The living room was silent except for the sound of the two turning over books and Luna covering her mouth quietly and yawning.

After an unknown amount of time, Weizet felt his arm sink, and Luna's head rested on his arm, sleeping soundly.

Weizet smiled slightly, obviously he was still talking about not sleeping just now, but now he was wandering in dreamland.

He carefully picked up the wand, pointed the tip of the wand on the pillow, and subconsciously whispered: "The changes are easy..."

The pillow in Luna's arms suddenly stretched and turned into a warm orange blanket.

"Huh?" Weizet realized something.

The sound of the incantation just now was not loud, and it tended to be closer to silent casting.

Although he was very proficient in using the spell "change well", he was still happy to be able to achieve such an effect.

The most important thing is that his incantation did not disturb Luna.

Luna was still sleeping soundly, curled up like a cat, still holding The Quibbler in her arms, her body rising and falling gently and rhythmically.

Weizet did not continue to flip through the notes, closed his eyes and rested his mind...

Gu Gu! Gu Gu!

The twelve o'clock bell rang.

Vizette opened his eyes suddenly and met Luna's eyes.

Luna didn't have time to rub her eyes, she jumped up like an alert hare, turned around and rushed towards the room.

Weizet rubbed his sore neck and arms. He didn't know why, but he felt a little empty in his heart.

But he didn't hesitate and took out a gift box from his pocket.

This is a Christmas gift for Luna.

Luna came back soon, also holding a gift box in her hand, which was decorated with many flowers from the garden.

Inside the gift box was a clear medicine bottle, which contained a golden clear liquid that shimmered slightly, making Wizette unable to take his eyes away.

There is also an airship plum in the potion bottle. The airship plum seems to be crystallized and is as magnificent as an orange-red gem.

"This is the magic potion my mother taught me." Luna pushed her hair behind her ears. "Collect the first drop of dew every morning and give it as a gift on important days. It can bring luck."

Weizet held the potion bottle in his hand, and the bottle exuded warm heat, just like eating a soft-boiled egg at the right temperature in the morning.

Is this why Luna collects dew in the morning?

There was a ray of warmth passing through his heart.

Through this bottle of potion, he seemed to be able to go back in time and see Luna getting up early every day and carefully collecting dew.

"When you get up in the morning, put on an extra coat to avoid catching a cold."


Luna's cheeks turned so red that she had to open the window for some air.

After it snowed, there were no clouds above the night, and the bright moonlight fell on her body, emitting a pearly white mist.

Weizet walked to the window, handed over his gift, and whispered: "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas!" Luna's voice was clearer than usual.

Inside the gift box is a bracelet, the main body of which is woven with unicorn tail hair. The gentle silver color is like the dawn light.

The bracelet is dotted with many feathers and flowers, including the gorgeous feathers of the ball escaping bird, as well as fragrant flowers such as lavender.

There is a round crystal bead tied in the middle. Inside the crystal bead is a daisy-shaped iron plate. The daisy pattern is extremely delicate.

Vizette helped Luna put on the bracelet, pointed at the crystal bead and said: "If it's dangerous... just hold it safely..."

He coughed lightly and tried to smooth out his words, "If you are in danger, just hold it and rub it back and forth three times to protect your safety."

The iron plate inside is a gift from Ollivander and is a magical item with defensive properties.

He combined Grindelwald's notebook and modified it many times with transformation magic and spells before changing it into the shape of a daisy.

"Okay!" Luna said softly.

She raised her wrist to face the moon outside the window, constantly adjusting the angle.

"Wizet, look!"

She showed a smile and said, "This incomplete moon has been completed by you!"

Vizette bent down slightly and looked forward along Luna's line of sight. The crystal beads and the moon in the sky complement each other like a whole.

"Luna? Where are you?"

Suddenly, Xenophilius's voice came from upstairs...

Chapter 89 Gifts from Professors

Hearing Xenophilius's voice, both of them were startled, took a step back, and smiled at each other.

Luna winked playfully and swayed past Vizette like a butterfly, "Dad! I'm here! Merry Christmas!"

“Aha! Merry Christmas, my baby!”

Weizet couldn't help laughing when he heard the title of the book. He recognized Xenophilius' naming ability.

