Chapter 65: Breakthroughs one by one.

The next day, Hogwarts welcomed a large number of Aurors. Even Fudge came in person and rushed into the principal's office. He was smiling before entering, but he was visibly gloomy after he came out.

Quirrell was also taken away by the Aurors. This scene was seen by many students and they talked about it.

Hope had already been strolling around his hometown. He was not in a hurry to complete the task. He just walked around and stopped at a roadside stall when he saw something delicious. He didn't know how many cities he visited in one day. The progress of fusing the curled-winged demon was directly maxed out. It only took one day.

Back in the villa in the capital, he couldn't wait to feel the effect of the ten thousand times characteristic of the forgotten venom. It was indeed very different from yesterday.

He could control the concentration of the forgotten venom. Even the venom of the curled-winged demon mostly needed to be diluted before it could be used. This was even more so after he had superimposed it ten thousand times. If it was not diluted in large quantities, it felt that the person who drank the forgotten venom he made would be directly restored to factory settings, or even dementia would not pass. The dosage was too large and it became a pure poison.

He can accurately calculate the concentration of venom required for a space by instinct, neither ensuring excessive nor too diluted.

At this high concentration, he only needs to sneeze to quickly volatilize the forgetfulness venom in the form of molecules. The forgetfulness venom carried by his sneeze can be dispersed in the air and cover the entire space in an instant. What he can instinctively calculate is the concentration of venom required to cover the entire space.

The most peculiar thing about the ten thousand times characteristic is that the forgetfulness venom has become his tentacle!

He can sense whose body the forgetfulness venom has entered, and use the venom as a medium to perform specific memory forgetting.

Hope's face was a little excited. In this way, he didn't have to worry about the previous things. He only needed to sneeze in a crowded place to make them forget everything about him.

However, this kind of forgetfulness must be very careful. Once they know what they have forgotten, they will find clues.

Hope couldn't help but look up at the time. It was already dark outside. When it was almost late at night here, Hogwarts had just entered dinner time. At that time, everyone would appear in the auditorium. That was the most suitable time to take action.

Hope spent the rest of the time thinking carefully about what memory he needed to erase, was it just his identity being revealed, or all the previous pranks.

All the previous pranks involved too much time, and deleting such memories would easily lead to clues.

So it was obviously more appropriate for him to delete the memory of his identity being revealed. He believed that Snape must have known who played the prank that night, and perhaps just deleting this memory would be enough.

The forgetfulness venom originally came from the magical creature, the Winged Demon, and was a magical product. It did not need to be so precise, like magic. Sometimes just an emotion and feeling was enough, and the rest would be done by magic.

Let Snape forget his specialness!

Hope immediately decided that in addition to this, his act of running away would also have to be deleted, which would require the memory of all the teachers and students in the entire Hogwarts to be forgotten, but a yawn was not a big deal.

Of course, he knew that Snape knew his identity, which meant that Dumbledore knew his identity. In addition, the deans of other colleges could also take care of him. As for the professors other than the four deans, they were not the core of Hogwarts, nor were they Dumbledore's confidants. It was difficult for them to know anything, so there was no need to worry about it.

Thinking of this, Hope did not plan to wait until late at night. He would deal with these professors first and break through one by one!

Hope immediately stood up and began to transform himself. The next moment, he turned into a tiny ladybug, only the size of a soybean.

This was his first time to transform into an insect. In an instant, he felt that the whole world had become bigger. Before he could skillfully open his wings, he rushed down and fell, as if he had fallen off a cliff of 10,000 meters. It felt very exciting. It was even more difficult to master balance and open his wings during a rapid fall. He had no choice but to Apparate directly and appeared on the table, lying on his stomach, feeling safe.

When he could skillfully control his wings to fly, he Apparate again. This time, he appeared directly in Snape's office, but there was no trace of him in the office.

Hope turned on the treasure perception and sensed Snape's position through his wand. The next moment, he Apparated again and appeared in the corridor outside a classroom. As soon as he appeared, he flapped his wings and flew directly through the door.

In his perspective, the classroom was full of giants, and every move seemed to cause the earth to shake. Snape's annoying face also looked huge, a bit like a carved mountain wall.

Huo Xi did not approach Snape who was walking beside the desk in the classroom, but flew directly to the podium, opened his extremely tiny mouth, and exhaled hard.

After becoming smaller, it was nothing more than making the concentration of the forgetfulness venom higher, which was not a problem.

Then a breeze blew out, which was a whirlwind that swept away everything, but it became a harmless breeze under Hope's modification, and his forgetfulness venom was sent out with the breeze.

