Is this class so scary?

Harry waved his hand and Hagrid’s arm was healed instantly.

“Thank you, Harry. Hagrid smiled at Harry.

“So how should we deal with it?”Hagrid continued to teach the course, his eyes firm and steady. He fearlessly grabbed the restless and bad-tempered Hippogriff and pulled it to his side in a tough manner.”Although it looks quite fierce and frightening, it is actually very gentle at heart.”

All the students subconsciously looked at his torn coat.

Obviously, this statement was not very credible.

“You must be careful when approaching it, and your movements must be gentle, and you must not be too rough or aggressive.”

“Then, bow to it with great respect and politeness. Remember, your attitude must be extremely humble and polite.”

“If it does not respond to your bow, or even shows resistance, it is likely to attack. At this time, its hard wings and sharp claws will become its extremely threatening weapons.”

“However, if it bows back to you, it means it is happy to be close to you. At this time, you can gently touch it and feed it some delicious snacks. I specially prepared some delicious dried mice and rabbits.”

“After you have a deep communication with each other, you can pat its back gently. If it does not resist and bends down, it means you can ride it, and it will take you on a wonderful and romantic flying journey.”

At this point, Hagrid’s tone became particularly serious, revealing a solemn atmosphere:”If your bow is not responded to, then you must turn around and leave as soon as possible. Because it will regard you as a threatening enemy and launch a swift attack.”

“Is there any brave student willing to try it first?”

The little wizards turned pale and stepped back, shaking their heads. The hippogriff only left a bloody scar on Hagrid, but if it were them, a large piece of flesh would be dug out.

Hagrid’s tone gradually softened:”No one? They are really very easy to approach.”

“Let me do it.”Harry stood up.

This was Hagrid’s first class, and Hagrid couldn’t let him stop.

Hagrid breathed a sigh of relief.

Harry followed what Hagrid said, walked forward and bowed to it. The grumpy hippogriff glanced at Harry and quickly bowed back.

Animals are much more sensitive than humans.

This lets it know what to do to save its life.

With Harry as an example, and riding the hippogriff leisurely in the sky.

Many little wizards were also moved. Flying on a broom and flying on an animal are different feelings. Many brave wizards also stepped forward and began to contact the hippogriff.

The atmosphere in the classroom suddenly became lively.

Hagrid touched his beard, looking at this scene with excitement and pride. The surprise he had prepared for a long time was really loved by the students.

Harry was protecting Hagrid’s safety in the classroom.

Malfoy had just come out of the school infirmary in the morning. He didn’t want to go back in one day. Twice, so he acted cautiously and followed Hagrid’s instructions.

The Hippogriff also bowed to him and took him flying for a circle, which made him smile.

But Neville was too nervous. As soon as he climbed onto the Hippogriff, he grabbed his feathers fiercely and pulled them off with too much force. The Hippogriff threw him off directly.

Fortunately, Harry was paying attention all the time. With a wave of his wand, Neville landed safely.

Hagrid also pulled the poor Hippogriff, which had lost two feathers, to the side and fed it a bucket of rat jerky.

The students left one after another.

This Care of Magical Creatures class made them feel very exciting. Even the Slytherin students no longer looked at Hagrid coldly after flying in the sky. After all, they were just a group of students and did not have such great malice. They walked towards the castle while discussing enthusiastically.

Defense Against the Dark Arts and Care of Magical Creatures classes, the two new professors left a good impression on them.

“Hagrid, you should pay attention to your class schedule in the future.” Harry and the others did not leave immediately. Hermione was like the vice principal, commenting on Hagrid’s teaching plan. She sighed and said,”Such a dangerous creature is brought up in the first class. What if the students are in danger?”

“Harry said,”Luckily Norbert was sent away, otherwise you would have to lead him out.”

Hagrid didn’t pay any attention to what Hermione said before. He looked at her with surprise and said,”Harry, you really understand me the best! I wanted to bring Norbert here when I was preparing for class. This summer, I even wrote to Charlie to ask if he could lend me Norbert, but the dragon farm has regulations…….”

“”Hagrid!” Hermione’s eyes widened,”If you do this, you will definitely go to Azkaban.”

Harry also nodded and said sincerely,”I miss him a little bit, too. Maybe you can ask Charlie to give you a few pieces of Norbert’s meat, so that we can miss him better together.”

Hagrid looked at him in horror,”No, no, Norbert is not a creature that can be eaten casually.”

Harry showed regret. After all, Hagrid was its owner, and it was not easy for him to ask Charlie directly for things on Norbert’s body.

Then he also gave relevant suggestions,”To be honest, I also think it’s a bit inappropriate. Next time, can you choose some 3X-level magical beasts? Isn’t there a Moon Beast nearby?”

