Chapter 251 Weeping Neville!!

As the Christmas holidays passed, the young wizards returned to Hogwarts to continue their school careers.

Gryffindor Tower, two in the morning.

This time is when everyone is sleeping deeply, from shallow sleep to deep sleep.

Toby returned from the Essentials Room to the bedroom, which was quiet, the other four roommates were already asleep, and Ron was even talking in his dreams.

Toby originally wanted to go to bed to rest, but after seeing Neville’s bed, his heart suddenly moved, and he walked to Neville’s bedside, and Neville, the little fat man, was sleeping soundly at this time.


Toby’s eyes glowed with blue light, and he cast a devotion on Neville, and like the brain occlusion technique, his devotion was also practiced to a very high level, perhaps not as good as Dumbledore and Voldemort, but not much more.

Under the effect of seductive thoughts, the memories in Neville’s mind flew quickly in front of his eyes like a horse watching flowers.

“Sure enough, Neville’s painful memories of childhood disappeared, which should be the reason why his family cast the Oblivion Charm.”

Toby said in his heart.

In fact, Neville is also quite pitiful, although he is not as dead as Harry, but his parents were tortured by the Death Eaters with the Drill Curse, and they are still in St. Mungo’s Magical Injury Hospital for treatment.

However, there is very little hope that a cure will be achieved.

Neville’s father, Frank Longbottom, and his mother’s Alice Longbottom, were not only Aurors of the Ministry of Magic, but also members of the Order of the Phoenix, who had been fighting Voldemort and his Death Eaters during the First Wizarding War.

After the fall of Voldemort, the couple was captured by the Death Eaters, and in order to force Voldemort’s whereabouts, Bellatrix Lestletch of the Death Eaters teamed up with Rodolphus Lestletch, Rabastan Lestletch, and Barton Crouch Jr. to use the Drill Charm on them.

The couple did not tell Voldemort’s whereabouts, or that they did not know Voldemort’s whereabouts at all, so they were tortured crazy.

At that time, Neville may have been only one or two years old, and lost his parents at the age of one or two, and although the Longbottoms were not dead but just crazy, it was no different from dying.

The Longbottoms didn’t recognize anyone at all.

Since childhood, Neville has lived with his grandmother Augusta Longbottom, because Neville’s magical talent is not very good, and his grandmother is very strict, always hoping that Neville can inherit his parents’ abilities.

Therefore, Neville’s childhood was actually not very happy, and it is estimated that it is because of this that he has developed his timid and cowardly personality.

“Poor Neville!”

Toby gave Neville a sympathetic look and sighed.

From Neville’s memory, he saw Neville’s life in the past ten years, although his family did not treat him badly in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation, but more of it was the scene of his grandmother Augusta teaching him harshly.

His grandmother wants Neville to be strong and become a heroic Auror just like his parents in the future.

But the more so, the more cowardly Neville’s character becomes, the more timid Neville appears, the angrier his grandmother becomes, and it is a new round of lessons.

This cycle eventually created Neville’s current character, and if he hadn’t come to Hogwarts, he might have been so weak for the rest of his life.

If the mistress of the family is too strong, then the children will appear weaker, whether it is a Muggle family or a wizarding family.

“Then, let me see your deepest memories!”

Toby pressed his wand against Neville’s temple, and a magical force attached to his divine consciousness burrowed into Neville’s mind.


Neville groaned slightly in pain, his eyelids shaking, as if he was about to wake up.


Seeing this, Toby directly gave Neville a coma charm in case he suddenly woke up while experimenting.

Neville, who was hit by the Coma Curse, immediately fell asleep, which allowed Toby to experiment better.

The human brain is extremely complex, and when conducting brain experiments, it is most forbidden to disturb, and a slight carelessness may cause permanent damage to the brain.

Although Toby experimented on Neville, he did not mean to hurt him.

Regarding the Oblivion Charm, when wizards use ‘Forget All Empty’, they all believe that after the spell, part of the memory will be erased.

However, after careful research, Toby believes that part of the memory is not eliminated, but hidden deep in the brain, and that without external stimuli, that part of the memory cannot appear again.

For example, human memories before the age of three generally do not exist, so is that part of the memory eliminated, in fact it is not, that part of the memory is only stored in the deepest part of the brain.

Under normal circumstances, the deepest memories stored in the brain are impossible to reappear, but this is not absolute, and some people clearly remember the memories before the age of three.

Perhaps the memory is not stored in the deepest part of the brain, or some external stimulus has caused the memory to be released before the age of three.

For example, some people always forget something or something for a short time, but after a while, they suddenly remember it.

Therefore, our memories do not actually disappear, and those memories that we think disappear are actually stored deep in our brains…

The magic attached to Toby’s divine consciousness was found in Neville’s sea of memories, and Toby’s movements were very careful, afraid that it would hurt Neville’s brain.

People’s memories are very large, even if Neville is only twelve years old this year, his memories are very large.

Toby controls that wisp of magic to go deep into Neville’s sea of memories, trying to find his hidden memories.

I don’t know how long it took, Toby’s forehead was sweating, after all, this job is not easy, he needs to pay full attention, otherwise it will not hurt Neville’s brain.

“Found it!”

Toby was very happy in his heart, not in vain he wasted so much effort.

He controls that wisp of magic and wants to pull out Neville’s hidden memories.

But it was difficult, and the hidden memories were as if they were sealed, not being pulled by Toby at all.

“Is this the effect of the Oblivion Charm?”

Toby frowned, maybe the effect of the Oblivion Charm is to seal the memory, but now wizards generally believe that the Oblivion Charm is to eliminate the memory, which is really a big mistake.

Toby controlled the wisp of magic and began to attack Neville’s sealed memory, but he did it carefully for fear of hurting Neville.

I don’t know how long has passed, and the roosters raised by Hagrid outside the castle have started to crow.


Toby exhaled and took back the wisp of magic in Neville’s brain, and it took so much effort that he broke the seal a small hole.

He is now exhausted, but this experiment is not in vain, he finally proved that the forgetting spell is not to erase the memory, but to seal it.

“Dad…, Mom…”

Neville murmured in his sleep, and some intermittent, shattered memories began to come to mind, about his parents, those that pained him.

At eight o’clock in the morning, Harry, Ron, and they all woke up from their sleep.

“Neville, what’s wrong with you? Why are the eyes so red? ”

Harry they were surprised to see Neville’s red and swollen eyes, obviously Neville’s eyes were fine last night, how could they become so red today.

“Neville, have you ever cried?”

Harry asked with some hesitation, although he knew that Neville often cried, but after crying all night, his eyes were red, this is also too exaggerated, right?

“Neville, is someone bullying you, is it Malfoy again, tell us quickly, we will help you avenge.”

Ron said.

“Thank you, but I’m really okay, I just… Thought of some things from my childhood. ”

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