Chapter 67: Keep it all for yourself.

Upon hearing this, Neville's face flushed red. He had already thought of what to say, but now he was stammering and speechless after being ridiculed like this.

A trace of anger flashed across Harry's face, but he was not impulsive. He knew that in Hogwarts, Snape could suppress them to death by relying on his status as a professor. Even if he started to argue, Snape would be angry and think of ways to deduct points from them if he couldn't win in the end.

Seeing this, Hope coughed lightly, and the Forgetful Venom spurted out. In a short time, it had entered Snape's body through his nasal cavity, and that strange sense of control appeared again.

Looking at Snape's appearance that asked for a beating, it seemed that he was too restrained last time. If he had known earlier, he should have really transformed into Snape and danced striptease in the auditorium. If that didn't work, pole dancing was also possible.

"Professor Snape, Neville's parents have been in the hospital for treatment because of the Unforgivable Curse cast by the Death Eaters. I have a bottle of potion here. I met a potion merchant from the East before.���He bought it from a magic potion store. He said that this potion can cure any negative effects of magic on the mind. I would like to ask you to help verify it."

Huo Xi took the initiative to take over the conversation and said politely. After all, asking for help can temporarily put aside the grudges between them.

He stared at Snape's cold eyes, not afraid of Snape's Legilimency at all, because the amnesia venom had invaded Snape's body. Once Snape sensed his thoughts or memories, they would be cleared away by him in an instant.

However, he did not feel that Snape had such thoughts or memories. It seemed that Snape would not use Legilimency under normal circumstances.

Even Dumbledore probably didn't want to use it all the time, but it was an instinct caused by practicing too deeply, or it could be called a side effect.

When Snape heard this, a trace of sarcasm appeared on his face, and he sneered and said

"Ha, I said Quirrell didn't understand what Defense Against the Dark Arts was, to the point that you don't even know the Unforgivable Curses. If the wounds left by the Unforgivable Curses could be healed, it wouldn't be called the Unforgivable Curses. I think, Mr. Hope, if this potion is useful, what you should do is drink a sip first to cure your incomplete brain development that may have been caused by some kind of dark magic."

Listening to Snape's words, Hoshi suddenly had the idea of provoking Snape on the spot. It would be better to bury him alive directly. It would be too easy for him to just vaporize him with dragon breath flames.

Although he thought so in his heart, Hope remained calm, put on a fake smile and said gently

"Maybe you don't know, professor. Although you look alone and seem to have devoted all your attention to Alchemy, maybe you didn't put much attention on Alchemy when you were young and were busy doing other important things. Everything today may have a great contribution from you. It is normal that you don't know about this kind of potion."

That's what he said, but when he was ridiculed, how could Hope not fight back? He directly poked at Snape's past.

How could he be wrong? If there was no Snape, Voldemort might not have lost. After all, it was Snape who brought the prophecy to Voldemort, which led to Harry's survival.

Harry and Ron looked at Hope in surprise. They didn't expect that Hope, who was always kind on weekdays, would directly confront Snape.

And the effect of Hope's words can be seen from Snape's face at this time.

Snape's face turned black, and he stared at Hope fiercely with wide eyes. Bloodshot could be seen in his eyes. In his heart, he had already cut Hope into pieces, and his body was shaking with anger. , especially the right hand, which seemed to want to take out the wand and use Avada Kedavra on Hope!

Harry and Ron's faces also changed. Seeing Snape like this, they couldn't help but feel a little scared. They actually saw murderous intent on Snape's face. They had never seen Snape so angry since he entered school.

But Hope still kept a smile on his face, looking at Snape with his head held high, as if he didn't know that he had said something wrong.

Snape's knuckles were already a little white from being pinched. If it was Harry who said this, he didn't think that the other party really knew anything, but it was Hope who said this. His mother was Hannie, and he was born in Slytherin. It was normal for him to have heard something. Just this sentence made him recall a lot of things!

""Good, good, good! Huo Xi, you are very good!"

Snape finally did not take out his wand, and said loudly to Hope while suppressing his anger, staring at Huo Xi, as if he had memorized his face thoroughly, and could recognize it even if it turned into ashes.

Huo Xi looked indifferent, that is to say, at school, or somewhere else, he would teach Snape how to behave and how to be a good teacher in a minute.

""Give it to me!"

Snape then looked at Neville and shouted coldly.

Neville was a little confused at first, but then he thought of something and hurriedly took out the glass medicine bottle that Hoshi had given him. As soon as he took it out, Snape snatched it away and put it in front of him. When he saw the clear liquid inside, he almost dropped the bottle.

