Chapter 317 Slate and Mysterious Hourglass!!

When the pharaoh’s scepter was inserted into the hole in the relief, a sound like the activation of a mechanism was heard.

Toby and them were all preoccupied with vigilance in case something dangerous happened, although it was unlikely, but the necessary vigilance was indispensable.


With a bang, an entrance opened somewhere below in front of the relief wall.

“Sure enough, there is a secret room, and you still need a key to open the secret room, we happen to bring the key, this is really too coincidental, if it is not arranged by someone, we can only say that we are too lucky.”

Jamie sighed.

“Someone arranged it? Who arranged it? ”

Hermione asked in surprise, could it be that someone had arranged all this, they were all just pawns, it was really terrible.

“I’m just casually saying, if someone really arranged it, maybe it’s some unscrupulous creation god!”

Jamie said with a smile.

Author: Are you polite?

“Let’s go, let’s go down and see, maybe there will really be a windfall this time27!”

Toby smiled and said that if this secret room needs a key to open, then maybe this secret room has not been entered by wizards, and the things stored in it may still be there.

“Fluorescent flashing!”

Several people lit their wands at the same time, and then walked down the stairs of the entrance, and after entering the secret passage, Toby also removed the pharaoh’s scepter from the relief wall.

This pharaoh’s scepter is not only a powerful magical item, but also a precious key.

After the pharaoh’s scepter was pulled down, the floor of the entrance to the secret passage was closed again, but it didn’t matter if there was a wand flashlight.

“You see, there are murals on the walls here.”

Hermione said, bringing her lit wand closer to the walls on either side of the stairs, which were covered with frescoes.

Although the mural is blurred due to its age, you can still vaguely know the meaning of the mural.

“This should be a lost ancient magical civilization!”

Toby guessed.

From the fresco, you can see that there are wizards performing powerful magic; There are shamans who are worshiped by the people; There are wizards fighting terrible monsters…

Walking down the stairs without stopping, I don’t know how many steps I walked, it seemed to have gone hundreds of meters underground, Toby and they finally came to a secret passage, the secret passage is very long, I don’t know where it leads.

“What is it? How can there be so much white powder on the ground? ”

Continuing along the secret passage, Harry found that there was a lot of white powder scattered on the floor of the secret passage, which looked a bit like the color of white chalk gray.

“If I’m not mistaken, these white powders should be bone meal! That is, the powder formed by human bones. ”

Toby said.

“Human bone meal!”

Both Harry and Hermione were taken aback.

“So many people, I don’t know how many people died in this secret passage, even Sirius couldn’t help but be shocked.”

“Maybe it’s the little wizards who evacuated to the secret passage, they entered this secret passage to hide, but for some reason they couldn’t get out, and they all died here.”

Jamie guessed.

“Oh my God, this is so cruel!”

Hermione couldn’t help but exclaim.

“Therefore, we should be glad to live in this era, but even in this era of peace, it is not really peaceful, and there will always be some careerists who want to provoke war.”

“It’s the same in both the Muggle world and the wizarding world.”

Toby said.

“You are absolutely right, the wizarding world seems peaceful, but it is not peaceful.”

Sirius sighed too.

“As long as there are people, it is inevitable to fight, from quarrels between neighbors to wars between countries, and the history of mankind is actually a history of war.”

Jamie said lightly that people are selfish, and if they have selfishness, they will inevitably fight.

Along the secret passage, and I don’t know how long they walked forward, Toby and they came to a huge stone door, and above the door of the stone door, there was another keyhole.

“It seems that to open this secret room, you also need a key!” Fortunately, I brought the keys down, otherwise, I would have had to run! ”

Toby said, inserting the Pharaoh’s scepter into the keyhole above the stone door.


The huge stone door and the entire secret passage began to vibrate, and the dust kept falling, and Toby and they all held their wands tightly, wary.

Finally, as the stone door opened, the space inside was revealed, and Toby waited outside for a while, finding that there was no danger, and then entered the stone door.

Inside the stone gate was a large room, initially estimated to be about the size of the temple’s library, and there were many stone slabs in the room, and many ancient texts were carved on them.

“I don’t understand, what kind of text is on this?”

Hermione shook her head and said.

“This should be a very old script, perhaps older than the hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt, and if you look closely at these words, they are somewhat similar to the hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt.”

“Perhaps, the hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt were born out of this ancient script.”

Toby guessed that he did not dare to confirm that everything was just speculation, but a well-founded guess, not an imaginary guess.

“Then can you understand the text on it?”

Hermione asked.

“How is it possible, such a script, I estimate that even experts who study ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs cannot understand it, and it takes a long time to translate.”

Toby said.

“So, these slates have no meaning at all, and you can’t understand the text on them anyway.”

Sirius said nonchalantly.

“However, if these stone slabs appear outside, they will definitely cause an uproar, and many experts and scholars who study the history of ancient Egypt will definitely flock to it.”

Toby said, of course, the experts and scholars he was talking about were also wizards and had nothing to do with Muggles193.

In the wizarding world, there are not a few experts and scholars who study ancient history, such as Grindelwald’s aunt, Ms. Bathilda Bagshot, who specializes in the history of magic.

However, most of her research is the history of magic in the Eagle Country, and although the history of magic in Europe has also been contacted, it is not much, let alone the history of magic in other continents.

“These slates…”

Harry said, reaching out and touching one of the slates, which turned directly into a puddle of powder when he touched it.

“How so?”

Harry was taken aback, and quickly withdrew his hand like an electric shock, he only touched the stone slab slightly, how could that stone slab suddenly turn into a puddle of powder?

“Don’t touch them with your hands, it seems that these slabs are too old to move at all, but fortunately I brought a camera and could take pictures of all the text on them.”

Toby said he took a camera out of his pocket and began to take pictures of the slates, which were invaluable but not yet decipherable to read.

It’s a pity that Harry destroyed a piece, maybe there are some important secrets recorded on it, but now, it is impossible to restore the stone slab, even with a repair spell.

“What is it, an hourglass?”

Jamie found an hourglass on a stone platform, and there were some cracks on the surface of the hourglass, but it looked very old and mysterious, and after such a long time, it had not been destroyed…

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