However, just a breeze caused Snape's reaction. He stopped and frowned, looking around, as if he found someone casting magic. He scanned the classroom coldly, but found nothing unusual, so he could only continue to walk. The forgetfulness venom quickly dissipated under the influence of the breeze, and in a blink of an eye it had enveloped the entire classroom.

Hope was a little excited. He felt that his venom had become his tentacles, and at this moment it seemed to be caressing the brains of all the teachers and students in the classroom, and he could play with and delete memories at will.

He ignored the others and only attacked Snape.

He relied on his senses, and the forgetfulness venom immediately took effect. Snape couldn't help but stand still, his eyes were a little confused, as if he suddenly forgot something, but how could he remember something he didn't remember? The confusion flashed away, and he continued to teach.

However, Hope was a little surprised at this moment. He found that he saw Snape's deleted memories, about his specialness!

He was shocked when he saw it. He saw his own figure transformed into Quirrell that night in the Great Hall. He also saw a superimposed memory fragment on this figure. This memory fragment was undoubtedly stolen from him by Legilimency. His figure was reflected in a mirror.

It was through this memory that Snape realized the true identity of the impostor.

This was not surprising, after all, he had expected it long ago, but the key was the next superimposed memory, which was also stolen from him by Snape. The scene was very familiar. Half of a wide mirror could be seen faintly, and under the mirror there were two huge claws supporting the ground.

The Mirror of Erised!

And in this memory, he was holding a red gem in his hand, which was undoubtedly the Philosopher's Stone!

Hope was suddenly shocked. When! Snape actually saw it, the memory of him stealing the Philosopher's Stone!

With the memory that Snape had revealed, Hope carefully recalled what happened at that time. At this moment, he remembered that he had really thought about the Philosopher's Stone at that time, but he had always forgotten it.

Huo Xi secretly felt lucky that if he hadn't forgotten the venom, he wouldn't even know about it. He thought he had only exposed his identity as an imposter, but he didn't expect that his act of stealing the Philosopher's Stone would also be discovered.

The memory that emerged afterwards was nothing, except that Snape told Dumbledore about it and even suggested issuing a wanted notice through the Aurors. As expected of Snape, he wasn't surprised at all.

After the matter was resolved, Huo Xi flapped his wings again and flew up, until he flew out of the classroom, then he directly performed the Apparition and went to the next classroom. After solving the memories of four deans in a row, the next one to face was Dumbledore!

To be honest, compared with others, Dumbledore was too unfathomable. Even though Huo Xi thought that his self-transformation was absolutely perfect, he was still uneasy.

The treasure sensed Dumbledore's position, which was in the principal's office.

Huo Xi took a deep breath. This was his first time entering the principal's office, and he had to admit that he was a little nervous.

The next moment, the ladybug's figure disappeared in the air, and when it appeared again, it was already in the principal's office.

Hope observed the surroundings, and at first glance, he saw Dumbledore, who was concentrating on foreshadowing, and the giant phoenix bird that seemed to be dozing next to him. From the perspective of the ladybug, this was indeed a giant bird, and its claws were much larger than his.

In addition, there were murals hanging on the four walls. The characters in the murals moved from time to time, but no one noticed his quiet appearance.

Even Dumbledore was the same, but Hope didn't dare to look at Dumbledore.

He was a little worried about the opponent's Legilimency. A wizard as powerful as Dumbledore might be able to sense other people's complex thoughts with Legilimency, and thus know that someone was secretly spying on him.

He suspected that this was how Dumbledore found Harry hiding under the invisibility cloak.

Huo Xi then opened his mouth and began to exhale. For Dumbledore, he couldn't help but take special care of him and increased the concentration of the forgetfulness venom to prevent Dumbledore from having any resistance to the venom. This was also a respect for him. Of course

, he didn't dare to use the whirlwind sweep to create a wind to quickly spread his venom to every corner like he did with other professors. After all, this was Dumbledore, so he had to be steady and wait for the venom to slowly spread.

After waiting for about five or six minutes, Hope finally felt the tentacles enter Dumbledore's brain.

This feeling was very strange. He felt that he was touching Dumbledore's brain with his hand, but in fact, he was strangling the throat of this powerful white wizard. He only needed to increase the concentration of venom, and he could even execute him silently and turn him into an idiot.

Of course, this was just a thought. Huo Xi immediately began to delete his memories and found that the brain of this strongest white wizard was no different from that of others. He felt relieved when he saw the deleted memories, and he did not stay any longer. He Apparated away openly.

Even Dumbledore could not sense the traces of Huo Xi's Apparition, because his Apparition was very slight. Unless there was some magic to detect the body shape, there would be no detection.

Huo Xi then returned home and deleted Hannie's memory. As for the letter left at the beginning, Huo Xi watched Hannie burn it, but there was no need to worry.

