Back in the lounge,

Harry and his friends found an empty seat and sat down.

Harry snapped his fingers, and a large cup of hot cocoa appeared on the table.

“Ginny, have a few sips of cocoa, it can relieve your stress.”Harry said. Ginny took the cocoa and drank it slowly.

The sadness on her face was indeed much relieved.

High-sugar drinks can always bring people a sense of pleasure.

“Harry, is Ginny okay? You said her vitality is…”Although Ron didn’t understand much, he knew that Ginny was in trouble.

He didn’t know when he touched the wand again, maybe he felt that the wand could make him feel more at ease.

“Don’t worry, Ginny is fine now. I have used magic to restore her life force that was sucked away.” Harry waved his hand, signaling him to relax.

“”No matter what, I have to thank you this time, Harry, you saved Ginny!” Percy showed a grateful look to Harry.

The twin brothers also nodded.

“It’s a small matter. I treat Ginny as my sister. If she gets into trouble, I will definitely help her.”Harry said with a smile.

But he didn’t notice that Ginny puffed up her face quietly.

Hermione noticed it and pursed her lips.

“Even if her vitality is restored, her memory is damaged, and I don’t know if there are any other side effects. After all, powerful black magic has a huge negative impact.”Pussy waved her wand and carefully examined Ginny.

“Percy, don’t worry, at least Ginny is not the heir.” George said with a smile, trying to ease the atmosphere around him.

“No, no, no, if Gryffindor becomes the heir, all Slytherins will be so angry that they will vomit blood and die.”Fred pretended to be so angry that he would vomit blood.

“Hahaha.” Everyone present was amused by Fred’s appearance. When they imagined the appearance of the pure-bloods in Slytherin, they all laughed.

Percy’s expression was no longer serious:”If Ginny becomes the heir, then Mom will send Ginny to the hospital for a check-up.”

“Once we went to St. Mungo’s Hospital for a checkup, we found that Ginny was very healthy, maybe just a little malnourished, but that might be because our family was too poor.”George said

“Then she will be fat and white during her seven years at Hogwarts, especially she can eat the delicious food made by Harry every year!”Fred showed a look of aftertaste.

Ginny’s face wrinkled. Although she was panicked at the moment, she couldn’t help but giggle when she heard what George and Fred said. The tension and panic in her heart also disappeared a lot.

Percy subconsciously agreed with Fred’s statement, and then used her wand to touch the hot cocoa in Ginny’s hand, and the drink in the cup was full again.

“Drink some more, it’s good for you!”

“Lucius hurt Ginny like this, we have to take revenge!”Ron clenched his fist and said, he also wanted to do something for his sister.

The twins’ eyes lit up.

“Then we can….”George said meaningfully

“It’s not right for seniors to attack juniors.” Percy said.

This is an unspoken rule in Hogwarts.

Seniors are not allowed to take the initiative to attack juniors.

Otherwise, it will be a mess.

George and Fred looked at Ron.

Ron blushed and said,”I’m going to duel him!”

He raised his wand high, with high spirits.

“Your current spell level is probably about the same as his, but your wand is not good enough, so you will suffer.”Harry said calmly.

Ron looked at his wand, which was covered with cracks. It had already supported Ron’s usual learning.

If it was used in a fierce duel, it would probably be scrapped in advance.

“I’ll go.” Hermione said

“No, this is Weasley’s revenge!”Ron shook his head, not wanting Hermione to join in.

Harry took out a bottle of green liquid potion

“What is this?”Ron felt that it looked familiar, but he couldn’t remember where he had seen it.

“In the first year, Neville made a potion to treat scabies. Harry said calmly.

“You, you still stay here?” Ron swallowed.

“Of course, the effect is completely opposite to that of a normal potion, and it is difficult for me to make such a potion.”Harry nodded, indicating that this bottle of potion is very worth collecting.

“It may be difficult to get close to Malfoy, he must be on guard.”Percy reminded.

Harry silently took out the Invisibility Cloak.

“Great! The twins slapped each other’s hands.

George came over to hug Harry, but he refused:”I’m not used to hugging men.”

“Of course, I don’t have this habit, so, Ginny?” George turned around and called out his sister’s name tentatively.

Ginny’s face turned red, and Percy had already drawn his wand and stared at him fiercely.

“Haha, just kidding!” George laughed dryly.

“But I don’t think it’s appropriate now. After all, who knows who picked up Voldemort’s notebook, maybe a Slytherin student.”Harry shook his head and put everything into the bag.

Everyone around him shuddered.

Fear gradually appeared in their eyes.

The curse of the name was taking effect.

“Ahem, Harry, maybe you are not afraid of the You-Know-Who, but when you talk to us, you can try to use a different name.” Percy reminded gently.

Not everyone is as weird as you.

He is the Dark Lord after all, give him some face.

Harry nodded obediently and said,”Although it is just a notebook left by Tom, it is not a simple thing. It can control Ginny silently and absorb a large amount of Ginny’s vitality. No one knows how much power it has now.”

“Tom is the mysterious man?” Everyone looked at him with curiosity.

“Yeah.” Harry nodded.

“We have seen his name!” George said,”When we were in detention, we were punished by Professor McGonagall and had to clean the trophy room, which contained his trophies.”

“Hehe, Filch didn’t even check it. I even changed the name of a Slytherin house cup to Gryffindor.”Fred chuckled.

“Well done, ahem, I mean, don’t do this again next time!” Bosi said, covering his mouth with his hand.

“I remember he had a special trophy, which was a special contribution award for the school. You have to know that winning this kind of award is not just about academic excellence.”George frowned and said

“50 years ago, the Ministry of Magic believed that Hagrid opened the Chamber of Secrets. He raised an eight-eyed spider, so he was considered the heir!”Harry said

“Bullshit!” Fred said bluntly.

“If Hagrid can be the heir, Slytherin will have to jump out of his coffin.”George said

“How did the Ministry of Magic determine this?” Percy also frowned.

“Now it seems that Tom must have reported it and framed me.”Harry said

“Damn Tom!”The twin brothers shouted immediately, with their heads raised high, as if they had done something extraordinary.

“”Damn Tom!” Percy whispered.

His face turned red, as if he was very excited.

They were very happy to be able to scold Voldemort.

“Damn Tom!” Ron also raised his hand and said

“”Damn Tom!” Ginny said with her fists.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other, smiled at each other and said at the same time:”Damn Tom!”

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