Everything was under Weizet's control, and the chalk floating in mid-air trembled slightly.

The red chalk turned into fragments and adhered to the white chalk skeleton, just like real bones and flesh...

About five minutes later, a sika deer appeared in front of the two people.

Wizette waved the wand again, and the deer immediately raised its head and sniffed, looking around curiously with its big eyes.

"Professor McGonagall, this is what I learned after reading "The Theory of Metamorphism"..."

He smiled sheepishly, "It's just that I'm still a little unskilled. It took too long... and its behavior itself requires me to be distracted and control it."

When Professor McGonagall heard what Weizet said, she came back to her senses and added: "But its essence is still a box of chalk."

"You haven't forgotten the content of my lectures and always remember not to change the essence of things. That's good!"

She bent down and stretched out her hand to touch the deer's back, feeling the soft feeling. "Even the imitation of the fur is perfect... This is actually at the level of a first grader..."

The most crucial point is that Weizet gave the deer agility, which shows that he is indeed in touch with the soul level.

"It's really hard to believe!" Professor McGonagall couldn't help but sigh. Then she recalled her past, tried to compare it with her first-year career, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Let's get back to business!" She straightened up, "Professor Sprout submitted an application for cultivating Mandrakes within Hogwarts."

"Mandrake?" When Weizet heard the name, he immediately thought of the descriptions of mandrake in "A Thousand Magic Herbs and Mushrooms".

After a school year, he also memorized "Thousands of Miraculous Herbs and Mushrooms" without having to search for relevant text descriptions in his mind.

This is an extremely dangerous magical plant that can emit a deadly cry, but it is extremely versatile. Both its roots and leaves can be added to the crucible to brew magic potions.

Professor McGonagall smiled slightly, "Seeing your expression, I know you are familiar with this herb."

"Fresh mandrake is not common. In addition to its use in potions, it is also an important material for practicing Animagus."

Vizette's eyes lit up, "Animagus?"

In the library, there is a lot of information about Animagus. However, these contents are all theoretical knowledge and there is no specific description of how to master this magic.

Professor McGonagall said: "The information related to Animagus is kept in the restricted book area. It is not easy for ordinary students to see it."

"As I said at the beginning, transformation magic is the most complex and dangerous magic. Especially advanced transformation magic like Animagus is prone to accidents."

"When Principal Dumbledore asked me to do it, I was actually a little worried. But after seeing your demonstration of transformation magic, these worries no longer exist."

"Starting from next school year, I will choose my spare time to teach you how to get started with Animagus, which can also be considered as adding some protection methods for you..."

Chapter 1 Welcome to summer vacation

The Hogwarts Express made a loud whistle sound and clanged into the platform.

Weizet and his roommates squeezed into the crowd, struggled to get into the car, and found an empty box.

Without saying a word, the roommates opened their backpacks and took out their homework.

Wizette came back to his senses and saw their uniform movements and their expectant eyes, "What are your plans..."

"While you are still here, finish your homework first!" Anthony winked quickly and said, "The train will run for a long time anyway, so precious time cannot be wasted!"

"I'm on Anthony's side this time!" Michael put his arm around Anthony's shoulder, "When you finish your homework, you can have fun during the summer vacation!"


"Me too!"

Terry and Chris spoke concisely, picked up the thick "History of Magic" as a book pad, and looked at Wizette eagerly.

"Okay! But it's too hard for you!" Weizet shook his head with a smile, took out a piece of parchment and threw it into the air.

"What a transformation!" He took out his wand and touched the parchment, and the parchment quickly turned into a desk, occupying the remaining space in the box.

"To conjure a table so easily!" Anthony clapped his hands in time, "This is the value of getting an 'O' in transformation magic!"

The three roommates cheered together, and after bursts of applause, they charged towards the homework.

They have only been in school for one year, and the summer homework they face is not complicated. They mainly focus on review, reviewing the knowledge points from previous classes, and using this as a basis to write papers.

The so-called "essay" is a more formal term, and it is not a bad idea to call it after-class reflections.

As long as you arrange the corresponding spelling techniques, syllables, etc., add your own thoughts, and make a summary at the end, you can reach the prescribed length of the paper.

For the first few steps, Anthony and the others can complete it independently, mainly for the sublimation and summary, they need the help of Weizet.

Weizet has a lot of things in his head, and just quoting some scriptures can give the paper a little more depth.