However, although this time was very smooth, there were still hidden dangers.

When he deleted the professors' memories, he also deleted the memory of taking the Sword of Gryffindor from the Sorting Hat. This was not his active choice, but was a special part of Hope, so it was also deleted by the Forgotten Venom.


At that time, he will also completely delete this memory in the hall, but this is a hidden danger.

Even if the memory of the sword of Gryffindor is deleted, there is still one thing that remembers it, the Sorting Hat.

It is not a life, and the forgetfulness poison has no effect on it. Of course, as long as it does not speak, this matter will not be exposed.

Usually, this treasure must be in a state of silence, otherwise Dumbledore will definitely not be able to stand its chatterbox attribute.

As long as it is not the Sorting Ceremony, I believe the Sorting Hat will not have a chance to speak.

This cannot be avoided. After all, things will always leave traces. The longer time passes, the more traces there will be. He deleted everyone's memory and could not completely erase the traces of their appearance.

But it is not a big deal for Hope. He just needs time to learn the brain block technique. When others find out something, as long as he refuses to let go, and he has the brain block technique, no one can throw dirty water on him.

When it was dinner time, Huo Xi appeared in the hall openly and was soon discovered by the sharp-eyed Ron. He excitedly pulled Harry beside him

"Hope is back!"

Huo Xi walked towards them with a smile, but suddenly stopped and sneezed several times with his mouth open. At this moment, a strong wind blew in from outside the hall. He seemed to have a cold and couldn't help rubbing his nose.

He came to the Gryffindor table and sat down. Harry looked a little excited. Just when he was about to say something, a trace of confusion suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he forgot what he wanted to say. Not only him, but everyone in the hall stopped for a moment at that moment.


Hope greeted Harry and the others as if nothing had happened, and then started to eat dinner.

He ate very slowly, so slowly that Harry and the others left early. People in the hall came and went, and only Hope stayed there.

When the hall was empty and only he was left, Hope stood up with satisfaction.

He couldn't guarantee that he had deleted everyone's memory of his leave to go home in Hogwarts. Of course, many people didn't know about this, but at least he could guarantee that all the professors had completely forgotten about it.

He was in a very relaxed mood now, and this matter was completely over.

After returning to the dormitory, he saw Harry and Ron still fighting over wizard chess, while Neville was watching on the side.

Hoshi pulled a chair over casually, sat next to them, and asked casually:"Neville, I haven't heard you talk about your parents' situation yet. What do your parents do?"

Harry and Ron stopped what they were doing when they heard it. They didn't seem to have heard Neville talk about it either.

Under the gazes of several people, Neville couldn't help but become a little nervous, and said hesitantly:"I... my parents are sick and live in the hospital"

"Ah, is it serious?"

Ron asked without Huo Xi answering.

Neville hesitated for a moment, but finally spoke out in a light voice under the concerned gazes of several people.

"They were tortured by... Death Eaters with Unforgivable Curses... and then they went crazy... and have been living in the hospital. My grandmother has been taking care of me since I was a child."

As he spoke, Neville's eyes turned red.

Harry and Ron's body trembled and their faces changed. Death Eaters... That was ten years ago, which means Neville's parents have been living in the hospital and have never left.


Harry couldn't help but apologize. At this moment, he felt that he seemed to be happier than Neville. Although his parents were dead, at least they were not like Neville's parents, who were completely tortured and crazy. Thinking of this, Harry couldn't help but hug Neville to comfort him.

"It's okay... My grandma said they will wake up one day."

Neville forced a smile, as if he really believed what his grandma said.

Although Hope knew it beforehand, he was still a little touched when he saw Neville's look, and his face sank slightly.

However, Hope suddenly looked excited, as if he remembered something, and reached into the purse in his pocket and took out a glass medicine bottle filled with clear white water.

Others were attracted by Hope's expression and looked at him puzzledly.

"I woke up. I met a mysterious potion merchant before. He sold me a potion, which was this one!"

Hope showed the potion in his hand. Several people looked over at once. They just felt that it didn't look like a potion. How could there be a potion as clear as white water?

"This thing is called the Sweet Water of Forgetfulness. It is said that it can cure any mental effects caused by black magic, even the mental trauma caused by the Unforgivable Curse. Maybe it can cure your parents' illness."

Hope introduced it in an exaggerated way, but Harry and the others looked at Hope with dull eyes, just like the eyes of a poor student listening to a class, very confused.

"Thank you, Hope... But I don't think it will work. My parents are at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. They have tried many things... but……"

Neville looked at Hope with gratitude, but still declined politely, not wanting to let down Queenie's kindness.

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