"Is this the potion you mentioned that can cure the Cruciatus Curse?!"

Snape felt that he had been fooled. Is this a potion? To make a potion, you need to add various materials, and it is impossible for it to be this color in the end!

"" Okay, okay! Mr. Hope, if this is a bottle of water, I guarantee that you will have to spend the rest of your life in my office!"

Snape laughed in surprise and suddenly turned his head to stare at Hope.

Hope shrugged and said casually:"Professor Snape, I guarantee that it is definitely a bottle of potion."

Although only a little of his saliva was added, how can it not be considered a potion? It's just saliva. This potion is just like Chinese medicine. If it is boiled like that, why bother about what is added to it? As long as it works, it's fine.

Snape ignored Hope's words and opened the bottle cap rudely. He just put it in front of his nose and smelled it. His brows frowned immediately, and a trace of uncertainty flashed in his eyes. He sniffed it again. A trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes. This is really a potion!

Snape looked at the liquid in the glass bottle with a serious expression. He couldn't tell what materials were added to it, but it was estimated that there were no complicated materials, otherwise it would be difficult to keep it so clear. Che's look.

But after just a few sniffs, he felt calmer, and the anger just now was actually dispelled a lot. This is enough to prove that this is a bottle of magic potion, and the effect seems to be good, somewhat similar to the effect of sedatives.

This can only mean that there is a main material in it that gives it the characteristics of a magic potion, and perhaps this material can be somewhat effective even without adding other materials.

Snape is indeed an expert in the field of magic potions.

His performance was seen by Neville and the others. Seeing Snape's appearance, they felt a little hopeful. Harry couldn't help but ask for Neville:"How is it, is it really effective?"

Harry's words brought Snape back to his senses, and his expression turned back to that gloomy look, looking at Harry coldly.

"Mr. Potter, if you can listen to the class for a few minutes, you will know that identifying a bottle of potion is not as simple as taking a nap."

Snape immediately put the cap back on the bottle, and this time his action was much more careful and gentle. If he could treat students in this way, he might be liked by one or two students.

"I will identify it carefully. At least it is a bottle of potion. But luckily you didn't listen to other people's brainless advice, otherwise your parents might not be cured, and you would help them end it early."

Snape glanced at Hope, left with these words, and scared Neville so much that his face turned pale.

Hope looked at Snape's back and laughed disdainfully. He knew that Snape was trying to sow discord between them. He didn't expect that he could have such a mind.

He knew the potion well. The sweet water of oblivion was not poison anyway. Although it was three-quarters poison, Hope had controlled the content and was sure that even if it couldn't be cured, nothing would happen.

"" Look at Snape, this potion seems to be really useful!"

Harry had been targeted by Snape for so long, and he knew a thing or two about Snape. He saw the clues at once and explained to Neville.

Hearing what Harry said, Neville was relieved, a smile appeared on his face, and his eyes were faintly red.

As for Snape, his heart was naturally different from what he showed on the outside. He continued to have classes in the morning, but he couldn't wait after class, and rushed to his office without even eating. After coming back, he drew out his wand and waved it, and the office door snapped and closed tightly.

He took out the potion he got from Neville, poured out a little bit at first, and then began to identify it.

As the identification progressed, the look on Snape's face became more and more complicated and wonderful.

He had identified the ingredients in it through magic, and the ingredients were unexpectedly simple. One of them was water, and the other material was unknown.

In other words, this potion is really something diluted with water! Just like this, it can have the effect of a potion, and just smelling it can produce an effect similar to a sedative. This shows that the material How overbearing the material is.

Snape's brows furrowed. He had never heard of such materials, and the materials identified by magic spells did not belong to any materials he had seen. Could it be that it really came from the East as Hope said?

After that, he determined that the potion was harmless, and then he stretched out his tongue to lick the separated drop of potion.

The potion directly merged into his tongue and disappeared in an instant.

At this moment, Snape could not help but be stunned.

Suddenly, he felt that the world was much quieter, as if he originally lived in a world full of noise.

Suddenly, the noise disappeared and the world became very quiet.

He had long been accustomed to the noise and suddenly realized that the world was so quiet.

Snape's face changed, and he looked at the bottle of potion in shock. It even eliminated the negative effects of black magic!

Just one drop has such an effect. This bottle may really be able to heal the trauma caused by the Cruciatus Curse!

In addition to being shocked, Snape was also thinking quickly in his heart. Simple materials that can have such an effect must come from some powerful magical animals. It's just that all the dangers are gone.���After thinking about all the powerful magical animals, they still couldn't find one that met the requirements.

