Harry frowned and left the Gryffindor common room, heading for the Defense Against the Dark Arts office. After leaving the common room, the golden eyeball stopped warning him.

This made him stop.

In other words, the person who just had ill intentions was in the common room?

Who in Gryffindor would be dissatisfied with him? If there really was someone, they should have taken action in the first two semesters, especially in the first semester, which was when he was at his weakest and the best time to take action.

But if they took action now,……It doesn’t seem to be a wise thing to do.

Harry put this question aside for the time being and knocked on the door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor’s office.

Knock, knock, knock – Harry knocked on the door, and almost the next second, Lupin opened the door, as if he had been waiting behind the door.

The amulet did not sound an alarm, and Crookshanks still lay in Harry’s arms in a lazy posture.

There was a reason why Harry brought Crookshanks here. The golden eyeball is a magical item after all. If there are anti-magic items in Lupin’s office, the golden eyeball will be ineffective.

But as a half-blood cat-nine, Crookshanks has a very sensitive perception – this cannot be blocked.

“”Harry, you’re here.” Lupin stepped aside and wanted to welcome Harry in.

Harry didn’t rush in, but waved his wand. A book flew out of the bag and turned into a little rabbit. It jumped into the bag and jumped out again.

After making sure there was no trap, he stepped in.

Lupin was not dissatisfied with Harry’s behavior. On the contrary, a trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes. He gently closed the door.

“If only James could be as cautious as you.” Lupin couldn’t help but sigh, with a hint of regret in his tone,”He is like Sirius, a typical Gryffindor, impulsive and reckless.”

“I had guessed it a long time ago.” Harry nodded in response,”How reckless must one be to dare to make friends with a werewolf.”

Panic flashed in Lupin’s eyes, and he said with a stuttering tone:”You, you know?”

Harry sat on the chair, pointed to the opposite side and said:”Sit down, Professor.”

As if he was the owner of this office.

Lupin walked to the chair with stiff steps and sat down.

“Before looking for you, I went to Dumbledore first and learned some things about you!” Harry smiled.

Lupin smiled bitterly:”Then you can ask Dumbledore.”

Harry shook his head and said:”You are my father’s good friend, you must know much more about things than him.”

“In terms of personality, you are very similar to Lily.”Lupin said, staring into Harry’s eyes.

Harry also looked at him. Now that the deepest secret in his heart had been spoken out by himself, if he had any malicious intentions, they would have been revealed.

But no, the golden eyes still did not issue a warning.

Crookshanks was still sleeping peacefully on his knees.

Harry stroked Crookshanks’ body.

Lupin lowered his head, his face full of shame:”I’m sorry, I haven’t visited you all these years.”

“No need to apologize, the past is the past, and I am fine living alone.”Harry said expressionlessly.

“Let’s continue talking about my father.” Harry brought the topic back.

“Because I am a werewolf, I have always been reluctant to interact with people at school. James, Sirius and Peter are my best friends.”

“Even when I went out to transform on a full moon night, they were by my side.”

Harry leaned back slightly:”I am sure I don’t have a werewolf curse.”

“”Ahem, I haven’t bitten anyone!” Lupin coughed twice, looking calm,”If I had bitten anyone, Professor Dumbledore wouldn’t have let me come here to be a professor. He would have even put me in Azkaban when he found me.””

“Dumbledore also comforted me, saying that you will be a very good professor, and this year’s Defense Against the Dark Arts class will finally be taught properly.”Harry smiled faintly.

“I will try my best to be a good professor.” Lupin nodded repeatedly, as if he was making an assurance to his leader, and even he himself did not notice the incongruity.

Seeing that Lupin was a little nervous, Harry comforted him:”As long as you can teach according to the textbook and add some practical courses, you will surpass Tom and Lockhart in teaching level.”

“Who is Tom?” Lupin asked softly with a puzzled look on his face.”I once asked about your first-year professor, and it was obviously Quirrell.”

“Tom is Voldemort.” Harry explained to him in a relaxed tone,”Quirrel was possessed by Voldemort at the time, and I killed him again myself.”

·········Request flowers·······

·········Request flowers·······

“It was almost the same last year, when Tom possessed Lockhart and caused chaos and foul smell in Hogwarts.” A trace of indignation emerged on Harry’s face. After listening to this, Lupin tilted his head back slightly and involuntarily took a breath of cold air. He had never heard Dumbledore mention these things before.

At this moment, Lupin thought to himself that compared with Voldemort, his identity as a werewolf was probably not a big problem.

Harry waved his hand to summon two cups, then tapped on the two cups, which were full of black tea.”Drink some tea to calm your nerves, and let’s get back to the topic on the train.”…………………………..

“How do you think Sirius escaped from Azkaban?”

Lupin smiled bitterly and took a sip of the teacup. He saw that Harry was in complete control of the situation, but he did not feel disgusted. After hearing what Harry said, he hesitated for a moment and said,”Do you understand Animagus now?”

“I have been studying with Professor McGonagall since the first grade, and she has given me several Transfiguration notebooks of herself and her father.”Harry responded,”I will try the Animagus transformation this year.”

Lupin opened his mouth with surprise,”Are you trying the most advanced Transfiguration in the third grade? You are better than your father. If James and Lily were still here, they would be happy for you. It’s just that James is different from you. He did not ask the professor for advice, but rashly tried the Animagus with Sirius and Peter, just to accompany me on the full moon night.”

He had a happy smile on his face. He was a werewolf, but he had several brothers who accompanied him regardless of danger. It was rare to have a confidant in life. This made him, a lonely werewolf, feel what true friendship was for the first time.

“They were all so reckless, but luckily they were lucky and they all succeeded without any bad changes.”

Harry stroked Crookshanks’s soft fur:”So Sirius escaped from Azkaban with the help of Animagus?”

Black was mentioned, but the golden eyes still did not give any warning.

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