After all, in the "Wizard's Practical Guide", the most important and common word is: ancient magic.

"It's not like I understand it." Dumbledore shook his head slightly, "'Guardian' is hidden in history. I only learned about this title from clues in history when I was young."

"Everyone has their youth, Wizette." He blinked, and there seemed to be light in his blue eyes, "We were full of energy at that time..."

"All kinds of fantastic ideas are always popping up in my head, and I can always dig out all kinds of hidden anecdotes from strange places. It's really interesting..."

"We were free at that time. When we were looking for something, we accidentally discovered a wizard ruins. There were several armors made of strange magic."

Wizette made some connections and asked, "Principal Dumbledore, the strange magic you are talking about... is the ancient magical power?"

"Yes." Dumbledore nodded, "The guardian should have stayed there for a while and left his mark, that is, those armors."

"We conducted research on those armors and gained a lot of unprecedented magical knowledge. It was a very beneficial experience and made us all make great progress."

"It's just that we can't master that strange magical power, so we can only imitate and recreate it. In fact, I originally hoped that we could use this magic to protect..."

Dumbledore suddenly shuddered, and endless helplessness and sadness appeared in his eyes, and then disappeared quickly.

"I may indeed be a little tired. Maybe it's because being with you always makes me feel relaxed... Let's go back to the magic itself and show you the initial form of this magic."

He picked up the wand and waved it gently, constructing two armors out of thin air, which were the same two armors that had appeared in the school hospital.

It's just that these two armors are more compact, only reaching Weizet's knees in height.

Dumbledore continued to wave his wand, "I extended this magic according to my own understanding, and tried to imitate the armor in the ruins as much as possible..."

Two armors walked to opposite ends of the principal's office. One armor appeared with a spear in its hand and charged, while the other armor held a shield in front of it for defense.


The two armors died together in the fire, and the principal's office was shaking slightly, like a small earthquake.

Dumbledore asked with a smile: "Not bad, right? Do you want to learn?"

For some reason, Weizet looked at Dumbledore as if he was an older brother showing off to his younger siblings.

"Of course!" He nodded repeatedly, "This magic is so amazing! I'm afraid it not only involves transformation magic, but also involves various spells. It should be a compound magic, right?"

"Qiluo will be happy for you. This is indeed a compound magic, but it is based on transformation magic and is strengthened by magic spells."

"Professor Quirrell! Principal Dumbledore, why doesn't Professor Quirrell wake up?"

Wizette remembered that the purpose of coming here in the first place was to ask Dumbledore to find out what happened to Quirrell.

"How should I explain it to you?" Dumbledore stretched out his index finger and tapped the table lightly. "This has to do with the properties of the Sorcerer's Stone... How much do you know about the Sorcerer's Stone?"

Weizet replied: "The Philosopher's Stone is a product of alchemy. It can create potions of immortality and can turn stones into gold... That's all I know."

"It is also a universal medium for alchemy, which is the most important point." Dumbledore added, "As long as the Philosopher's Stone is used as a medium, alchemy can be made much simpler."

"Of course, this is just to add some little knowledge that you won't need... When I put the magic stone into Quirrell's chest, I actually performed an alchemy."

Weizet immediately made relevant associations, "Using the two characteristics of 'medium' and 'immortality'? Because when Voldemort was expelled, he absorbed the vitality of Professor Quirrell?"

"Yes, that's it!" Dumbledore said, "According to my original plan, this is enough to maintain his vitality, and then I can take him to find a solution to Nico Flamel."

"However, the accident still happened... As I said, choice is much more important than our ability. After he chose to save you again, the soul was purified."

"The current situation is that the body that has been eroded by Voldemort for a long time does not match the purified soul. This mismatch is manifested in the form of coma."

Chapter 127 The past between Dumbledore and Voldemort

Wizette nodded slightly, and after thinking for a while, he finally understood, "So... Principal Dumbledore, you still want to take Professor Quirrell to find Mr. Nico Flamel?"

Dumbledore nodded and said: "Yes, Quirrell needs to learn alchemy, understand the magic stone, and control the magic stone."

"He needs to control the magic stone to purify his body, instead of passively accepting the transformation of the magic stone. Such behavior is very dangerous!"

Weizet quickly asked: "Principal Dumbledore, what is the difference between the two?"

"Take the Bafei Brain Refreshing Potion as an example?" Dumbledore blinked, "This potion... you should be very familiar with."

Weizet smiled and said, "Yes! Madam Pomfrey always tells me not to use Buffy's brain-reviving potion."

Dumbledore said: "This is the best example of passive acceptance of transformation. If a wizard uses Bafei Awakening Agent for a long time, he will become dependent... or even worse!"

"If things go on like this, the effect of Bafei's brain-refreshing drug will become weaker and weaker. In order to maintain the feeling of being awake and thinking sharply, the wizard will increase the dosage of the drug until he is completely lost."

Weizet swallowed, "Completely lost?"

"That's right!" Dumbledore affirmed, "When the effect of Bafe's brain-refreshing agent is reduced to the minimum, the wizard cannot accept himself back to the original point, and thus loses all ability to act independently."

