During the dinner in the hall, they didn't see Hermione, but they heard from her roommate that Hermione was crying.

Both Harry and Ron were a little uneasy when they heard the news.

Hope didn't feel anything, after all, he didn't say anything.

"Maybe we should apologize to Hermione."After dinner, Harry couldn't help but say

"Why? I'm telling the truth!"

Ron said stubbornly, but his voice seemed a little lacking in confidence.

"What do you think, Hope? Harry then looked at Hope.

Hope was stunned for a moment. What did this have to do with him? But he still followed Harry's meaning and said

"Indeed, I think you should apologize to Hermione, after all, you probably haven't finished your homework this week."

Hope nodded solemnly and took himself out.

The two of them changed their faces when they heard it, and only then did they remember the importance of Hermione.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow. Don't we have something important to do tonight?"

Ron immediately changed his mind and agreed to apologize to Hermione, but that would be tomorrow's matter.

"Well, it's okay to be late for one day."

The two of them suddenly showed a hint of excitement, and put Hermione's matter behind their minds.

Hope shook his head, but still took them to find the secret passage.

Finally, under Hope's leadership, they came to the corridor on the third floor and stopped in front of a wall.

"Is this the place?"Harry asked curiously. It was hard to imagine that a secret passage leading to the outside of the school would be set up in the corridor.

Hope did not answer. He pulled out his wand from his sleeve and tapped the wall.

However, in Harry and Ron's expectant eyes, the wall did not change at all.

"cough...Obviously it's not here." Hope coughed to cover up his embarrassment. In fact, there was indeed a secret passage leading to Hogsmeade village, but he didn't know the password. He just came to try his luck and see if he needed a password.

Then he continued to lead Harry and Ron to the next place.

However, after walking to a few more places, they were all disappointed. There were very few secret passages that did not require passwords.

Harry and Ron looked at Hope with a hint of suspicion.

Finally, Hope went down the stairs to the basement, a dark utility room next to the kitchen, which was filled with messy things.

As soon as he came in, he felt the dust inside was lifted up as they opened the door.

Hope couldn't help but wave his hand in front of his nose, trying to disperse the dust that had penetrated into his nasal cavity.

""Ahem, Hope! Are you sure this is the place? It looks like no one has been here for a long time."

Harry coughed under the stimulation of the dust, and was very suspicious. If this was the secret passage that Hope usually used to enter and exit Hogsmeade Village, why did it look like no one had been here?

"I promise, it's here."

Hope said confidently.

""Fluorescent light flashes!"

Hope took out his wand and cast a spell. A little fluorescence appeared on the wand, illuminating the entire utility room.

"Actually, I wanted to take you to find a new secret passage before, so that you can experience the joy of exploration, but obviously I didn't find it. Now this secret passage is the one I usually use."

Hope explained to the two of them, which was of course just another lie to cover up the lie.

He assured that the secret passage here would definitely work. If not, at most he could force open the entrance to the secret passage, and he could even create a secret passage leading to Hogsmeade village here.

Hope came to a wall, his eyes flashed slightly, and he knocked on a slightly protruding wall brick with his wand.

In an instant, a dull sound was heard, and the wall in front of him really split to both sides.

Hope couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and pointed to the entrance of the secret passage.

"See, I told you it was here."

Harry Ron saw this and his face showed a hint of excitement. He jumped up and wanted to step in first.


At this moment, Hope suddenly shouted, holding his stomach with one hand, his face a little ugly.

"What's wrong with you?" Harry couldn't help but ask with concern.

"I have a stomachache, I need to go to the toilet!" Hope said anxiously.

"Don't worry about me, I'll come find you later"


"Good!" Harry and Ron looked at each other. They didn't expect Hope to run away at this time, but they didn't doubt anything. At this time, the adventurous spirit belonging to Gryffindor in their hearts had awakened. Hope left in a hurry, leaving Harry and Ron alone.

Harry took out his wand, cast a fluorescent flash, and took the lead in stepping into the secret passage, while Ron followed closely behind.

Hope, who had just walked out of the utility room, straightened his body directly. He didn't look like he had a stomachache at all, and a sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He seemed to have forgotten to tell Harry and the others that sometimes something might get into the secret passage.

Looking around and making sure that there was no one, Hope disappeared directly.

When he appeared again, he was already at the end of the secret passage.

What magical creature should he transform into?

A basilisk? But he didn't have the ability to petrify people, and Harry and the others might expose him afterwards.

Got it!

Hope suddenly had an idea in his mind, and the next moment he began to transform.

His body suddenly swelled, and even his clothes deformed together.

Finally, it turned into a huge hairy spider, with six long legs with many barbs on the left and right sides, eight big black eyes on the face, and two huge sharp mouthparts growing out of the mouth.

In fact, this is not a real eight-eyed giant spider, because he has never really seen it.

This is a transformation of the image he saw in his previous life, and it has undergone certain artistic processing, which makes it look more terrifying.

For example, the eight eyes, each the size of a fist, are arranged in a vertical row on both sides.

Hope instinctively controlled the six long legs, feeling a little weird, and this kind of transformation was not as good as other characteristics, and felt very jerky, probably because the progress point was only one.

He just sat here, waiting for the two unlucky guys to come.

After waiting for a while, he had seen a light at the end of the passage, and he immediately had a plan in his mind.

Here they come!

Harry and the others were feeling very excited and rushed forward quickly, and suddenly Harry in front stopped and forced Ron behind to stop.

""Why did you stop? Are we there yet?" Ron said excitedly, looking past the back of Harry's head and looking ahead.

He saw a scene that he would never forget in his life: a hairy spider, so big that it took up the entire passage, with eight dark eyes staring at them mercilessly.

At that moment, both Harry and Ron felt their blood run cold.

Ron almost fell to the ground, shaking uncontrollably.

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