When Weizet and Salazar Slytherin first met, Salazar Slytherin mentioned an interesting point, which was the "Billywig Worm in the Box";

Salazar Slytherin compared the "soul" hidden in the body to the "Billywig Worm" locked in a box;

In fact, the box can contain a "Billywig Bug", a "Sniffer", or a "Unicorn";

Everyone’s soul is unique, and so will their view of the “Billywig Bug in the Box”;

It depends on what the wizard observes and studies and defines as what name;

"Soul" is just a name used to describe something. This ensures that both parties can communicate and the other party understands what they are talking about.

By studying Boggarts, Weizet has taken another small step forward in his understanding of the soul and his exploration of the path to magic;

According to his self-assessment, he has truly opened the "box" now;

He could begin his research on "Billywig Worm in a Box" by defining "Billywig Worm" and describing what he thought this "Billywig Worm" should be.

In Weizet's view, "soul" is a combination, and it can be viewed separately like "soul" and "body";

Just as the "soul" exists in the body, the "spirit" should also exist in the "soul";

The relationship between "spirit", "soul" and "body" can actually be seen as a triangle, which is very similar to the relationship between "body, blood and soul" in blood magic.

"Body" can be regarded as the external foundation. Without the body, a person cannot survive and act in the world, carrying the rhythm of life and the ability to perceive the outside world;

The "soul" is between the "body" and the "spirit". Everything the body perceives will be transformed by the "soul" into memories, emotions and other existences.

The relationship between "soul" and "body" made Wizette think of the magic of Shenfeng Shadowless Curse;

After Snape taught the Shadowless Curse, Wizette used a "trick" method in order to rush for time;

He combined the memory about Snape, rubbed it together with his own memory, and cast the Divine Edge Shadowless Curse belonging to Snape;

After cutting off the snake's slough, he restored the memory of rubbing it in time, and it was not affected at the "soul" level;

But at the "body" level, there is an extra bleeding hole;

If he did not recover his memory in time, pain from the "soul" level should be an inevitable reaction, and he might even become comatose as a result;

Through this example, the connection and influence of "soul" and "body" can be well reflected.

"Spirit" is the most essential thing about a person. It is not only the most important thing, but also the foundation among the foundations. It determines how a person views and understands the world.

The “body” carries the rhythm and perception of life, the “soul” transforms and interprets our experiences and emotions, and the “spirit” gives the meaning and direction of our existence;

They are not so opposite or independent, but should be complementary to each other, so that they can together form a complete person.


Weizet picked up his notebook and wrote down this series of conclusions;

Looking at the writing on the notebook, he raised his pen and wrote down a noun: [Animagus. 】

After completing the entire set of Animagus exercises, when you actually transform in the face of a thunderstorm, you can well reflect the mutual influence between "spirit", "soul" and "body".

The potion used by the Animagus is actually a potion for the "soul". The evidence is that after taking the potion, the image of the animal that is about to transform will appear in the mind;

At the same time, because the "soul" is affected by the potion, the potion fuses and shapes the "soul", which then affects the body;

As a result, the body begins to be transformed, changing into the image of an animal whose "soul" is shaped by the magic potion;

The process of changing from a human to an animal is undoubtedly extremely torturous, and this torment is fed back into the "soul", transforming into a strong sense of pain.

When both the "soul" and the "body" undergo changes, even the "spirit" that is not targeted by the potion is also affected, which is the so-called "dominated by animal instinct";

"Animal instinct" comes from the changes in the "soul" and "body" of animals. Because of such sudden changes, the "spirit" will be caught off guard and become a little hesitant;

The "soul" and "body" will take advantage of the "spirit"'s hesitation during this period, comply with the "animal instinct" of the animal image, and do something in line with animal behavior.

However, potions are always time-sensitive. When the effect of potions begins to fade and no longer has a strong impact on the "soul", it is time for the "spirit" as the most important thing to come into play.

The "spirit" will guide the "soul" and "body" and begin to put everything back on track, allowing the animals to return to their human form and everything to return to its original appearance;

The "hair" in the potion plays the final role, exerting the last effect of the potion, guiding and assisting the "spirit" to complete the process of restoring human form;

Because the "soul" can convert everything felt by the "body" into memory, it also remembers this animal image and can convert between human form and animal.

After sorting it out to this point, Weizet couldn't help but sigh, the Animagus potion was indeed exquisite;

"Hair", a material from the human body that can serve as an "anchor", also played an extremely important role in the entire Animagus transformation.

Vizette let out a breath, he had dismantled the Animagus again from different directions;

But he had doubts again, which meant that he still had room for improvement.