"Quirrell's soul has been purified. I don't want him to start relying on the Philosopher's Stone and embark on a path of no return. He wants to become the master of the Philosopher's Stone, not a puppet on strings."

Weizet recalled his performance two days ago and said firmly: "I believe Professor Quirrell...can definitely do it!"

Dumbledore nodded slightly, "Of course, I believe him too!"

The two fell silent suddenly, Dumbledore crossed his fingers, his blue eyes flashing.

Wizette rubbed his eyes. He had not rested since the Quidditch final in the morning, and now he finally returned to Hogwarts. Under the warm candlelight, he felt a little tired.

Dumbledore asked abruptly: "Vizet, do you want to know what happened between me and Voldemort? About what he said in the basement..."

Vizette nodded and said: "Principal Dumbledore, if you don't feel uncomfortable and are willing to speak out... I am all ears!"

Looking into Wizette's calm and clear eyes, Dumbledore coughed slightly, "Voldemort thought I single-handedly created him...perhaps that is indeed the case."

"He used to live in an orphanage. Before I sent him the admission notice, I got to know him a little bit from the person in charge of the orphanage."

"From a very young age, he was able to control his magical talents and use his talents to do some vicious things in the orphanage."

"A vicious incident?" Weizet heard the word "orphanage" and recalled his past life.

Dumbledore nodded and said, "Yes, the children in the orphanage don't dare to offend him. Because once he is offended, something bad will happen..."

"For example, hanging a companion's rabbit from the rafters, or taking the companion into a cave, and then the companion becomes trance-like and seems to have encountered something terrible."

"In short, my first impression of him was very bad. I didn't see any good thoughts in him. It was as if evil had filled his heart. This is not a good sign."

His voice was unpleasant when he spoke, his brows were knitted together, and his eyes were extremely serious as he observed Weizet's performance.

After hearing these two sentences, Wizette could only think of one word: born evil.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, if that's the case...will he return to the orphanage when he finishes his studies at Hogwarts? What will happen to the other children? Will they still be persecuted by him?"

"Yes! What about the other children?" Dumbledore's brows relaxed a bit, "That's what happened next, and it's also why he thinks I created him."

"I met Voldemort and even learned about his little thoughts. He hid a lot of stolen toys. I still had a lot of troubles at the time...I didn't do well either!"

"I warned him, burned the cabinet where the things were hidden with fire, and then restored it. Then I forced him to return the toys, otherwise he would not be admitted to school."

Weizet asked: "Principal Dumbledore, when did that happen?"

"I remember the summer vacation of 1937 clearly."

Wizer nodded. I'm afraid the so-called "troubling matter" should be related to Gellert Grindelwald.

At that time, Grindelwald's party members were getting stronger and stronger, and I'm afraid Dumbledore was also worried about this, so he said "it was not done well" because he did not focus on education.

Observing that Weizet's expression remained the same, Dumbledore also relaxed.

He continued: "I also warned Voldemort at that time - Hogwarts will not tolerate theft."

"I did not do a good job. When he planned to go to Diagon Alley alone, I did not insist on accompanying him when he refused."

"Because I don't like his cruel, mysterious and domineering nature, and I am always on guard against him."

"Perhaps it was because of my defense that his nature was nourished and grew stronger, and thus the Voldemort of today emerged."

As he spoke, his tone became heavier and the look in his eyes dimmed, as if he was thinking of more bad things.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Weizet felt that the way Dumbledore looked at him seemed to make him feel "unworthy of his family".

In his previous life, when he was in an orphanage, he met couples who came to look for relatives. When they saw their children again, they would show similar eyes.

"Maybe I really... can't do anything?" Dumbledore showed a wry smile, "If I can't be a good professor, Voldemort will always hate me."

"You can't be a good brother or a good friend, and you have killed so many people. Aberforth is the one who bears the burden of the family... It's a failure, isn't it?"

Vizette frowned slightly, glanced behind him, and noticed the tall Mirror of Erised.

Aberforth had mentioned a few words when he was at the Pig's Head Bar. Coupled with Dumbledore's various anomalies tonight, he probably guessed something.

Vizet exhaled lightly and said, "Principal Dumbledore, I haven't told you about the world in the mirror, right?"

"Would you like to share it with me?" Dumbledore turned his head again, taking advantage of the blink of an eye to avoid the possibility of facing the Mirror of Erised.

Vizet nodded, "There is a respectable former guardian of the world in the mirror, and he made me understand one thing..."

"No matter how eloquent the narrator is, we can't really understand what the narrator has experienced."

"That is the narrator's experience. Only he himself knows the pain and happiness he has experienced."

"That is why, whether you or Professor McGonagall, let me understand the soul on my own... because everyone's soul and experience are unique!"

Chapter 128 Do I have this honor?

"Well..." Dumbledore nodded lightly, his blue eyes were particularly bright, "You can understand this, very good!"

"In fact, I thought of another point... I want to try it!" Vizet said as he took out his wand.

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