Dumbledore patted Fawkes on the back, and Fawkes flew up again and landed on the bird stand next to the door.

He came to the desk and asked softly, "The first Halloween spent at Hogwarts, isn't it wonderful?"

Wizette nodded, "I plan to submit an article to Mr. Lovegood and write an article about what happened tonight."

"I am now a loyal reader of The Quibbler." Dumbledore responded with a smile.

He noticed the depression on Weizet's face, so he flipped through his pockets and pulled out all kinds of candies like magic, "I'm looking forward to the article you submitted."

Looking at the lemon sorbets handed over by Dumbledore, Wizette spoke first: "Headmaster, may I know what exactly happened tonight?"

"After I appeared, the giant monster gave up its original target... Its only target became me. This is really abnormal."

"There are also doubts about the last rune snake attack. According to what Hagrid told me, the snake eggs came from that rune snake."

"But Luna told me that the rune snake that attacked us is actually very old. I'm afraid it can't lay eggs, right?"

"Those snake eggs bought me five hundred galleons, which is not a small sum of money... So I want to know what things I shouldn't know."

After saying so many words in one breath, he felt like he was breathing a long sigh of relief, and the previous depression dissipated a lot.

Dumbledore kept smiling, "It should be more comfortable to say everything on your mind, right?"


"That's good." Dumbledore nodded, "I'm afraid your previous experiences have changed you a lot, causing you to have experienced a lot of bad things despite your young age."

"There was a time when I lacked someone to talk to, and I kept my depression and troubles in my heart...until I made a huge mistake."

Weizet asked in confusion: "What a huge mistake?"

"Yes." Dumbledore nodded slightly, but did not continue to delve into the topic. "Weizet, you should talk more like now."

Wizette coughed lightly and said sheepishly: "Life here is very beautiful! There are only two things I don't understand."

“It’s precisely because this place is beautiful, so I don’t want any accidents to happen and destroy this beauty.”

"The most simple, pure, and intellectual curiosity about all things, these are the qualities Ravenclaw admires most." Dumbledore smiled, "Ravenclaw is indeed very suitable for you."

"Let's talk about the accident of the rune snake first! This matter was done by the pure-blood family, and I also came forward to negotiate. The result of the negotiation was those snake eggs."

He spread his hands, showing absolute determination and confidence, "The pure-blood family dare not take any further action, you can use that money with confidence."

"The pure-blood family is targeting me?" Weizet thought of Slytherin's attitude towards him, "Is it because of my identity as an Obscurus?"

Chapter 64 Sincerity is the ultimate skill

"Not exactly," Dumbledore explained. "The Obscurial doesn't just mean danger, it also means... you come from the Muggle world."

"Some pure-blood families still don't understand that blood theory is just a ridiculous comfort, and wizards will not become the masters of this world."

"However, in order to highlight the uniqueness of wizards, these families have become extremely exclusive and hate all Muggles, as well as those wizards born from Muggles."

"It's just that they have forgotten that there are fewer and fewer pure-blood wizards. Even in the magical world, half-blood wizards or wizards from the Muggle world have become mainstream."

After hearing Dumbledore's words, Wizette felt a sense of humor arise in his heart, "The pure-blood theory... is indeed quite ridiculous."

The so-called pure blood theory is very similar to the "racist theory" he knew in his previous life. Going further, there is even the so-called "one drop of blood principle".

Fortunately, at Hogwarts, blood theory is only popular within Slytherin.

Perhaps it is for this reason that they are separated from other colleges.

"Yes, a ridiculous theory. This theory is becoming less and less popular in the wizarding world..." Dumbledore nodded in agreement, "So they carried out the final madness, and Voldemort was born."

Wizette was a little in disbelief, "Voldemort was... elected by a pure-blood family?"

"The relationship between them is very complicated." Dumbledore shook his head slightly. "Voldemort's growth experience was very special, which made him a supporter of the pure-blood theory."

"When Voldemort rose, the pure-blood family realized this, and then they really started to support him, hoping to safeguard the family's rights and status."

"Because their ideas were similar, they hit it off and grew together. Voldemort became 'The One Who Cannot Be Named', and members of the pure-blood family became 'Death Eaters'."

"The wizarding world went through a dark period, until Voldemort was defeated by Harry Potter and disappeared, and peace returned again."

"And I have to tell you now... Voldemort is back. Not only is he targeting Harry Potter, he is also targeting you."

Weizet's eyelids twitched, "Have you got your mind on me?"

"Yes!" Dumbledore nodded.