On the other side, Hope and his friends who had just walked out of the dormitory in the afternoon were walking towards the classroom, but they saw Snape's figure coming towards them in the distance of the corridor. His steps were hurried, and his face didn't seem as gloomy as usual.

Seeing this, Hope already knew what was going on. Before Snape came to him, he deliberately avoided his eyes and sneezed suddenly, and saliva immediately spread in the air.

""Where did you get this bottle of potion?"

Snape looked into Hope's eyes and asked directly.

Hope did not answer, but asked instead:"Is it effective?"

"It has a certain effect, but I need to know its origin to make sure it is safe!"

Snape said impatiently when he saw Hope did not answer his question.

Hearing what Snape said, Neville's face became obviously happy, his eyes were shining, and he looked directly at Snape.

Hoshi saw that Snape was staring at his eyes, as if he had some bad ideas, but he didn't care, didn't dodge, and turned to lie.

"Before school started, I met a potion merchant in Diagon Alley. He said he was from the East and had some magical and expensive potions that he could sell at a limited-time discount. Although I didn't really believe it, I bought a bottle of potion from him for a Galleon with the intention of trying it out."

As he said this, Hope suddenly saw a familiar scene. It was him spitting into a glass potion bottle and then pouring liquid into it.

Sure enough!

Snape used Legilimency on him, and the scene he saw was the memory deleted from Snape's mind, and it was also from his memory. Snape frowned immediately. He used Legilimency on a first-year student, and of course he didn't think it was immoral, but he didn't feel that the other party was lying, which meant that what Hope said was true, but he didn't detect Hope's memory of buying potions.

This also means that his Legilimency failed. Of course, he didn't and couldn't have thought that his memory was quietly deleted. There are generally only two possibilities for Legilimency failure. The first is brain occlusion, and the more powerful ones are... Those who have mastered Occlumency can even disguise and lie, and only let the other party see the memories and images that they want him to see, so as to deceive and conceal the truth from him.

The second type is a natural Occlumency master, who cannot do what a proficient Occlumency master can do, but can also make Legilimency fail. There is another name for this type, an empty-headed person, like a troll who doesn't use his brain, but the troll's brain is noisy and disordered.

Snape looked at Hope in surprise. He didn't expect that the other party had an empty head. Such people usually have an empty brain, but they still can't hide from Legilimency's lie detector. It's just that related emotions and memories cannot be detected from them.

Hope's situation obviously belongs to this category. As for the first-year student who actually mastered Occlumency, he never thought about this.

"Professor, if the potion is useful, can you return him? Neville's parents are waiting for him."

Harry saw from Snape's expression and words that he valued the potion, which meant that the potion was really useful, so he said quickly.

But this sentence directly attracted Snape's cold eyes.

"I think I've said that we need to make sure it's harmless, didn't you hear me, Mr. Potter?"

Snape said coldly. He couldn't get any information from Hope, so he had to leave.

Looking at Snape's departing back, Harry couldn't help but say worriedly:"He wouldn't want to embezzle the potion, would he?"

"I think it's very likely that he is such a person."

Ron agreed confidently, scaring Neville to the point of tears.

"I don't think so. Maybe he really needs time to study."

Hope said quickly, but in fact he was just comforting Neville, he didn't know for sure.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, and it was Friday again. Snape seemed to be hiding in the past two days, and he was not seen at dinner time.

Both Harry and Ron thought that Snape really wanted to swallow the potion for himself. Only Hermione held the opposite opinion and thought it was unlikely.

Finally, they met Snape on Friday morning, which was also because the two classes in the morning were Potions classes.

Naturally, they took this opportunity to ask about the potion, but they only got a simple and perfunctory answer from Snape: it was still being identified!

Harry wanted to ask Snape if he didn't want to return the potion, but before he could say it, he was scolded by Snape.

""Go back to class, Potter!"

In the end, Harry could only return empty-handed. In this Potions class, everyone in the classroom could feel an obvious change. Snape's focus on the target had expanded, and that person was undoubtedly Hope.

Hoshi didn't expect Snape to be so vindictive, and he couldn't control himself and wanted to bury him several times.

After a class, Hoshi wanted to change the magical creature he wanted to fuse.

Originally, he wanted to fuse the Concealer, but now he suddenly wanted to fuse the Softclawed Land Shrimp. There was no other reason, but that this kind of magical creature had a special ability. Once bitten by it, you would be unlucky and everything would go wrong in the next week.

And they finally made it to the end of the class. Just when they were about to continue asking about the potion, Snape obviously didn't want to confront them, and left quickly.


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