Whether it is the blood of the Thestrals, the Irish phoenix, or the continuous casting of the Killing Curse, it is the process of giving the rooster eggs the "death" characteristic.

The final effect is actually reflected in the basilisk - the basilisk not only has deadly fangs, but can also kill people by staring.

All of them are full of the characteristics of "death".

And indirect contact with the stare of the basilisk will be cursed with petrification, which may be related to items such as garnet containers, sun stones, and flints...

The whole process of Salazar making rooster eggs is worth repeated recollection by Vizette.

I believe that as he continues to accumulate magical knowledge, he will definitely be able to experience more mysteries from it.

The process of Salazar's experiment also opened Vizette's eyes.

Even because he has seen the Killing Curse too many times, he has mastered the method of casting the Killing Curse without knowing it.

When casting the Killing Curse, a dazzling cold green light and an extremely slight, almost inaudible whisper will be released.

This whisper was not only rapid but also full of malice, like the whisper of the god of death.

Vizet was able to confirm the existence of this whisper only after watching Salazar cast the Killing Curse again and again.

The Killing Curse is the same as the Imperius Curse, and is also an Unforgivable Curse.

The similarity between the two Unforgivable Curses is that it is actually very simple to cast the Killing Curse. You only need to recite the spell correctly to release it.

There are also differences between them. For example, if you want to successfully cast the Killing Curse, you need to give it emotions when reciting the spell, and strongly want the other party to die.

It is precisely because of this that the Killing Curse is included in the Unforgivable Curses. As long as the Killing Curse can be successfully cast, it means that the caster is full of the desire to kill.

In addition, when casting the Killing Curse, the wand will also vibrate violently, so the caster needs to pay special attention to accurately hit the target.

This is a feature that Vizet summarized from Salazar's wand holding posture after repeated observations.

When Salazar casts the Killing Curse, he usually holds the wand tightly, and the veins on the back of his hand even emerge.

Even so, when the green light appears, the tip of the wand will still rise slightly...

Chapter 177 The Curse Contract with the Basilisk

After successfully making the rooster eggs, Salazar immediately started to hatch the rooster eggs.

Vizet could see that Salazar had integrated the previous 180 experiments and applied them to the 181st experiment.

Salazar continued to feed the toad with the blood of the Thestrals to supplement the "death" characteristic.

He also transformed the original chicken coop, combined ritual magic with alchemy, and finally designed a new hatchery with the alchemy magic circle as the main body.

Vizet combined the books in his mind to ponder every step of Salazar, and finally understood Salazar's intention to do so-the process of hatching rooster eggs is actually a biological alchemy.

As the saying goes, there is no end to learning. Bioalchemy, blood magic... these are all magical knowledge that Vizette knows but has very little experience with.

Now all he can do is to memorize them all so that he can continue to learn, study and digest them in the future.


As the experimental plan progresses steadily, new memory fragments appear.

In the new memory fragments, the appearance of the toad gradually changes;

It should undergo some kind of magical transformation with the rooster egg. The color of the skin slowly fades, and the movements become slower day by day, with a tendency to turn into a gray-white statue.

The situation of the rooster egg is the opposite. The color of the toad's skin fades, and it is transferred to the rooster egg, like a thick layer of clothing, hiding the pale color and red lines.

When the toad completely turns into a statue, the rooster egg also completes the bioalchemy and becomes a basilisk egg.

The surface of the basilisk egg is covered with colorful patterns, which are very similar to the patterns of the snake slough in the cave tunnel, and it is green.

Salazar modified the alchemical magic circle and transformed it into ritual magic.

He waved his wand, and a silver-blue light burst out from the tip of the wand.

Obviously, as a former guardian, Salazar also mastered the power of ancient magic.

At this time, he was using this power as a means to warm the basilisk eggs and continue the subsequent hatching process.

Vizette discovered that when using the ancient magic power to warm the basilisk eggs, Salazar would also use the ancient magic power to simultaneously perform spiritual magic and communicate with the basilisk eggs.

Because of the intervention of the ancient magic power, Salazar also started a new round of records.

[Add ancient magic power... guide the instinct of the basilisk eggs and let them absorb the ancient magic power...]

As the warming and communication increase, the basilisk eggs will also respond by shaking, and the frequency of response is getting higher and higher.

[Establish magical communication with the basilisk... to gain the trust of the basilisk... to prepare for the conclusion of the curse...]

Looking at Salazar's records, Vizet pondered, "So the purpose of the Slytherin headmaster... is to obtain the curse..."

