Chapter 58 System Upgrade Conditions.

Mirror of Erised!

The golden frame was almost as high as the ceiling, and two golden claws were supporting the ground.

Hope looked at the mirror naturally, but saw that the mirror was gray and seemed to be changing.

Looking at the picture in the mirror, Hope's eyes flickered slightly, and his heart sank slightly, but he didn't feel any surprise.

The mirror reflected his desire, not for anything else, but for his past.

Hope slowly stretched out his hand and placed it on the mirror, his palm pressed tightly against it, feeling a little cold, and the picture in the mirror quickly dissipated like smoke.

This mirror was obviously solid, so it was naturally impossible to reach into it.

He closed his eyes, turned on the treasure sensor, and found the magic stone hidden in the mirror.

He felt the magic stone in the mirror very clearly and gently grabbed it.

The next moment, Hope opened his eyes and saw that he was holding a crystal clear red gem in his hand, which was slightly larger than an egg. Just from the appearance, it would probably make a lot of money if he sold it.

At this moment, the mirror suddenly flashed, and he saw a flash of fire and turned his head quickly.

An old man with a long white beard and pajamas was standing behind him, with a giant bird with red feathers standing on his shoulder.


Before Hope had time to carefully observe this so-called most powerful white wizard in Europe, he saw the old man's lips move slightly, and a spell shot out instantly.

No martial ethics!

Hope secretly complained in his heart. The spell had already fallen on him, but it had no effect.

Dumbledore's old eyes suddenly showed a trace of doubt, and the next moment he saw this guy who was hiding his head and showing his tail, and didn't even dare to show his face, suddenly shrank and disappeared directly.


Dumbledore's face changed obviously, but he couldn't do anything at this time!

The entire chamber of secrets was empty, leaving only him and the Mirror of Erised, oh, and the phoenix on his shoulder.

He was a little unbelievable, and his pupils shrank slightly.

The trap he carefully set for Voldemort did not work at all. He was broken into the secret room without any warning. If he had not set up a detection magic in the secret room, he would not have known that his things were stolen if he had not sensed someone breaking in and arrived here instantly with the help of the phoenix.

Not only that... his most critical means, the Mirror of Erised! It did not stop the other party. It took only a short time for the other party to step into this place and obtain the Philosopher's Stone. He was able to solve his means so easily, as if he knew his arrangement very well.

Dumbledore's face sank. The other party also used Apparition to leave here directly, breaking through the protective magic of Hogwarts. This...

Moreover, his magic did not work on the other party. All this was beyond his expectations.

At this moment, Dumbledore couldn't help but wonder if he was a little old, and his carefully laid out layout was easily cracked.

He couldn't be sure that the other party was related to Voldemort, but now he could only make the worst plan. He handed the Philosopher's Stone to Voldemort, but he never thought that he would make such a fatal mistake.

He could already imagine Voldemort secretly mocking him, using the Philosopher's Stone stolen from him to restore his body and make a comeback. Things suddenly became very bad because of his one mistake.


On the other side, Huo Xi had already appeared in the capital. The bright sunlight shone through the window, making the red gem in his hand shine.

Is this the Philosopher's Stone? Huo Xi observed the Philosopher's Stone in his hand curiously.

However, he did not study it in detail. He put it in the cabinet in the living room and pushed the cabinet. His figure disappeared again and returned to the bathroom in the Gryffindor common room of Hogwarts in an instant. He dispelled his self-transformation, pushed open the partition door and walked out of the bathroom and returned to the dormitory.

Hearing the snoring without any change, he immediately relaxed, lay down on the bed with satisfaction, and fell asleep peacefully.

He was not sure whether Dumbledore had the means to find the Philosopher's Stone. After all, there were too many strange means in the magic world.

If there was such a means, it would be the same wherever it was placed.

Of course, at least it could not be placed on the body, so as not to be caught on the spot.

Soon Hope fell asleep peacefully, as if nothing had happened.

On the other side, Dumbledore did not have such thoughts as Hope. He sat behind the desk in the principal's office and did not sleep all night.

Waking up in the morning, it was a new day. Today was Saturday, and she felt even better. Hope stretched. It was almost noon, so she went out to have lunch leisurely with Harry and the others.

"The Philosopher's Stone was taken away?!"

In the headmaster's office, Snape looked at Dumbledore in shock.

"Yes, Severus.

Dumbledore's old face showed a hint of apology.

"I told you that this idea of yours was a terrible one."

Snape's voice resounded in the headmaster's office. He knew what this meant. It meant that after Voldemort got the Philosopher's Stone, he would quickly recover from his weakness and return with unstoppable force!

"Calm down, Severus, things are not the worst yet."

Dumbledore had regained his composure after a night, and even his tone was a little steady.

"How did he take it away? How did he get through all the obstacles and take it away right under your nose? Don't tell me you were still asleep at that time!"

