Hogwarts: From The Obscure To The Dark Lord

Chapter Thirty: Platform Nine And Three Quarters

Time, like the torrential river that rushes away, is fleeting and flows into the vast sea, gone forever.

In a blink of an eye, September 1st has arrived, which is the beginning of the new semester at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Godric's Valley 17.

Very early in the morning, Toby and Jamie got up, and after eating the breakfast prepared by the house elf Teemo, they started packing and getting ready.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft has only two holidays in a school year, one is the Christmas holiday in winter, and the other is summer vacation in summer.

Neither Toby nor Jamie was planning to come back during the Christmas holidays, for two reasons: first, the Christmas holidays were short, and second, they had no other relatives.

Since there are no relatives at home, it makes no difference whether to go home or not.

"Teemo, come with us to Hogwarts, you can apply to Headmaster Dumbledore to let you stay in the Hogwarts kitchen."

"Without your oriental food, Toby and I can't get used to the food here in Eagle Country."

Jamie said.

"Oh! Teemo is really touched. The two little masters like the food made by Teemo. Teemo is going to Hogwarts, and Teemo will always take care of the two little masters."

Teemo the house-elf was so moved that he almost cried.

"Okay, everything is packed, we should go, Timo, you can go to Hogwarts first, and we will meet there."

Toby said.

"Okay, Timo is leaving first, two little masters."

Teemo snapped his fingers and disappeared into the room, which is the unique magic of house elves.

"Actually, we can apparate directly to Hogsmeade, and from Hogsmeade directly to Hogwarts."

Jamie said.

"That's so boring. Taking the Hogwarts Express is also a Hogwarts specialty."

Toby shook his head, since he came to the world of Harry Potter, of course he had to take the Hogwarts Express.

"Express! That old-fashioned train can be considered an express, I think it's an express, right? From London to Hogsmeade station, it takes six or seven hours for such a short distance."

Jamie smiled sarcastically.

"You can't compare it with the high-speed rail. Besides, you don't know how old-fashioned the wizarding world is. Even the Hogwarts Express was boycotted by some wizards at the beginning!"

Toby said.

"Stupid! Ignorant! But looking down on Muggles from above, this is the current status of the wizarding world."

Jamie scoffed.

"Magic! Power! That's what we're after."

Toby said lightly, in a sense, they are very similar to Voldemort, they both pursue the ultimate power.

But in order to make Horcruxes, Voldemort kept splitting his soul, turning himself into a two-hole socket, and his head became even more stupid.

Think of how smart and shrewd Tom Riddle was when he was a school at Hogwarts, even Dumbledore once praised him.

London, King's Cross Station.

Harry had walked back and forth between the various platforms here several times, but he still couldn't find the so-called platform nine and three quarters.

"Hagrid must have forgotten to tell me about the first brick to knock on the wall here, there's no platform nine and three quarters."

Harry muttered, he had walked back and forth between platforms nine and ten several times, and couldn't find platform nine and three-quarters at all.

He also asked the guards on the platform, but those guards didn't know about Platform Nine and Three Quarters, nor about Hogwarts, and even thought he was fooling them.

"—to be honest, London has long been tired of playing, and when the Hogwarts school year is over, we can go to Europe to play—"

When Harry was at a loss, he heard someone talking about Hogwarts, which made him turn around hastily.

Those were two very handsome boys.

For a moment, Harry could only think of the word handsome. The boy on the left had shoulder-length black hair and delicate features, especially those light blue eyes, which reminded him of the sea.

The boy on the right was equally handsome, with blond shoulder-length curly hair and three-dimensional features, just like those male sculptures he saw in museums. His eyes were light blue and sharp.

"It's really stupid of them to set up Station Nine and Three Quarters here. There are Muggles coming and going here. If you are not careful, you will be seen."

I saw the blond boy said.

"It's hidden here, and Muggles can't see it. It seems that a Muggle expulsion spell has been set, but there is still a chance of being discovered by Muggles."

"I think it's better to set Platform Nine and Three-quarters in a more hidden place. Probably wizards are too arrogant and don't think Muggles will find out the secrets here."

said the dark-haired boy.

Harry heard the word platform nine and three quarters again, and he thought the two boys must know how to get to that platform nine and three quarters.

"That... I'm sorry, do you know how to get to platform nine and three-quarters? Well, I'm a freshman at Hogwarts..."

Pushing his hand to salute, Harry quickly walked up to the two boys and asked in embarrassment.

"Are you... Harry Potter?"

Toby recognized the short boy coming up with the luggage cart.

"Excuse me...do you know me?" Harry asked, looking up at Toby timidly.

"Oh, of course, Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, who in the wizarding world doesn't know you? Especially the lightning-shaped scar on your forehead, that's your logo."

Toby smiled, he didn't expect to meet the protagonist Harry Potter here.

"Yes, this scar!"

Harry seemed delighted that the boy in front of him recognized him, and lifted his bangs on his forehead with his right hand, revealing the lightning-shaped scar.

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