is the tail of his name, and the full name of another person - Quirinus Quirrell.

Could it be him...

A smile suddenly broke out on Dumbledore's face, and he shook his head, wondering why he had such thoughts.

The smile gradually became stiff...

Why can't we have such an idea?

He suddenly waved, and the pensieve flew down on the table like a projectile. The wand touched his temple, and then he pulled out a strand of elegant silver thread.

Dumbledore frowned, his expression pained - the memory was pulled too fast, and it hurt his brain a little.

With a gentle movement, he sprinkled the elegant silver thread on the pensieve, then stirred it, and then hurriedly leaned down to look down.

After the darkness, there is the underground passage of Gringotts:

"Wingardim Leviosa."

Quirrell used the Levitation Charm, but at the end he suddenly flicked his wand.

"Huh?" Dumbledore asked in confusion.

"Armor protection."

In his memory, he was protecting Harry, but his eyes were just locked on Quirrell.


The wand was waved by Dumbledore, and the world was thrown into chaos, and then returned to its original state in an instant:

"Wingardim Leviosa."

Quirrell used the levitation spell again, and Dumbledore's eyes narrowed. He was sure that he saw Quirrell's subtle magical operation - he refused Harry Potter to come near him.

A chill rose up his spine. He suppressed the fear in his heart and stood alone in this world for a moment before leaving.

Pulling out a trace of memory again and spilling it into the pensieve, Dumbledore entered it again:


The picture was of the corner of the corridor on the fourth floor. He could hear Quirrell's voice, but there were no pictures because he hadn't walked there yet in his memory.

But soon, he used the Disillusionment Charm and ran two steps quickly. Then he saw Quirrell at the corner of the stairs and Harry floating in the air.

"It's me, Professor. I'm sorry I scared you."

Harry was speaking aggrievedly, but Dumbledore, who had entered his memory, didn't care about him. Instead, he quickly approached Quirrell and stared at Quirrell's left hand hidden in his cloak.

Dumbledore's eyes widened, surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he shuddered - it is no exaggeration to say that he was frightened by his student.

"Is it you...Tom..."

He slowly stretched out his hand, with some hesitation and struggle, and touched Quirrell in his memory.


The image faded, the memory disappeared, and he left the pensieve.

This time, he was not in a hurry to act again, but looked at the pensieve with a dull look.

The portraits of the principals were chattering about something. Phoenix Fox looked at his master in confusion. They didn't know what happened to Dumbledore.

Only Dumbledore himself knew that he was frightened - the remnant soul in the darkness was actually living openly under his eyes, getting along with him day and night, and even talking to him.

He became passionate about magic, was willing to accept new things, and became friends with Muggle wizards...

How can this be?

He pulled out a wisp of memory again, gently threw the memory into the pensieve, and leaned down:


In the corridor on the eighth floor, he was calling Quirrell who was about to go downstairs. Then he saw Quirrell turn his head, a trace of surprise and regret flashed across his expression, but it was quickly covered up by fatigue.

"Headmaster Dumbledore."

Quirrell said to him in memory, his voice was very tired.

Dumbledore squinted his eyes, looked at Quirrell's figure, sighed and shook his head slowly - his tired expression could be faked, but his movements were neat and decisive, and he didn't look like a tired person...

That day, my mind was not on this... He sighed in his heart, and then waved his magic wand, disrupting the world in his memory.

Walking out of his memory again, the old man was almost certain that the professor he wanted to retain was the person he had been looking for for an entire academic year.

"Did failure change you so much?"

He whispered softly, his voice full of exhaustion and regret.

Tired because he realized that this enemy was much stronger than before - not magic, but mind - it was not so easy to defeat him.

It's a pity because he knows more about this student.

This student changed, but it was too late. He could not start his life over again. He was destined not to tolerate him. The entire wizarding world...

He cannot be tolerated either.


There was the sound of a door opening at the spiral staircase, followed by hurried footsteps.

"Dumbledore, what are you doing?"

Before Professor McGonagall came up, the voice had already arrived, "Harry and the others have already gone, if we don't..."

Her voice suddenly stopped, and she looked at Dumbledore in surprise - they had known each other for many years, and this was the first time she had seen this old man, who showed such clear signs of exhaustion and confusion.

"What's wrong?" she asked in surprise.

"Meg, Mag..."

The old man murmured twice, and then let out a long breath. It seemed that he was trying to cheer up, but it was very difficult - there had never been a moment when Mag felt so real...

Dumbledore is old.

"Did something happen?" Professor McGonagall walked forward quickly, the sound of "ta da da da" footsteps coming from under her feet. This sound seemed to hit Dumbledore's heart, making him more energetic, "What do I have? Can I help you?"

"I need your memory of that Quidditch match."

With McGonagall supporting his arm, Dumbledore finally came out of his trance. He looked like a re-energized lion, and his words were full of undeniable power.

"Where does it start and where does it end?" Mag responded immediately.

She no longer cares about Harry and the others, she just wants to help Dumbledore, no matter what he wants to do.

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