“Forehead”The vampire struggled and uttered meaningless murmurs. With the explosion of the lightning spear, the vampire’s body also flew away.

Chen Feng took a look at the dead drunkard. The vampire did not use the First Embrace on him, so he did not transform into a vampire, but just died. With an indifferent expression, his figure disappeared from the spot.

But not long after, two people wearing black hoods and covering their faces appeared at the spot.

“Reds was killed.” A clear and pleasant female voice rang out.

“Who killed him, a werewolf? Or another vampire?” A middle-aged man’s voice responded

“The smell is like a human. It seems that Reds had just finished hunting and was discovered and died.”The female voice said

“So what should we do now? Anyway, we came out to hunt down this traitor. Now that he is dead, why don’t we just go back?” said the male voice.

“Hunting Redes is our royal family’s business. I want to see who interfered in this matter.”The female voice said

“Well, you decide.”

“I have memorized his smell, let’s go.”

The two figures disappeared on the spot.

The next day, Harry went to Diagon Alley and found Madam Malkin.

He gave her the snake scales, hoping that she could make a pair of light and comfortable inner armor that would not affect movement.

Hogwarts was too unsafe, and he had to add some protection measures to prevent sudden attacks.

Harry had seen how high the magic resistance of the basilisk was.

Even Flitwick’s spell had little effect on it.

Harry estimated that as long as it was not hit by a sophisticated dark wizard with the Killing Curse, he would not die immediately.

There is no solution to the Killing Curse, but the power is also divided into sizes. If there is not enough malice and murderous intent, even if the Killing Curse is used, it may only make people bleed from the nose.

Madam Malkin said that this was just a small matter, but Some materials are needed.

Harry took out all the materials he got from killing magical creatures in Clayfield Forest from his cloth bag, spread them all over the table, and let Madam Malkin choose.

Although Madam Malkin was also a person who had seen the world, she was also surprised to see Harry carrying so many materials with him.

After selecting a few materials that could be used, Madam Malkin said that some other materials were needed. Harry didn’t have them, but she could help buy them. It would take some gold Galleons and time.

Harry paid her 200 gold Galleons on the spot as a deposit.

After walking out of Diagon Alley and returning to the restaurant to finish a day’s work, Harry walked back home.

But Harry’s originally calm eyes gradually turned cold, and he turned into a dark and deserted alley.

“How long are you going to follow me?” Harry said coldly in the dark.

After opening the eyes of perspective, Harry saw two people in black robes and hoods appear in the alley.

A yellow light flashed in Harry’s eyes, and the slowing down technique was silently applied to the two people.

No matter whether they were enemies or friends, they would first be given a slowing down BUFF when they met, and then a layer of speeding up BUFF would be added to themselves.

In this way, no matter what happened, they would have time to deal with it.

“Who are you?” Harry asked

“Last night, you killed a vampire, it was you.” A female voice sounded

“Oh? Are you his accomplices, here to seek revenge?” Harry’s eyes flashed fiercely, and his fingers moved slightly, ready to cast a spell at any time.

“No, we came here specifically to hunt him down. His name is Reds, and he violated the rules of our royal family. He is a traitor.”The female voice continued

“Then why are you following me? I helped you deal with the traitor, do you want to deal with me?” Harry frowned and asked

“We will solve the royal family’s affairs ourselves. We just came to see who killed him!” said the female voice

“I killed him, and then what?” Harry looked at her indifferently and said

“The royal family has a rule that vampires cannot be exposed to ordinary people to reduce the risk of being discovered and attacked by humans, so your presence will expose our existence.”The female voice said

“”That’s enough. I don’t want to waste my time talking to you. You just want to get rid of me too.” Harry waved his hand.

A vampire on the left suddenly jumped up and tried to rush towards Harry at top speed, but found that his body was very heavy and his speed was the same as that of an ordinary person running.

“”Thunderbolt.” Harry raised his hand and a lightning spear instantly appeared in his hand.

“Wizard?”The two people on the opposite side were shocked.

·········Request flowers·······

·········Request flowers·······

“Go.” Harry shot the lightning spear in his hand at the vampire coming towards him.

The vampire looked at this scene in horror. His current speed was too slow and he could not avoid this attack at all. He could only quickly raise his hands and barely make a blocking action in front of his chest. At the same time when the lightning spear pierced his hands, he twisted his body fiercely.

The spear that was originally stabbing at his chest deviated from its position, and pierced his left shoulder together with his hands, and then the penetrating force nailed him to the wall.

The vampire couldn’t help but show his two sharp fangs and howled.

The remaining female vampires looked at Harry with a serious expression and uttered two words:”Pain!”

An invisible wave spread to Harry’s body……………………

Harry felt a pain that penetrated deep into his bones. It was not just physical pain, but more like a burning pain in his soul.

“Dark magic?”A blue light flashed in Harry’s eyes.

While healing his own injuries, it also eliminated all adverse effects.

The pain disappeared instantly.

“Are you okay?”The female vampire was surprised to see Harry was safe and sound.

It was the first time she met someone who was not afraid of her curse.

Harry raised his lips slightly towards her, and his body suddenly disappeared from her sight.

She hurriedly shook her head left and right to look for Harry’s figure.

“Hello, are you looking for me?”A cold voice came from behind her

“Jane, be careful, behind you.” The vampire who was stuck in the wall by the lightning spear shouted loudly.

“What?”Jane wanted to turn back.

But it was already night.

“Forehead”Her abdomen was pierced by an ice-attributed lightning.

Thunderbolt Ice not only has the paralysis of lightning, but can also freeze the enemy.

Jane only felt waves of numbness and freezing in her abdomen, and she couldn’t even feel much pain.

“Now can you tell me about the royal family you mentioned?”Harry did not kill them. He wanted to find out their background and identity from the two vampires so that they would not be harassed in their lives.

To avoid this situation, of course, he had to find their lair and kill them all!

This would eliminate the trouble in the future.

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