He looked at the house elf aside and said, "Bring me some dust."

The house elf was very fast. After a while, he returned to Lucius holding the dark ashes and said, "Master, please..."

Lucius held the cap of the potion bottle and slowly brought it closer to the ashes. Before the ashes came into contact with the bottle, the ashes flew up, as if they were repulsed by some force.

Looking at the potion bottle in his hand, he murmured to himself: "It has the characteristics of a fairy instrument... But why..."

He seemed to have thought of something and ordered the house elf: "Bring me my most precious piece of silverware!"

As the house elf disappeared and appeared, a transparent glass box appeared in front of Lucius.

He removed the silverware from it and compared it with the potion bottle.

"The exquisiteness of the patterns is almost the same...but the bottle given by the Dark Lord seems to be more pleasing to the eye..."

"The material... this is silver, and the one given by the Dark Lord... seems to be just iron, but fine enough..."

"Dust removal function..." Lucius grabbed a handful of ashes and sprinkled it directly on top of the silverware. The silverware instantly dispersed the dust, and the effect was more obvious than the potion bottle.

"So that's it! Is this why the Dark Lord returned to school?" He took a deep breath, "Having tools similar to goblin crafts... This is used to replace goblins!"

"No wonder the former goblin had a grudge against Godric Gryffindor. It turned out that he studied and stole the craftsmanship of goblins by forging Gryffindor's sword!"

"What a pity! Those Gryffindors don't like to go into the library, so this secret was not discovered by Dumbledore, but was discovered by the Dark Lord!"

"Lucius?" Narcissa's voice sounded, "Why are you covered in ashes? Clean it up quickly!"

"Yes!" The house elf responded immediately, cleaned the entire living room, and then disappeared from the sight of the two of them.

"I just found a good object." Lucius smiled, "So I just gave it a try..."

Narcissa paid attention to the goblin silverware beside her, "Is it also made by goblins?"

"I'm still researching." Lucius hugged Narcissa, "I'm fine, don't worry."

Narcissa nodded, "The Parkinson family sent a letter. It seems they want to invite you to come over and discuss some things."

"The Parkinson family?" Lucius murmured, "I remember Draco said that Pansy seemed to have made some mistake... Could it be that she was discussing those things."

"Maybe?" Narcissa responded, patted Lucius on the shoulder and said, "Lunch is ready, come to the restaurant quickly! Set a good example to Draco!"

"Of course, I'll put them away and go over!" Lucius nodded and put the goblin silverware back into the glass box.

"Soul soothing agent?" He unscrewed the potion bottle and looked at the liquid inside, his eyes twinkling again.

"Does this mean to reassure me? Don't be in a hurry...after all, this technology has not been thoroughly studied..."


Dobby integrated in very quickly. Not only did he take care of Wizette and the others' daily life, he also learned to take care of various magical plants with the help of Luna.

After putting the ham, fried eggs and toast on the table, Dobby leaned slightly and asked softly: "Mr. Lovegood, does the taste of black tea suit your taste?"

"I'll take a sip!" Xenophilius put down the pen and paper, picked up the black tea and took a sip. He couldn't help but sigh, "Ah! Is this the life of a pure-blood family? The taste is just right!"

Dobby said cheerfully: "Okay! Then I will add sugar to you according to this sweetness next time."

Luna greeted: "Dobby, come and eat quickly!"

If it had been a few days ago, Dobby would have been sobbing again and choked up a lot of words.

Now he is finally getting used to it and can sit on the stool with a natural expression and eat with everyone.

There was a knocking sound outside the window, and Weizet listened to it and gently flicked his fingers to use magic to open the window, allowing the owl to fly in smoothly.

Even though he could see Vizette doing this every day, Xenophilius' brows still twitched, as if he was hesitant to speak.

This was the owl that delivered the Daily Prophet. Weizet spread the newspaper and frowned immediately after seeing the title above.

The cover shows a close-up of the tower of Hogwarts Castle. Through one of the windows, one can vaguely see Dumbledore in the principal's office;

It’s just that Dumbledore’s sharp back in the photo, accompanied by the swaying lights, looks a bit rickety and evil;

The cover title is also full of malice: [Unrepressible nature, Dumbledore’s forbidden magic experiments at Hogwarts revealed (1)! 】

["Daily Prophet" special correspondent Rita Skeeter reported——]

[As we all know, as recognized as the greatest wizard of our time, Albus Dumbledore has been reclusive since Albus Dumbledore defeated the dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald in 1945, rarely appearing in the public eye. 】

[What is even more puzzling is that he has rejected the position of Minister of Magic more than once, but he has also had conflicts with the school board and rejected many valuable opinions that were beneficial to Hogwarts. 】

