At the end stood a two-meter-high cabinet quietly, like a silent giant. Just as

Lupin walked over, the cabinet suddenly began to shake violently, making a loud”bang bang” sound, as if something mysterious and terrible was struggling, trying to break out of the door.

The young wizards were a little panicked, and they collectively stumbled back, pushing at least two meters away, with some fear in their eyes.

Last year, some magical creatures left terrible psychological shadows in their hearts.

For example, a basilisk.

Of course, a 5X-level dangerous magical animal like a basilisk, not to mention how precious it is, Lupin himself is not sure how to control the basilisk and make it become a teaching tool.

“Don’t be afraid, there’s only a Boggart in there.” Lupin raised his hand calmly, his voice calm and gentle. His body was thin, but he seemed to have a calming power.

“Before the practice, I still need to test your theoretical knowledge. So the first question is, what is a Boggart?

Hermione was still the first to raise her hand, with a confident light in her eyes. In terms of learning, she has always been second, and the first is Harry. She has given up the fight.

She has been a scoring weapon for Gryffindor since the second year, but Harry does not count. Since the second year, the professors have not given Harry extra points.

Harry stood there calmly, observing Lupin’s teaching level.

“Miss Granger.”Lupin smiled and nodded.

Hermione recited the entry fluently:”Boggart is a dark magic creature that feeds on fear. It will magically transform into the most feared thing in the heart of the person facing it, so as to scare the other party and achieve the purpose of predation.”

Harry suddenly thought that Dementors feed on happiness and emit fear, while Boggarts feed on fear. The two seem to be a bit mutually exclusive. I don’t know what will happen if they are put together.

But Boggarts have no other means of attack except for transforming fear, so the Ministry of Magic’s evaluation is not as high as Dementors.

“Very good.” Lupin nodded with satisfaction and said without hesitation,”One point for Gryffindor.”

Well, not as exaggerated as Lockhart’s point.

“Okay, the second question, where do Boggarts usually appear?”

He didn’t continue to ask Hermione to raise her hand. He looked at other students, as if to encourage them to actively answer the question.

As if encouraged by the expectation in Lupin’s eyes, many students below, including the little lions and little badgers, bravely raised their hands.

“Mr. Robert.”

This is a young Hufflepuff wizard, he calmly replied:”It usually likes to hide in dark and closed spaces.”

“Very good, one point for Hufflepuff too.”

The badgers smiled.

It would liven up the teaching atmosphere and maintain a balance between the two colleges.

Lupin said with a gentle smile on his face:”The content of the Defense Against the Dark Arts course is rich and complex, but I have thought about it for a long time. In my first class, I will teach you the most important thing in the Defense Against the Dark Arts course, which is to overcome your inner fear.”

“Your practice is far from the normal level. For some reason, it is far behind the normal level. Even though your current magic level has reached a certain level, you often panic when facing unknown things, such as just now. But in fact, the dark magic creatures that can move freely outside the wizarding world are not that scary.”He swept his eyes across the faces of each little wizard, with encouragement and trust.

“As long as you can overcome the fear in your heart, even a first-year wizard can defeat the troll.”At this point, he glanced at Harry intentionally or unintentionally.

Ron muttered in a low voice:”Professor, that’s Harry.”

The other little wizards also nodded, with admiration and envy on their faces.

“Okay.” Lupin smiled helplessly,”But I promise that as long as you can get proud grades in Transfiguration and Charms this year,‘O’, is enough to easily deal with ordinary giant monsters.”

The little wizards looked at Harry at the same time, their eyes full of curiosity and amazement.

At that time, Harry was only a first-year wizard, and he had just entered the magical world of Hogwarts for only a month.

Sure enough, the gap between people is sometimes greater than that between people and dogs.

“But why does the Ministry of Magic define that only adult wizards can deal with trolls, and despite this, some adult wizards also have difficulty dealing with trolls?”Lupin asked himself and answered,”That’s because of fear!”

“Because they are afraid, terrified, the giants are too big. They know the characteristics of giants, they are extremely powerful, their bodies have high magic resistance, but they subconsciously ignore their weaknesses, they move slowly, their brains are poor.”

“Although the Boggart is a dangerous creature of level XXX, we have a big advantage when facing it. Does anyone know what it is?”

Hermione was still the first to raise her hand immediately……….

However, Lupin still did not cast his eyes on her. Perhaps he had someone in mind. He only took a quick look at the crowd and immediately locked his eyes on Neville, who was hesitant to speak and lacked the courage to raise his hand. He called softly,”Mr. Longbottom?”

When Neville’s name was called, his face was obviously panicked, and the little wizards around him all turned their eyes to him……….

This made him even more nervous, and his body twisted unconsciously.

“I think you know, maybe?” Lupin’s mouth corners slightly raised, and his tone slowly revealed a hint of tenderness.

This tenderness gave Neville the courage, and he stuttered and answered:”I…our…”

But Lupin still comforted her patiently:”Come on, don’t be anxious, talk slowly, I know you must know it, just tell me what you know.”

“We are numerous.” Neville clenched his fists, took a deep breath and finally whispered,”A Boggart can only transform into something that a person fears. Facing so many people, it will be at a loss as to what to transform into.”

Lupin was the first to applaud vigorously, his voice loud and clear:”It’s simply outstanding, this speech is really ingenious!”

“Gryffindor gives Mr. Longbottom two points for his outstanding performance!”

The badgers and lion cubs applauded enthusiastically, and their eyes softened when they looked at Lupin.

This professor was completely different from Lockhart.

They immediately had a good impression of Lupin.


‘s face flushed red, and tears were about to burst out. He had also gotten extra points in Lockhart’s class, but those were for playing the clown.

This time, he really got the professor’s affirmation by answering the questions. For him, the two were completely different.

Lupin went on,”Mr. Longbottom is right, so when dealing with a Boggart, it’s best to go with two people, otherwise it will collapse.”

“I once saw a Boggart who wanted to scare two people at the same time. He wanted to turn into a spider and a slug, but he turned into a slug with eight legs, which was not scary at all.

The students below complained in their hearts, isn’t this even scarier?

“The spell to deal with the Boggart is very simple. Listen to me.——‘Funny Funny’”Professor Lupin stood up straight, holding the wand in his right hand, and waved it gently in the air, and his steady voice slowly rang out in the classroom.

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