This learning atmosphere also spread to the car next to it, and several Gryffindors actually came over, including Harry, Hermione and Ron.

"This is indeed a good method..." Harry looked a little melancholy on his face, "I guess my uncle and the others will lock up my things when I get home."

Similar to Weizet's situation, Harry also stayed in other people's homes.

The difference is that although Vizette and Luna are not related by blood, they are treated very well.

Although Harry was staying with relatives, his life was not going well;

Not only was he living in a cupboard under the stairs, he was also often given food portion restrictions as punishment;

Now that he has lived in Hogwarts for a whole school year, Harry's originally thin figure has become much stronger, and the difference in stature with his peers is not that big.

I don't know why, but listening to Harry's story, Weizet felt that his homesickness became more and more intense.

In order to thank Wizette for helping with homework, Harry graciously provided lunch and bought a lot of snacks from a passing trolley to entertain everyone.

Michael picked up a pack of Bibi's multi-flavor beans and asked doubtfully: "Didn't you say that... your uncle is not good to you? How come you still have money to buy so many snacks?"

Harry took a bite of the cauldron cake and forced a smile, "This is the pocket money left by my parents."

"But it's all money used by wizards. Uncle and the others can't spend it. Wouldn't it be better to use it to entertain friends?"

Facing such a depressing environment, it is really rare for Harry to still have such a sunny personality.

Michael also used his actions to show his admiration for Harry, "If you have any homework you don't understand in the future, you can come to me. Even if I can't answer it, there is still Wizette!"

Hermione coughed lightly and whispered: "I'm still here!"

In such a relaxed atmosphere, the group finished most of their homework and imagined their future carefree summer life.

As the train blew its whistle again, platform nine and three-quarters was in sight.

Hermione carefully put away her wand, "It's a pity that I won't be able to practice magic this summer..."

This is a notice sent by the school to all students, warning them not to use magic during the holidays.

"The rules are not that strict." Old God Anthony said quietly, "As long as there are adult wizards nearby, you can still practice magic without being warned by the Ministry of Magic."

Ron nodded in agreement: "That's true. Fred and the others also cast spells at home, but they were never warned."

Wizette said clearly: "If you want to practice magic and don't live in a wizard village, you can also consider going to Diagon Alley."

Hermione's eyes suddenly lit up, "Yes! Why didn't I think of that!"

"But I can't get out..." Harry sighed and immediately became energetic again, "But I don't have to tell my uncle and them that I can't cast spells outside of school! Lucky Dudley!"

Just then, a familiar hollow voice echoed in the train.

"The Hogwarts Express has arrived at the station. Please take your luggage with you to avoid leaving it behind on the train..."

Weizet exhaled, picked up his luggage, and followed the crowd of people out of the carriage.

Suddenly there was a throbbing in his heart, which made him look up subconsciously.

He seemed to see familiar long pale blond hair, weaving in the turbulent crowd in the distance.

He carefully tried to see if it was what he was thinking, but he lost the familiar figure.

Terry asked doubtfully: "Weizet, aren't you going to go out? Why do you feel like you are absent-minded?"

Weizet put his hand on his chest, the throbbing still there.

He shook his head slightly, "I'll wait here for a while, you go out first!"

I don't know if it was an illusion, but his heart seemed to be beating faster, until his eyes suddenly became blindfolded.

The touch is soft and cold, probably like a pair of hands.

"Welcome back!" Luna's unique ethereal voice sounded, and the excitement hidden in it could be heard.

The cold and soft touch disappeared, and Luna suddenly appeared in front of Weizet like an ethereal elf.

Luna has grown taller and is wearing an orange-red dress studded with star patterns. Her fluffy pale blond hair is tied up, revealing the fair skin of her slender neck.

There was a smile on her face, and her bright eyes flickered in the blink of an eye.

Weizet also smiled, "I felt like I saw you just now."

Luna nodded and said matter-of-factly: "I felt the same way, so I came over quickly!"

The students were eager to return home, and crowds of people rushed to King's Cross Station.

A guard was stationed at the exit to direct the students to leave in an orderly manner to avoid causing unnecessary trouble.

Weizet asked: "Shall we wait here for a while? It shouldn't matter, right?"

Luna nodded, "Of course it doesn't matter. Dad originally wanted to wait for you outside, but I wanted to come in."

It wasn't until the queue leaving the platform was no longer crowded that Vizette picked up his luggage and left with Luna...

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