Snape's face was gloomier than ever, but he did not maintain his calmness. He asked excitedly.

"This is not important anymore. It is still unclear whether the Philosopher's Stone was taken by Voldemort. It is possible that it was taken by someone else."

Dumbledore looked into Snape's irritable eyes with a calm look and said slowly.

"Oh, that means you don't even know who took the Philosopher's Stone."

Snape obviously didn't think this was good news, and even guessed from this news that Dumbledore didn't even know anything.

"So now we need to confirm whether the Philosopher's Stone is really in Voldemort's hands. This is very important, Severus.

I need you to find the person hiding in Hogwarts. Find him and maybe things will become clear."

Dumbledore said calmly, his tone was very calm, as if he was confident.

The previous commotion was enough to show that someone did try to enter the Chamber of Secrets to steal the Philosopher's Stone. This person must be in Hogwarts, but he was not sure who it was. The trap of the Philosopher's Stone was originally set for this person.

"What about you?"

The irritability in Snape's eyes subsided in an instant, but Dumbledore's tone still showed his unrest.

"I'm going to leave and meet Nicolas Flamel. Maybe he has a way to get the Philosopher's Stone back. After all, he created it. If we get there in time, we might be able to stop him before things get bad."

Dumbledore has always believed that Voldemort was not completely dead, but he has not been found over the years.

In desperation, he could only use the layout of the Philosopher's Stone to lure him out. It was originally a safe bet, just waiting for Voldemort to take the initiative to step on the trap they set for him.

But now that the bait has been eaten, he can only take the initiative to attack and follow the waves on the water to find traces of Voldemort. Otherwise, when Voldemort hides again, I am afraid that his power will be stronger than ten years ago when he reappears in a few years. Snape left the principal's office with a gloomy face, as if a dark cloud was pressing down on his head. Anyone who saw him dared not walk past him, for fear of being angered by Snape who was in a bad mood.

Hope and the others had just come out of the auditorium after lunch and were walking towards the dormitory when they saw Snape's face. At first glance, they knew that Snape was in a very bad mood.

Harry was so scared that he wanted to pull them to another way, but Snape's voice rang out at this time.

"Potter, you don't even know how to greet the professor? Is that what your father taught you? Oh, I forgot, you don't have a father."

Snape was as sharp-tongued as ever, and he started by talking about Harry's dead father.

But this time Harry didn't refute it. He wasn't stupid. He saw that Snape was in a bad mood and wanted to find someone to vent his anger on, so he tried to deliberately provoke him so that he could take it out on him in a legitimate way.

He had experienced a lot of this kind of trash talk, and although he was still angry, he couldn't stand it.

Seeing that Harry ignored him, a trace of disgust flashed in Snape's eyes, and he continued in a cold voice:"I advise you to be honest in the near future. I will keep an eye on you. Before Dumbledore comes back, I will find a reason for you to drop out of school and get you out of Hogwarts."

After saying that, Snape left directly.

Seeing Snape leave, Harry was relieved and said unconvincedly:"He must know that I found out that he wanted to steal the things guarded by the three-headed dog, and deliberately retaliated against me and tried to drive me out, so that no one would know his plan!"

Hope looked at Snape's departing back, his eyes slightly moving. Why did he feel that the point of Snape's words was that Dumbledore was not in school!

He seemed to be deliberately telling them this information.

"In that case, why don't you just tell Professor McGonagall or Dumbledore?"

Hope said absentmindedly.

"Because Dumbledore believed him! Yesterday, when Ron and Hermione and I went to Hagrid's hut, we accidentally learned something from Hagrid."

Harry looked around and made sure no one was eavesdropping, and then he whispered.

Hope then looked at Harry, wanting to know what Harry knew.

"The three-headed dog in the corridor on the fourth floor is Fluffy, Hagrid's pet. He was borrowed by Professor Dumbledore to guard something. I heard from Hagrid that the name Nicolas Flamel was related to the thing being guarded, but no matter how I asked, Hagrid would not tell us and asked us not to tell anyone.

I told Hagrid that Snape wanted to steal something, but Hagrid did not believe it. He also said that Dumbledore believed in Snape and would never do that.

Obviously! They were all deceived by Snape!"

Harry said unconvinced. Even Hagrid did not believe it, so Dumbledore probably would not believe it either. They were now planning to find evidence and catch Snape's handle!

As they talked, they walked towards the Gryffindor common room. Harry also invited Hope to go and check the name Nicolas Flamel, but Hope directly declined. The Philosopher's Stone was in his hands, so what was there to check? It would be great if he could study the Philosopher's Stone at this time.

On the other side, Snape came to the hall and stopped Malfoy who was about to leave, and said lightly:

"Go and inform Professor McGonagall, and tell her not to go to the principal's office to look for Dumbledore recently."

Hope's guess was correct, he was deliberately spreading the news that Dumbledore was not in school.