Hagrid nodded,”Well, you’re right, I……”

He suddenly seemed to have thought of something, looked at Harry in horror, and said,”How do you know there is a moon beast nearby?”

“I’m very familiar with the Forbidden Forest. I come here almost every day at night.” Harry answered casually.

Hagrid raised his voice involuntarily:”Every day?”

“I only met you once in the Forbidden Forest, when the unicorn died.”

Harry’s mouth curled up and he whispered,”I meet you every night. I have to say, Hagrid, you are still very responsible.”

Hagrid was stunned.

He frowned and recalled when he had met Harry in the Forbidden Forest, but when he looked down, he saw that Fang had lost his cheerful expression and had been shrinking beside his legs. He knew something in his heart.

“In the Forbidden Forest, every time Fang suddenly got scared, it was when he met you?”He stared at Harry and told his guess.

He always wondered why Fang suddenly got scared when he was patrolling well. At first, he thought there was some dangerous animal approaching, but after a few nervous moments, he found that there was no such thing. He was still curious about why Fang was like this.

Harry nodded honestly.

“Is it your Invisibility Cloak?”Hagrid guessed Harry’s method of invisibility and patted his head.

“Harry, students are not allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest. Don’t allow it next time……”

But Hermione interrupted Hagrid without hesitation:”That’s not the point.”

“We all know Harry’s strength, he can ensure his own safety!”

Hagrid looked at her in disbelief and muttered:”Hermione, even you say that.”

Hermione blushed and her voice became louder:”I am telling the truth, and I am discussing your classroom order with you very seriously, Hagrid, listen carefully!”

Hagrid nodded repeatedly, listening to Hermione talking about the things that should be paid attention to in class.

He even took out his wand and asked the pen to write down Hermione’s opinions.

For example…

You can’t be too partial in class, even with the most familiar students, you must maintain an ordinary teacher-student relationship on the surface.

You can’t pull out the animals you think are cute at will according to your own ideas. He is the only one in the whole Hogwarts who can press the hippogriff to the ground with his bare hands.

Not everyone can raise 4X dangerous animals as small animals.

Of course, Hagrid listened, but whether he could execute it was the key.

Fortunately, although Hagrid was reckless, he was not He is a stubborn person.

They didn’t have time to stay too long.

There was one last class next, Ancient Runes.

Compared with their Defense Against the Dark Arts and Care of Magical Creatures classes, this class seemed quite boring. The professor of Ancient Runes was Professor Bathsheda Barbling. Her hair fell on her shoulders like a waterfall. Her eyes were deep and bright, and her voice was crisp and pleasant, like a silver bell.

But this class only had theoretical knowledge that students hated the most, which still made people lose their spirits.

But there was no way.

This class was essentially learning a new language, and they could only start from the most basic characters.

What made them most frustrated was that Professor Bathsheda Barbling announced to them that they would have to take literacy classes like today for at least three weeks.

The last class was another boring theoretical learning class.

Ron was already drowsy.

He yawned and then looked up the class schedule:”I have to go to bed early tonight.

Fortunately, there are not many classes tomorrow.

” The following is the polished content after adding the character’s psychological description:

“”Let me see, the next Runes class is on Thursday, oops… no! It’s after Potions!” He couldn’t help but wail in his heart, what he feared was what happened, these two classes were the most painful to him, and they were unexpectedly scheduled together.

Hermione looked helpless and corrected his mistake unhappily:”How can they be connected? There is obviously a Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the middle.”

Ron’s voice sounded even more painful:”Oh my God, Professor Lupin will assign a 7-inch long paper!”

Hermione said earnestly:”But at least it allows us to make up for the two years of knowledge we have missed. This year we can finally get an O in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.”

Harry smiled and said:”This arrangement is just right. After Snape scolds you, you won’t be sleepy in the Runes class.”

Ron sighed helplessly, and followed them back to the hall with a heavy heart.

After dinner, they returned to the lounge, and Harry went to Professor McGonagall’s office.

On the first day of school, he had to go and get detention on his own initiative. It was not good for the professor to decide such things personally.

When Harry knocked on Professor McGonagall’s door,

McGonagall opened the door and saw Harry smiling, and her heart sank.

“Harry, what are you doing here?” she asked tentatively, perhaps not what she had in mind.

“Professor, I have to go to the Forbidden Forest tonight, so I’ll give him detention early.” Professor McGonagall couldn’t help but shudder. Although she knew that Harry was particularly positive about”detention”, the kid would at least come to her again after making a mistake.

But this semester, he even said that he would give him detention early, and he didn’t even ask for her opinion, and directly finalized the”detention”.

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