When Harry and Ron woke up and went downstairs to the hall, Arthur and Molly had returned with bags of things, and there were many snacks and candies on the dining table.

“Harry, Ron, we are going to travel to Egypt tomorrow!” George saw the two of them and shouted happily

“Oh, is it so sudden?”Harry blinked. Ron and his family were going on a trip, so he had to go back.

“Harry, you come with us, and we will cover all the expenses. Arthur seemed to see what Harry was thinking and said

“That won’t do, Mr. Weasley.” Harry shook his head quickly. Although he didn’t know how much money they won, he couldn’t let others pay for his travel expenses.

Arthur walked to Harry, put his hands on his shoulders, and said sincerely,”Don’t refuse. This is a little gift from us. And this trip will definitely be very interesting. We can enjoy the beautiful scenery and taste the local food together.”

“Is that so?”Harry was still a little hesitant.

Ron also ran to Harry and said,”It’s okay, Harry, we all treat you as family.”

Harry was stunned, and looked at Molly, Percy, George and others, all of whom were looking at him with a smile. He showed a gentle smile on his face and said,”Well, thank you for your invitation, I am looking forward to this trip.”

The Weasleys were packing their luggage at night, and they will directly apply for the Floo Network in Egypt tomorrow morning.

Arthur had already applied for a day off, and then he applied for another month’s leave.

Anyway, he is the director, and it is up to him to approve the leave. As long as nothing goes wrong, no one will know that you are not at work.

In order to attract more people to buy lottery tickets, the Daily Prophet specially took a close-up front page for the Weasley family and Harry in Egypt. The

Weasley family is notoriously poor among pure bloods. Even they won the lottery. Is there anyone who doubts the authenticity of the lottery?

The next person to win the first prize is you. Don’t hesitate, come and buy it!

The Daily Prophet blatantly advertised itself under the photo.

Harry also saw many foreign wizards and magical animals in Egypt. Arthur had friends in the Egyptian Ministry of Magic, and his eldest son Bill also worked in Egypt.

Bill was the first to see Harry, but he was also very enthusiastic, probably because Arthur and Molly told him that Harry had saved Ginny.

After all, Ginny was the darling of their family.

He gave Harry a necklace in the shape of a golden eyeball, and explained that it was attached with magic that could distinguish between good and evil, and it would last for at least 5 or 6 years.

Harry happily accepted it and put it around his neck.

With them as tour guides, Harry also saw the magical animals in Egypt.

The most famous one is the Sphinx, a magical animal with a human head and a lion body, who likes to ask people questions..

Ron couldn’t answer and was almost beaten by the angry Sphinx. Then he was beaten by Harry. Harry pointed his wand at his head and he lay on the ground, not daring to move. He could feel that the little wizard in front of him had really killed magical animals.

Sun Beetle: A beetle that emits dazzling light. It is said to bring good luck and light. Ginny bought one as a souvenir.

Oasis Elf: A small elf living in an oasis that can control the slight element of water.

Desert Ghost: A transparent ghost creature that floats in the desert and often scares passing travelers. Ron was so scared that he almost took out his wand for a life-and-death duel.

Egyptian Stone Beast: A creature made of stone with great strength and defense. power.

Pharaoh’s Eagle: A giant bird of prey, it was the loyal guard of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh.

Harry was very envious, but these magical creatures were all protected and kept in captivity by the Egyptian Ministry of Magic.

They could not be killed unless they were wild monsters.

Harry, Ron, and the twin brothers were visiting a pyramid. Arthur and Molly went to the bar with his friends for a drink. Bill took Percy and Ginny shopping, leaving the four children, not too big or too small, to play together.

The wizard from the Egyptian Ministry of Magic told them that as long as they didn’t touch the things in the pyramid, there would be no danger.

But their not moving didn’t mean that others wouldn’t move.

Under the silent watchful eyes of Harry and the others, a group of people sneaked into the pyramid.