"That is to say... that giant monster was ordered by him, but why?" Wizette frowned and suddenly thought of something, "Or is it because I am the Obscurus?"

Dumbledore smiled with satisfaction, "You are very perceptive."

He noticed that when Vizette learned about Voldemort's return, he did not show any panic. Instead, he started thinking and got the answer quickly.

This is a rare quality and an important reason why he values ​​Weizet.

He saw the shadows of many people in Weizet... not only Ariana, but also himself.

Now that Weizet had lived up to Snape's trust, Dumbledore decided to reveal more information.

His expression became serious, "Vizet, I have to tell you something. I hope you are mentally prepared."

Wizette felt the change in Dumbledore's expression and nodded solemnly, "Of course!"

"It was only after I came into contact with Quirrell that I thought Voldemort was back. In other words... this operation was probably carried out by Quirrell."

"Professor Quirrell!" Weizet's eyes widened and he swallowed, "How could it be him?"

It was hard for him to imagine that a professor who taught him everything he had learned was actually related to Voldemort and even put him in danger.

Dumbledore lamented: "It is normal to go astray. Many people will experience similar things."

This sentence seemed to be used to comfort Weizet, but also seemed to be talking to himself.

"I've been observing Quirrell. Since he came back from vacation, his behavior has become more and more abnormal, and he doesn't communicate much with the people around him."

“It wasn’t until I thought he might not be able to look back and would run all the way towards the abyss that a turning point finally appeared.”

Weizet pointed at himself and said, "Is this the turning point?"

"Of course." Dumbledore smiled, "You and he are both Ravenclaws. This is a wonderful coincidence."

"How could it be Professor Quirrell?" Wizette was still full of doubts. "If Voldemort ordered him to deal with me, why did he teach me knowledge?"

"I learned from his mouth that black magic can evoke evil thoughts in Obscurus. He also suggested that I master Occlumency to combat the evil thoughts generated by Obscurus."

"That's right!" Dumbledore kept smiling, "Conflict is a turning point. You may not have noticed that your words and deeds are different."

"You respect every professor equally, and this respect and sincerity is what Quirrell has always longed for, but is difficult to obtain..."

"He embarked on the wrong path, and your sincerity swayed him and was the key to getting him back."

Weizet frowned, still full of doubts, "What do I need to do?"

Dumbledore said slowly: "Maintain this respect and sincerity. For a sensitive person, special treatment will make him feel uneasy."

"Just pretend you don't know anything and influence him subtly... You can continue to attend Quirrell's private lessons, or you can choose not to believe him anymore."

He took a long breath and said in a solemn tone: "And the most important thing is that you must pay attention to your own safety."

At this moment, Fox groaned softly, flew up from the bird stand, and landed next to Weizet.

"Of course I haven't forgotten you!" Dumbledore stroked Fox's feathers gently, "If you are in danger, you can call Fox and he will help you."

Fox nodded very humanely and pecked a feather out of his body.

The fiery red feather floated to the palm of Weizet's hand and disappeared immediately.

Weizet raised his hand and looked left and right, but saw nothing.

It was just the warmth in his hands that told him that what just happened was real.

He seemed to have established a connection with Fox, and he only needed to call Fox in his heart to get a response.

"Fawkes does like you very much." Dumbledore explained, "That's his mark. As long as he's in school, he can quickly find you."

"We still have some time, you can think about this matter slowly. If you encounter any difficulties, you can come to me at any time. Professor Flitwick knows the password here."

Weizet stood up directly, without any hesitation in his tone, and with extremely firm eyes, "I will continue to attend Professor Quirrell's lectures and do my best to change him!"

Dumbledore crossed his fingers and whispered, "Okay."

He lowered his head slightly so that Vizette wouldn't see his eyes.

There seems to be a crystal clear water film in those clear blue eyes...

Chapter 65 Snape’s Purpose

After Weizet left the principal's office, the place became deserted.

Dumbledore pulled out his wand and drew an extremely complete circle, "Calling the Guardians!"

A dazzling silver light emerged from the tip of the wand, turning into a lifelike phoenix in the air.

"Newt, how have you been lately? My students invented a magic. The casting process is as follows...the spell is 'The Dirt Retreats'..."

"Yes, an extremely efficient and practical life magic. I vaguely remember that you seem to keep an Obscurus there."

"So I was wondering if it would help suppress the Obscurus? Write me back as soon as possible and wish you and Tina the best."

He gently picked up the wand, and the silver phoenix spun in a circle, flew out of the principal's office, and disappeared into the distance in the blink of an eye.

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