Chapter 314 Ruins of Ancient Egyptian Temples!!

“How long have we been flying?”

After a long flight, even Jamie was already a little irritable, the road seemed to have no end, all he saw was yellow sand, not the slightest bit of green, and from time to time he had to be attacked by some prehistoric magical creatures.

“I don’t know, I don’t know how much time has passed, I don’t know how far we’ve flown it, maybe we can circle the earth several times.”

Toby shook his head and said that although there were carry-on tent hotels that allowed them to rest when they were tired, the food stock was also plentiful.

But that kind of aimless flight also made their hearts have a very big pressure, and they didn’t know if they would be trapped in this mysterious place forever.

If they can’t get out, maybe they will have to die here.

“Look, it’s a white bone again!”

Hermione pointed to somewhere below, a white bone half-buried in yellow sand, a similar scene they had seen many times, those white bones were not Muggle bones, but wizards’ bones.

There is still some difference between Muggle bones and wizards’ bones, and wizards’ bones can be preserved longer and harder.

Perhaps from ancient times to the present, many wizards have strayed here, but they have not been able to leave here, and they can only bury their bones here.

“Will we be like them?”

Hermione suddenly said that no one would not be afraid in the face of death.

“No, we will definitely be able to go out, we are different from those wizards, we have plenty of supplies, 337 even if we stay here for a year and a half, we will not starve to death.”

Toby reassured that no matter what, Hermione was still just a teenage girl, not yet an adult.

“Harry, if we really can’t get out, probably we will be buried here like those wizards, are you afraid?”

Sirius touched Harry’s head and asked.

“No, at least I still have you with me, maybe after we die, we can still see my parents again!”

Harry shook his head and said.

He is afraid of death, but if he is destined to die, he will not be afraid.

“If I met James and Lily, I think they would have scolded me, I didn’t take good care of you, I didn’t do what I promised them, I was really an incompetent godfather.”

Sirius said with a wry smile.

“I think you’re already good, at least much better than my uncles and aunts have treated me, if we can go out this time, can I go and live with you every summer vacation?”

Harry said.

“Of course, you are my godson, and my home is your home.”

Sirius promised.

“I said you don’t want to fan there either, don’t worry, we will all go out, our lives have just begun, how can we fall here!”

Jamie said.

“Wait, look, what’s that?”

Hermione suddenly raised her voice, she pointed her finger ahead, everyone looked ahead, and an ancient temple suddenly came into view.

“That was…, an ancient Egyptian temple? Could it be that the temple is at the end of this road? ”

Toby said.

“No matter how much it takes, let’s speed up, as long as we get to that temple, everything will have an answer.”

Jamie said.

The two flying swords accelerated towards the temple at the end of the road, but the temple didn’t seem too far away, but it took them two hours to finally arrive.

“This temple… It must be very old, right? I have never seen a temple of this style. ”

Hermione said.

“It should be an ancient Egyptian building, but maybe even older, you see, many parts of this temple have collapsed, and it is very weathered, and some places do not seem to be damaged by nature.”

Toby looked at the ruins of the temple in front of him and said.

“Are you saying that this temple may have been damaged by someone?”

Jamie said.

“Yes, and it was the wizard who destroyed this temple, and a gap like this is not caused by natural weathering, it should be caused by the sorcerer with magic.”

Toby pointed to a gap in the temple and said.

“Shall we go inside and take a look?”

Sirius asked, even he now regarded Toby and Jamie as the backbone, and would not see them as little wizards at all, but adult wizards like him.

“Of course we have to go in, and we have no other choice now but to go in and find out.”

Toby said that in this area, there is only this temple ruin, and if you want to find a way out, there is a high possibility that this temple site will stop there.

“Armor Protection!”

Toby added a humanoid Iron Armor Charm to himself, as well as Harry and Hermione.

“Mr. Black, if you don’t have a wand, I can lend you one, ebony, unicorn hair, thirteen and three-quarters of an inch.”

Jamie pulled a wand out of his pocket and handed it to Sirius.

“You have two wands?”

Sirius was a little surprised, in general, wizards rarely carried two wands with them.

“No, this wand was made by myself, and I still have a lot of this wand, all of which are practiced, maybe not as good as the wands made by Ollivander, but they are okay in terms of performance.”

Jamie said.

Sirius took the wand and used it, and found that it fit him perfectly, although it was not as good as his original oak wand, but it was also very good.

“You can also make wands?”

Sirius asked in surprise.

“After learning some wands, making wands is not actually a complicated job, wizards before the Middle Ages made their own wands, and the wands they made were the most compatible with themselves.”

“It’s just that later wand merchants appeared, and wizards also discovered that the wands they made were no different from the wands they bought, and began to steal.”

Jamie said that Salazar Slytherin of the Hogwarts Big Four was made of his snakewood wand.

“It seems that if I buy a wand in the future, I will go back to you to buy it.”

Sirius joked.

“Better not, or Mr. Ollivander will kill me, I robbed him of his business, and I have no intention of selling wands for a living, making wands is just my hobby.”

Jamie said.

Several people carefully entered the temple site, the entire temple was very badly damaged, and because of the time, although the main building is still there, but many places have collapsed.

“This stone stele.”

Toby and the others gathered in front of an ancient stone stele, which was densely carved with words, which were different, such as Niwen, Old English, hieroglyphics, and even Zhongdingwen.

“It seems that before us, there are really many wizards who have visited this temple, you see these names.”

Toby pointed to a spot on the stone tablet.

“Merlin! No, could it really be that Archmage Merlin? ”

Hermione looked at one of the names and exclaimed.

“There should be no other wizard who would name himself Merlin, and besides Merlin, there are also the four giants who founded Hogwarts, and they have all been to this temple site.”

Toby said.

“Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin!”

Sirius looked at the four names on the stone tablet and was also very surprised that the four giants who founded Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had also been here and left their names here.

“It is said that the Big Four also traveled around the world before they founded Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, so they must also be looking for ancient wizarding civilizations, right?”

Jamie guessed…

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