“How did a Muggle get in here?”Ron looked at those people curiously.

Harry took out his wand and tapped Ron and George, then tapped himself. He felt a layer of ice water pouring down, and his whole body was as if covered with a thin film.

“I don’t know, maybe a cultural relic thief.” Harry said softly.

“Should we stop them?” George asked with a frown.

“If they didn’t touch the magic items, we wouldn’t have to worry about them. After all, the Muggle world’s affairs should be left to the Muggles themselves to solve. Otherwise, how can we explain to them why we appeared at the scene?” Harry thought for a moment and said

“That’s right!”The three nodded.

“Hey, let’s follow them secretly and see what they do.”Ron had a bad taste in his heart.

This was in line with the twins’ idea, but Harry didn’t care.

The four of them followed them openly, and they couldn’t see them anyway.

The leading man suddenly stopped and looked back.

“”What’s wrong, O’Connor?” a woman next to him asked

“Why do I feel like someone is following us?” O’Connor looked around suspiciously, but he didn’t see anyone else except them.

“Huh? Don’t try to scare me!” The woman approached a big man with a gun.

The big man pointed the gun at O’Connor expressionlessly,”Don’t play tricks, O’Connor!”

O’Connor raised his hands helplessly and said,”Calm down, Jonathan, I really feel like someone is following us”

“Then find him out! Don’t tell me it’s a ghost, or I’ll turn you into a ghost and see if you can follow us!” Jonathan also looked around and sneered.

·········Request flowers·········

·········Request flowers·········

O’Connor remained silent, after all, the man on the other side was holding a gun.

“”Okay, keep going, Evelyn, stay with me.” Jonathan said to the woman who had just approached him.

Evelyn nodded, and the group continued to move forward.

After they walked away, Ron patted his chest and let out a long sigh. Just now, he relied on the Disillusionment Charm to run directly behind O’Connor, and made some boxing movements from time to time, which attracted O’Connor’s attention.

Just now, when he turned his head, Ron was scared and dared not move.

He was afraid that the Disillusionment Charm on his body would fail.

But Harry was still reliable and did not let this happen.

“Don’t get so close, the Disillusionment Charm is not a Vanishing Charm, if he had just touched you from behind, you would have been exposed.” Harry walked up to him and whispered

You say, should we make it a little more difficult for them?” George smiled with a malicious smile………….


“Cool, I’ve just been thinking about this.” Fred high-fived him and said

“Can’t we not use magic during the holidays?” Harry said suspiciously.

“Haha, that’s under the supervision of the British Ministry of Magic. We are here under the jurisdiction of the Egyptian Ministry of Magic, so as long as we don’t use wands, it’s fine.” George smiled widely.

“After all, the other party is not a good person, he might be a tomb robber, so we are doing this to help the people!” Fred found a very suitable reason for their behavior.

“Well, as long as you don’t hurt anyone.” Harry had no intention of stopping them, as serious tourists would not enter the mausoleum with guns.

Ron looked at the twins with envy. With his level, he couldn’t cast spells silently without a wand.

Although the twins were a little naughty, their grades had never fallen out of the top ten in the grade.

With their excellent magic level as fourth-grade students, they could barely cast some simple spells silently without a wand.

For example, the levitation spell.

The people walking in front did not notice that there were some gravel on their heads unknowingly.

George waved his hand lightly, and the gravel fell instantly, hitting them on the head.

“What’s going on?”O’Connor and the others immediately took precautions, looking around and above their heads.

Jonathan took out his gun and was ready to shoot at any time, but after waiting for a while, nothing happened.

The vigilance of the crowd gradually disappeared.

“”It’s probably some small rocks above that have loosened and fallen down. Don’t make a fuss.” Jonathan lowered his gun and said. O’Connor whispered to everyone:”Remember, move gently and don’t trigger any mechanism.��

They continued walking cautiously. The passage was filled with dust, the light of the torches flickered in the darkness, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

Ron covered his mouth and laughed behind them.

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