

Hope counted down expressionlessly, and it was clear from his voice that there was no joking involved.


Before the last count was sounded, Heiwa and Baige finally made their move. The sharp tip of the knife pierced through the fabric of the pants and went straight into the thigh. Blood splattered out. The two men screamed in pain in an instant, their faces twisted.


Looking at their miserable appearance, Hope had no sympathy at all. He walked past Heiwa without any sympathy, leaving behind two figures hugging their legs and groaning on the ground, and left directly. The revolver in his hand turned into a golden gallon again. He moved away from the alley a little bit and went into another alley. After making sure that no one wanted to attack him this time, he used the Apparition and disappeared.

Hope returned to the villa in the Magic City. Sure enough, the two thousand kilograms of mutton that had been delivered were already placed there, and Gao Lin had already left.

After finishing the mutton, he saw that the progress points of the fusion fire dragon had increased by nearly two hundred points again, and he suddenly felt a sense of satisfaction.

He didn't know if he could withstand bullets with the characteristics of his tough skin now, and he happened to have ready-made gun bullets here.

Of course, this was just a thought, and he was not stupid enough to shoot himself.

Then he Apparated to the capital and came to the agency he had been to at noon.

"Mr. Huo, here are the information about the villa you requested."

A young man wearing a slightly old-fashioned suit and slicked hair respectfully handed Hope a stack of information. Even though Hope looked very young, he was respectable in his eyes.

Hope flipped through it casually. The price was a little higher than that in Shanghai, but not much more expensive.

This was a villa on the third ring road. The people who lived here were either rich or noble, and of course most of them were foreign businessmen, who didn't lack the money.

"Let's just take this one." Hope picked a single-family house that looked more pleasing to the eye, and it also had a swimming pool.

"No problem, you just need to pay one year's rent in one lump sum."

The young man was delighted to see Hope agreed generously, and the commission he could get would not be small!

"No problem."

Hope took out two stacks of money from his purse, counted them and handed them over. He was not afraid of being cheated. It was too easy to find the money he handed over.

"By the way, Mr. Huo, regarding the other thing you asked me to do, I have contacted several suppliers and the initial agreement is to supply about 500 lambs per day, but are you sure? A lamb costs about 30 yuan, and 500 lambs will cost 15,000 yuan, which is not a small amount."

Hearing this, Hope's face suddenly brightened. He didn't expect that Beijing would give him such a big surprise, and because he was looking for suppliers to purchase goods, the price was much cheaper than that in the Magic City.

"Of course, you help keep an eye on this matter. Remember, I want goats. If you do a good job, I will give you a big red envelope."

"Yes, Mr. Huo, I will definitely do my best."The young man was immediately excited when he heard it, and patted his chest to promise that he would never let Hope down.

Hope's eyes flickered slightly. In this way, he would be able to completely fuse the fire dragon in just a dozen days.

After confirming some things with the agent, Hope left. With the introduction of the agency, he found a company with some strength in the city and exchanged all the pounds on him. The price was a little lower than that in the Magic City, but it was as much as 190,000.

Together with the remaining money on him, it was enough to complete the task of fusing the fire dragon.

When he returned to Hogwarts, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. Today was Saturday, and no one in the dormitory was anywhere to be seen.

Hope rarely came Arriving at the library, he looked around and found that Hermione, who usually appeared in the library, was nowhere to be seen today. Could it be that she was still angry with Ron?

He was not worried at first, after all, those hurtful words were not said by him, but he didn't know if Hermione would vent her anger on him.

Maybe he should prepare a gift for Hermione, after all, she was his homework partner.

After secretly noting this matter in his heart, he came to the bookshelf in the library, walked around, and took a few spell books from the bookshelf. It is shameful for a wizard not to know spells. In the situation he encountered today, if he had not successfully scared the other party, he probably would not have been able to do anything....No way.

If he really wanted to attack an ordinary person, there were actually many ways to do it. In that case, even if he didn't have self-transformation and tough skin, he would still be able to make the other person pay the price. He only needed to use digging to make a hole in the ground. As long as the other person stepped into it and any part of his body appeared below the ground, he would be at his mercy. At that time, he could easily pull him into the ground and bury him alive.

With this thought, Hope suddenly had a strange idea in his mind. If one day an invincible enemy appeared in Hogwarts and was not on the first floor, could he sink the Hogwarts castle directly into the ground, so that he could use the digging and digging properties.

He couldn't help but touch his chin, feeling that this idea was very feasible.

Hope came here simply to learn some self-defense magic and more magical means.

Then he quickly searched in the magic book. Most of the attack spells appeared in the textbooks of senior grades.

Finally, Hope found a more suitable spell, the whole body binding spell!

The spell is petrification.

After using it, the target can be paralyzed and unable to move.

The most important thing is that this is not a very advanced magic. It is a little more difficult than the first-year magic, but it is still far from the real advanced magic.

Hope then put the other magic books back to their original places, took this magic book to Madam Pince to register, and then borrowed it.

Back in the dormitory, Hope took out his wand and began to practice according to the contents of the book.

Facts have proved that his magical talent is not that strong, and it is more efficient to listen to lectures than to study on his own. Without Professor Flitwick's experience, he can only explore everything by himself.

In a blink of an eye, the afternoon passed, and Harry and the others came back one after another. When asked, they learned that they went to watch Harry practice Quidditch.

Then the four people in the dormitory walked to the hall together and started today's dinner.

""Potter, I heard that you tried to sneak out yesterday but failed, and you were so scared that you peed your butt. You ran to ask for help at night, but found nothing. Hahaha! Is this the little lion of Gryffindor? I think you should still be called the frightened stupid lion!"

Just as they sat down, Malfoy and his group happened to come in, and when they saw Harry, they immediately said loudly with a mocking face, and their voices spread throughout the hall.

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