Although the content and illustrations of this book came from him and Luna, after hearing the title, he still wanted to open it and take a look at the contents.

Wizette also stepped forward to deliver a Christmas gift - an ancient book that had been restored to new condition, "I Saw the Brain, the Flying Trembling Maggot!" 》.

The book describes the exploration process of a wizard. When he went to the Lethe River to collect water, he accidentally discovered the trembling maggots. It also contains many exquisite illustrations of trembling maggots.

According to the description in the book, the trembling maggot is a floating creature that looks like a brain and can be used as medicine to enhance the effects of talent potions.

In the end, the wizard relied on a trembling maggot to become an outstanding supplier of talented potions, but because he ran out of trembling maggots, the store eventually went bankrupt...

This gift came from Luna's suggestion. She felt that not only would she like this book, but Xenophilius would also like it.

The peaceful night passed until Weizet was awakened by the movement near the window.

Several owls were lying outside the window, grabbing packages under their feet and tapping the window with their beaks.

Let these owls enter the room, and immediately a few more owls flew in.

It didn’t take long for a pile of packages to appear on Weizet’s bedside.

He received gifts from many people. Professor McGonagall's gift was a notebook, which mainly focused on basics and contained many essays and notes.

Professor Flitwick's gift was also a notebook, in which he wrote a lot about the concepts of wandless spellcasting and how to practice silent spellcasting.

Professor Sprout's gift was seeds, which contained improved crab claw seeds. In addition to swaying vines, they also changed color according to the seasons.

Principal Dumbledore's gift was very small, a pendant engraved with a phoenix pattern. When it was opened, the sound of Fawkes singing would float out;

There is a note in the interlayer of the pendant box, with a text on it: I hope I can help you when you need it, and I sincerely wish you a Merry Christmas.

Vizette folded the note into a lucky star, put Luna's lucky potion inside, then took out a circle of unicorn hair bandages and filled all the gaps around it.

He smiled and shook his head, as if he could understand Hagrid's mood, "Such soft tail hair is just perfect for protecting the potion!"

Hagrid also brought him a gift, which was a pillow the size of a fist;

There was a note attached to the pillow: Merry Christmas, Wizette! The pillow is stuffed with bird and snake down, just pull it, pull it, to the size you like.

To Weizet's surprise, Fred and George's mother, Molly, actually gave him a gift, which was a sky blue sweater and a box of chocolates;

There are also two capital letters "WL" on the sweater, as well as a thank you note sandwiched inside: Wizette, thank you for saving my three children. This is our little thought, Merry Christmas!

The Weasleys went to Romania to visit Charlie, so the four Weasley brothers spent the Christmas holidays at school this year.

The box of chocolates happened to be a specialty of Romania. Vizette took out one and put it in his mouth. It was a bit more bitter and mellow than the chocolate frog, making it perfect for refreshing at night.

Friends also sent their own gifts, mainly various magic candies;

He put all the candies into sugar bowls, and actually filled seven sugar bowls...


"Look at my wand, how does it feel?"

At the teacher's table in Hogwarts, Flitwick was talking and commanding his wand to help him cut sausages.

Sprout observed carefully, "It seems to be brighter than usual?"

"Be more sensitive!" Flitwick emphasized, "Vizet gave me a box of exquisite wand care kits! This is the first time I have received such a unique gift from a student!"

Sprout smiled slightly, "No wonder you are so happy. As a former duel champion, such a gift is very thoughtful, right?"

“He also gave me a Christmas gift, a plant harvest calendar that Flourish and Blotts just released, so I’ll need it right away!”

"He should have given gifts to all the professors." Flitwick looked at Professor McGonagall, "Minerva, what did you receive?"

"A tea set." Professor McGonagall put down her knife and fork, and the tea set with patterns of flowers, green leaves and kittens came to mind. "It's very beautiful."

"Want to try some Muggle candy?" Dumbledore also came to the teacher's table and gently clicked the table to turn it into a fruit plate filled with all kinds of candies.

Professor McGonagall asked tentatively: "Albus, how many... candies did Vizette give you?"

Dumbledore smiled and said: "Seven boxes in total! There are all kinds of flavors! I didn't expect Muggle candies to change so fast. These candies are very interesting!"

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