"What exactly is the curse? The word "conclude" is used... Could it be "conclude a contract"? Is the curse a kind of contract?"

Based on this guess, he continued to make associations and extracted the key points, "ancient magic power... spiritual magic... communication... trust..."

"Perhaps there is also the gift of the Dean Slytherin himself - Parseltongue... Since the basilisk is still in Hogwarts, I will definitely encounter it..."

"Through the power of ancient magic, and then through Parseltongue and mental magic to establish a magical connection, perhaps things will go more smoothly after the encounter with the basilisk?"

He watched Salazar get along with the basilisk egg, and a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Mandra! The mandrake I watered with the power of ancient magic... Maybe I can also conclude some kind of spell contract with it?"

"However, magical plants are different from magical animals. They cannot be directly applied mechanically... It is still quite dangerous to act rashly without studying it clearly..."

Magic has various possibilities, and correspondingly, it also brings various dangers.

Even in the relatively safe magic, if some spells are not read correctly, accidents will occur;

Flitwick gave an example of a wizard named Baruffio who had his ribs broken by a bison because he read a character in the spell incorrectly.

If it is just an ordinary injury, it is only a small matter for wizards. For example, Harry's arm bones disappeared, and new bones can be grown by taking bone spirit.

The terrible thing is that the injuries caused by various magic accidents, if not handled properly, will also cause various disabilities;

Anthony mentioned a legendary Auror-Alastor Moody when he was telling stories in the dormitory;

This Auror is considered to be "the most outstanding Auror in modern times", and he also has a nickname "Mad-Eye Moody";

He got this nickname because he accidentally blinded one eye when he was chasing dark wizards and had to install a magic eye;

According to Anthony, Mad-Eye Moody's magic eye is very scary, and it can even rotate 360 ​​degrees to see the enemy behind him.

Fortunately, Vizet is in a magic school. If he encounters problems that he doesn't understand, or wants to conduct some magic experiments, he can ask professors of various subjects.

Even if the professor has not encountered the same problem, he can bring him a lot of inspiration and inspiration based on his own experience, and reduce the probability of accidents.


As the basilisk broke out of the shell, Salazar's memory fragment also came to an abrupt end.

Perhaps due to some magical restrictions, Vizette was unable to witness the entire process of concluding the spell.

Although it was a bit regrettable, overall, Vizette was still very satisfied.

He had gained too much valuable knowledge from these memories of Salazar, enough for him to study and learn for a long time.

As the memory fragments disappeared, Vizette had a strange sense of weightlessness and kept falling in the dark.

He had experienced similar situations many times. This sense of weightlessness meant that he was gradually regaining consciousness and should be able to wake up soon.

During the time of falling, he simply relaxed his mind and enjoyed this unique leisure time.

Vizette was like a fallen leaf in a stream, his thoughts drifting aimlessly...

Unconsciously, he remembered the Christmas vacation and summer vacation, and the bits and pieces of life...

Different scenes would also emerge in his mind, like scenes in a dream.

These scenes were like quicksand, and when he tried to see them clearly, they would slip away quietly.

Only when he relaxed his mind and stopped worrying about whether he could see clearly, could he feel the special tranquility brought by the scene.

This tranquility floated with him like a feather...

He could feel the Ravenclaw common room, the scene outside the window, and the dark Forbidden Forest;

He could feel the Thestrals in the Forbidden Forest, suddenly jumping out of the Forbidden Forest, flapping their wings and rushing straight into the sky, and then diving rapidly and submerged in the Forbidden Forest again;

He could feel the greenhouse of Hogwarts, and the thriving of those magical plants, swaying their branches and leaves to drink the nectar of the morning light...

Chapter 178 Where did Vizette go?

Devonshire is close to the sea, and the village of Ottery St. Catchpole is located in it. Even in late November, the climate is relatively mild, with occasional cold winds and rainy days.

In comparison, the Scottish Highlands are much colder, especially at this time in the morning, when the sun has not yet risen, and the cold is making its final attack.

Ravenclaw Tower was very tall, and the cold wind was blowing back and forth, whirring and occasionally hitting the windows, trying to give the cold a chance to attack.

Luna curled up and woke up from her deep sleep with a whimper.

She pulled her feet that were exposed outside the quilt inward and stretched her body very leisurely.

With the warmth of the quilt, her cold feet warmed up again, and she was a little more awake than before.

Her eyelids moved slightly, and her long eyelashes trembled with it.

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