He raised his pen again and wrote down some doubts: [What role does the intense double heartbeat play? 】

[Does the fierce double heartbeat also affect the "spirit", "soul" and "body"? 】

Vizette twisted his neck slightly, stood up and stretched, with a contented smile on his face.

Studying magic is really an interesting thing!

"Take a break...it's not always possible to solve a problem if you rush it."

Wizette murmured, transformed into a phoenix, and disappeared into the light of the fire.

After a series of Apparitions, he returned to Hogwarts Castle and appeared in the secret room where the Mirror of Erised was placed.

"n(nauthiz)!" He whispered the spell, and the Mirror of Erised burst into silver-blue light, drowning him in it.

In the blink of an eye, Weizet has arrived in the mirror world.

Like taking care of flowers and plants, he opened a bottle of Soul Soothing Potion and poured it around the statue of Salazar Slytherin.

Just when he was about to wave his wand and cast the Patronus Charm for further protection, the statue of Salazar Slytherin suddenly changed...

Chapter 231 A Shortcut Road

The statue of Salazar Slytherin gradually regained its color. He looked at Weizet's wand and shook his head slightly.

"I originally thought you might forget it soon, but I didn't expect you would always remember it... But thanks to them, I was able to recover so quickly."

"I just feel that I should do something." Weizet continued to wave his wand, drawing a virtual circle, "Calling for divine protection!"

The golden eagle Patronus shot out the tip of his wand, quickly circled around Salazar Slytherin, and then disappeared into the air.

When the golden eagle patronus surrounded Salazar Slytherin, he slowly closed his eyes, as if he was feeling something;

"Little Eagle..." After the patron saint disappeared, he slowly opened his eyes and said, "Your exploration of the soul seems to have taken another step forward..."

"It's a pity... I'm not suitable to waste my power now. Otherwise, I really want to see and read for myself what exactly you have been through."

He shook his head slightly, then changed the subject and said, "Remember what you told me before... someone created a Horcrux, and you got rid of him?"

After reshuffling the school board, Dumbledore found an opportunity to hand over the casket and Tom Riddle's diary to Weizet for safekeeping.

"Not yet..." Weizet shook his head, put his hand into his pocket and took out the spirit box. As he gently squeezed the spirit box, a black mist came out and condensed into the appearance of Voldemort.

He took out Tom Riddle's diary and briefly described the situation at that time.

After Voldemort absorbed the fragment of Tom Riddle's soul, Tom Riddle's diary lost its function and became extremely ordinary;

After all, it was an object from fifty or sixty years ago. Even if you just turn the yellowed pages lightly, your fingers will be stained with a lot of powder.

Salazar Slytherin took a few steps forward and stared at Voldemort, who was made of black mist, with obvious disgust on his face. "Such a result shows that he has more than one Horcrux!"

"Very rough...extremely rough!" He turned his attention to Tom Riddle's diary. "It can only be said that he is very lucky and courageous... He should be a Gryffindor, right?"

Thanks to participating in Snape's private lessons, Weizet has extremely rich experience in dealing with such questions.

He shook his head without changing his expression and softly denied: "I'm not very sure either. I don't know specifically which college he is a student from."

"Also..." Salazar Slytherin said casually, "You are right. There is no need for such a person to know in detail."

He noticed the curiosity in Weizet's eyes and sighed softly and said: "This diary is very rough and has no extra magic...it should not be suitable for making Horcruxes."

Wizette moved Tom Riddle's diary forward, letting it float up and down in mid-air.

He took out his notebook and said while thinking: "Shouldn't it be suitable for making Horcruxes?"

"Dean Slytherin, as you taught me before to make the 'spiritual box', it not only contains the Patronus Charm, but is also blessed by the spell..."

"Therefore, items with powerful magic are more suitable for making Horcruxes... No matter from the perspective of blood magic..."

"From the perspective of 'spirit', 'soul' and 'body', a strong enough body will actually have an impact on the soul..."

Salazar Slytherin raised his eyebrows, "'Spirit' and 'Soul' and 'Body'?"

Weizet recalled his first meeting with Salazar Slytherin. At that time, Salazar Slytherin said this:

"You are still struggling with the soul, but you don't know that it is the same as the body, but it is a deeper body... There is a more important existence within the body."

Thinking of this, Vizette continued to explain: "'Spirit', 'soul' and 'body' are just like what you said, 'more important existence', 'deeper shell' and 'body'!"

"Little Eagle... you have really grown a lot!" Salazar Slytherin sighed, "This period of time may be as short as a blink of an eye for me."

He looked at Vizette with a complicated look, "However, such a short period of time can deepen your understanding of the soul to this extent!"

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