Rejecting Lucius' invitation to stay overnight, Kahn went straight to Knockturn Alley.

I am going to deal with the potion materials on my body. I don’t have much money on my body. It’s a bit uncomfortable. I can only hope that the Bojin Boke shop can eat it!

Unlike before, when Kahn walked in Knockturn Alley last time, he had a lot of malicious eyes staring at him, but now it seems that there are no more, and if he has the strength, he must use it, otherwise what can be done if he is timid.

"Mr. Bork, we meet again."

As soon as Kahn entered the store, he greeted him warmly, like an old friend for many years, and didn't care about Bok's face that collapsed immediately when he saw him.

"Mr. Grindelwald!"

Bock nodded his head as a response. He really suffered a heavy loss in that scene, although those customers who died in his shop did not need to pay compensation.

But the goods burned by Fierce Fire were worth tens of thousands of Galleons, plus the restoration of various defensive spells, it was a bloody loss.

Afterwards, I found out that he was a student of Hogwarts, and he was still in the first grade, named Kahn Grindelwald.

Last name is Grindelwald, that's normal...normal shit, that kid Tom wasn't that crazy.

"Mr. Bork, I still have a batch of potion ingredients, I don't know if you will accept them or not!"

Kahn asked with a smile.

"Is it the venom of the acromantia again?"

Bock was taken aback. Last time, the 200 pints of Acromantus venom had just been sold out, and here he came again. Although he didn't make a lot of money, he still made some money.

"Yes, but this time there is something else."

"Accept, the same sentence, as long as it is valuable, I will accept it!"

Bo Ke said without hesitation, opening a shop by himself is to make money, how can he let the business run away!

"My amount this time is a bit big!"

"It's okay, I can eat it."

Bock smiled proudly, showing several big gold teeth.

"Six hundred pints of acromander venom, five thousand six hundred and eleven unicorn tail hairs, three unicorn carcasses, and several chimeralo teeth."

Kahn put out the things he was going to sell. When Kahn counted the tail hairs, he was surprised that there were so many. Kahn also saw a rope made of unicorn tail hairs, even if a unicorn The fur is changed once a year, dozens of unicorns are shed at a time, and there are a total of ten unicorns. It will take ten years to collect them, and not every time they are shed can be collected, and the actual time will only be more.

The horns of the unicorns are de-horned. They are easy to sell, and you may still need them. When you need them, you may not be able to buy them right away. Kahn also plans to use the eggshells of birds and snakes.

"Is this what you're planning to do?"

Bock's eyes sparkled when he looked at these things, they are so valuable, he really wants to hack them, really!

But as a loyal supporter of Gou Mingliu, he still has some scruples!

"That's right, can you eat it?"

Kahn looked at Bock's face which was changing constantly and smiled.

The sword of the cliff has been prepared, as long as it is forced to turn his face, there is no need for Lianhuo, and a 20-meter sword of the cliff will directly attack his shop.

" can eat it!"

Now Bok can only bite the bullet and say, to be honest, he can't eat it anymore, these things have exceeded two hundred thousand Galleons, "If it's horned, it's close to four hundred thousand Galleons.

He receives goods every day. He has a lot of things. If all of them are sold, a million Galleons is not a dream, but the cash flow is only more than 100,000. Fortunately, the materials of unicorns are relatively easy to sell. of.

But the venom of the giant acromantia, I only sold out in half a year, so I am afraid it will take two years, and the profit is really not much, he really doesn't want to accept it now, but I have already said the words just now, and I regret it again Didn't you slap yourself in the face?

"It's fine if you can eat it, so let's count how much it is!"

"Can I ask, where's the unicorn's horn?"

"Aren't you selling this?"

Bok is already planning to go out to borrow money, and since he is ready to take all of them, of course he has to care about the unicorn's horn, which is the big head, and now you don't have to wait until dawn to give it to you.

"I still have use for the unicorn horn."

"Well, the price of the venom of the giant acromantia is still the same as last time. 600 pints will give you 5.7w gold Galleons."

Bock sighed and said, this is another big loss of money, and my heart hurts!