[Such a weird behavior made everyone doubt whether Albus Dumbledore, who has countless auras, is really shining brightly. Is he really just bringing talents to the wizarding world without any selfish motives? 】

[He has repeatedly clashed with the school board. Does he want to control the school board and make it become Albus Dumbledore's voice? What exactly is he hiding in the Hogwarts castle? 】

[Recently, the author has received a number of anonymous letters from parents of students, revealing a series of horrific events that occurred within Hogwarts, and the targets were all pointed at Albus Dumbledore! 】

[It was obviously a long and joyful Christmas holiday, but many accidents happened at Hogwarts. This castle that was supposed to be a place for teaching and educating people may have been reduced to a prison, a prison specially designed for the study of black magic! 】

[Starting from tomorrow, the author will follow up and report through those anonymous letters, exposing the deepest evil hidden in Hogwarts from the outside to the inside, so stay tuned! 】

"This is Rita Skeeter's style!" Xenophilius said coldly, "I knew it! The Ministry of Magic is going to take action against Principal Dumbledore!"

"This must be the work of that old jellybean! He wishes that Principal Dumbledore would become like this and be reduced to nothing, so that his position as Minister of Magic would not be affected!"

Chapter 29 Outrageous tracking reports

After seeing this report, Weizet dug through his notes and took out a bookmark.

This is a bookmark given by Dumbledore before. As long as you leave a message on it, Dumbledore will be able to feel it.

When the bookmark was first used, it was still within the scope of Hogwarts, so Weizet was not sure whether the bookmark would continue to be effective after Hogwarts.

Despite this, he still left a message on it with the mentality of giving it a try.

[Principal Dumbledore, Merry Christmas! Did anything unexpected happen at Hogwarts during this time? 】

If Dumbledore couldn't sense it, he would write another letter to Dumbledore and try to ask about the current situation.

Watching the above content disappear, there was actually one more thing that Vizette was unsure about.

He was not sure whether Dumbledore would tell him the details. Perhaps what happened now was what Dumbledore expected;

Therefore, Dumbledore is likely to ask the Riddler to say lightly: "Don't worry, have a good time during the Christmas holidays!"

The truth was as he expected, two lines of writing quickly appeared on the bookmark.

[Merry Christmas, I really like the wool socks you sent, they are very warm. 】

[It’s not unexpected, it even saved me a lot of energy, so you don’t have to worry, just let the Daily Prophet fly for a while! 】

At least Weizet felt from between the lines that what happened in Hogwarts now was what Dumbledore expected.

Despite this, he continued to leave messages on the bookmark and expressed some of his conjectures.

[Headmaster Dumbledore, did some of the anonymous letters mentioned by Rita Skeeter come from the Parkinson family? So in subsequent reports, the Parkinson family was also involved? 】

Dumbledore responded quickly, but the content was a bit vague.

[In the tradition of the Daily Prophet, publishing such an article obviously requires some choices. You don’t have to worry about it, I have some things to deal with, so let’s do this first! 】

The next day's Daily Prophet indeed published a follow-up report on Rita Skeeter.

[The Beginning of Sin: Horrifying Halloween, the innocent janitor, and the secret crisis of Hogwarts gradually surfaced! 】

This is a report about Mrs. Norris, in which Rita Skeeter claims to have received an anonymous tip;

According to the whistleblower's description, on Halloween, Dumbledore tortured a mixed-race cat, Nimbus, and conducted cruel dark magic experiments on it, eventually turning the mixed-race cat to stone.

At the end of the report, Rita Skeeter once again left the words "stay tuned", and it was obvious that there would be follow-up reports.

The day after this report was published, the Daily Prophet published a statement claiming that the Ministry of Magic had sent Aurors to Hogwarts to investigate.

After reading the statement, Weizet felt more and more that something was wrong in it. It was definitely not as simple as the so-called conspiracy theory;

Diagon Alley contains a variety of potion materials, all of which come from various magical creatures. If it were just because the half-breed cat was being tortured, there would be no need for the Ministry of Magic to investigate;

It means that if some kind of accident happens at Hogwarts during the Christmas vacation, the Ministry of Magic will intervene.

Combined with what Dumbledore said at the end of his message, "I have some things to deal with," these things should be related to the Ministry of Magic's investigation.

Wizette left a message for Dumbledore again, but received no reply.

After some thought, he sent a letter to Hogwarts, a letter addressed to Penelo Crivat.

The reason why I wanted to send the letter to Penello was because she was a Ravenclaw prefect and should be able to know more things than the average student.

Early the next morning after sending the letter, Saul appeared at the bedroom window facing the rising sun and brought back Penello's reply.

"Thank you!" Weizet stretched out his palm, and the phoenix mark on his palm glowed slightly. He stroked Sol's feathers and smoothed the messy feathers for Sol.

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