In fact, he was not as irritable as he appeared in the office. He was a gloomy person. He just took the opportunity to blame Dumbledore, but he did not think that the information revealed by Dumbledore was useless.

Even Dumbledore was not sure whether it was Voldemort who stole the Philosopher's Stone, which meant that this was really possible.

If it was not Voldemort who took the Philosopher's Stone, it also meant that they did not know that the Philosopher's Stone was gone under Dumbledore's nose!

What if the mice in Hogwarts had any chance at this time ? If there was no movement, it meant that the Philosopher's Stone was not taken away by Voldemort's men.

Of course, he would not rule out another possibility, that the person who stole the stone would leave, and he was ready to keep an eye on anyone who wanted to leave Hogwarts.

However, what Snape didn't know was that the person who stole the Philosopher's Stone had already left without him noticing.

When he came to the capital, Hope couldn't wait to open the drawer and take out the crystal clear red gem.

From the outside, it was just a priceless gem, but holding it in his hand, Hope could feel the abundant magic power surging in it!

Turning stones into gold, refining immortality���Elixir, these are the most precious functions of the Philosopher's Stone in the rumor.

Turning stones into gold Hope didn't care much, he could sneak into any gold mountain at any time, even if it was a hidden gold mine that had not been discovered by Muggles, this was not a problem, it was just more troublesome.

But the elixir of life was very tempting, even Hope could not escape it.

And this was not just a rumor, but it really existed. Nicolas Flamel had lived for many years, so even if no one else had really drunk the elixir of life, they did not doubt the authenticity of this matter.

It's just... it's not that you can get the elixir of life by getting this thing, but you can use it to make the elixir of life, which involves potions, but he is a potion-learning Muggle, so the elixir of life is not possible for the time being.

But he still wanted to see the strangeness of the Philosopher's Stone, and immediately held the Philosopher's Stone, wanting to turn stones into gold.

He didn't know how to operate it, but he thought about it, and used the Philosopher's Stone as a wand. He held the Philosopher's Stone tightly in his right hand, focused his attention on a glass cup on the wooden table in the living room, and pointed his right index finger at the glass cup.

The next moment, a magical scene happened. The glass cup began to change, slowly changing from top to bottom, from glass to gold.

Hope picked up the golden cup on the table with a surprised look on his face, and carefully examined it. He pressed his fingernails hard on the wall of the cup, and a mark actually appeared.

He couldn't help but look a little strange. Why did he feel that turning stone into gold was so similar to Transfiguration?

Huo Xi put the Philosopher's Stone on the table and picked up a glass cup from the table. Under the self-transfiguration feature, this glass cup also turned directly into a golden cup, which was no different from the real golden cup in his left hand.

Of course, when Hope put down the golden cup in his right hand and let go, the golden cup turned back to its original appearance.

Glass turned into gold... Hope's eyes flashed with a thought, how could this be similar to the principle of Transfiguration?

The conversion between matter and matter is a course for first and second graders at Hogwarts.

After that, there are other difficult courses such as the transformation of matter and life, and life and life. Which one is not more difficult than this one.

But turning stone into gold is not considered as a transfiguration, which means that it really changes the nature of things, and it is even irreversible.

Huo Xi suddenly felt that he had found the real function of the Philosopher's Stone, which is to solidify the deformation effect, but this deformation only limits the deformation of matter and gold. Strictly speaking, it is really an alchemical product made for a certain purpose.

Maybe Nicolas Flamel made the Philosopher's Stone just to turn stone into gold, so this deformation can only be fixed as the conversion of matter and gold.

Huo Xi vaguely felt that he was about to figure out the characteristics of the Philosopher's Stone, but it didn't work.

Although the system boasted that it was a system for the fusion of all things, it currently only supported the fusion of life. It was like a semi-finished system that had not yet developed subsequent functions.

Hope couldn't help but complain in his heart. He really didn't know how to fuse matter.

However, the system seemed to have sensed Huo Xi's complaints and suddenly popped up.

【After completing an S-level fusion, other functions of the system will be enabled.

Huo Xi was slightly startled. He didn't expect that his casual complaints would attract the system's attention. Wouldn't he have complained earlier? It's just an S-level fusion, which is a bit difficult.

The fire dragon was only an A-level difficulty before, and it took him a long time.

Even one of the most powerful and dangerous magical animals in the magic world is only an A-level difficulty. Where can you find a life of S-level difficulty?

He estimated that even the phoenix might not meet this requirement. He didn't know if the real dragon mentioned by Huo Bufan before belonged to it. If it didn't belong to it, then wouldn't it be able to only fuse life forever?

【Warm reminder: The host can open his eyes to see the universe. 】

Suddenly receiving a prompt from the system, Huo Xi was completely stunned after reading the content above.


Thanks to Lihuo: Zhuque for the monthly ticket.

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