Immediately began to check the condition of the unicorn carcass, the number of tail hairs, and the quality of Chimeralu's teeth.

"Three-headed unicorns, without blood and horns, are greatly reduced in value. A total of 11,000 gold galleons are counted for you, and 10 gold galleons for each unicorn's tail hair, a total of 5.611,000 gold galleons, and a chimera's teeth are 2,000 One Gold Galleon, you six 1.2w Gold Galleons.

"What do you think of this price?"

Bock broke his bid, and of course he still made a profit, but compared to others, he bid Kahn a little higher.

For example, unicorn fur has formal channels and costs 10 Galleons a piece in Knockturn Alley, but the purchase price here is 9 Galleons. No wonder, and the selling price is between 11 and 12 Galleons regardless of Knockturn Alley or Diagon Alley.


Kahn felt that it was almost done, and if he wanted to add more, he would probably open his own shop, and he had to order soup for others.

"Where are you going?"

Looking at Bok walking out the door, Kahn asked curiously.

"Borrow money!"

Bock's face was a little red, and he called a guy to watch, and he walked out immediately, which was the first time in so many years.

As an old guy who has lived for many years and still has a few good friends, it is not a problem to borrow a hundred thousand Galleons.

After waiting for about half an hour, Bock finally came back and brought Kahn 23.511w Gold Galleons, plus his own 4.8w Gold Galleons, it was almost enough for the next round!

"By the way, is there a store here that specializes in selling magical animals?"

"Go to the left, and you will be able to see it about 300 meters away."

Kahn wanted to buy some rations for Huang Heilong and Zouwu. The 1,000 bags of pet rations in the lottery had bottomed out. As the two grew up, they became more and more edible.

Zouwu is better. At this stage, not counting the two-meter-long tail, I can’t eat two bags a day, but Huang Heilong has grown to seven meters. It’s no smaller than an adult Hungarian Horntail, and five bags a day is not enough to eat, but Kahn is only giving five bags.

I don’t know if it’s because this pet ration is too powerful. These two things grow so fast. Originally, Zouwu couldn’t finish eating half a bag in a day, but Huang Heilong could finish it in just a few months. How many years would it take for this body to grow like this with ordinary food!

Looking at the "Black Gold Warcraft Store" in front of him, this should be the store that Bock mentioned!

"Excuse me, is there any food for magical animals?"

Kahn asked, there is only one person here, to be precise, it is a house-elf, who is taller, stronger and cleaner than average, but I have never seen a house-elf who opened a shop, but this should be the one Great family!

"Yes, as long as you have money, I'll sell it!"

The house elf said without hesitation, if they don't have what the magical animals eat, how can they feed these animals?

As for the lack of food here after selling it, it’s better to be hungry.

".~What kind of things do you guys have here?"

"The normal ones are chickens and mice, and the good ones are the meat of magical animals. You want that kind."

"The meat of the artifact animal, come here."

"The best is dragon meat, are you sure?"

The house elf looked at Kahn in surprise, it was just feeding a magical animal, do you need such a good one?

"what price?"

According to Kahn's knowledge, dragon meat should not be of much value. Alchemy potions are not available, and no one eats it. Soak in wine, that group will give you 10,000.

"Three silver Sickles a pound!"

"Give me a hundred thousand pounds."

Kahn said quite proudly, what price did he think!

It turns out that one Galleon is equal to seventeen Sickles, which is just over 20,000 Galleons.

In fact, the meat is not much, only 45.35 tons. The amount of meat produced by a dragon can range from one or two tons to several tons. These should be enough for them to eat for a period of time. Anyway, they can be frozen without spoiling. When they ate ice spider legs I didn't see them having diarrhea either.

"I don't have so many here. If you need it, you can pay a deposit first and pick it up in three days."

The house elf was shocked when he heard that, there are not many worth more than 20,000 Galleons here, so he might be sick if he just sells fodder and spends so much money!

If it's 100,000 pounds, then (Zhao Lie's) needs to be dragged from the dragon farm. The price of cabbage is all over there. Dragons die every day for various reasons. Otherwise, those wand materials and dragon blood Where are they all from?

"Deposit? You won't refuse to pay when the time comes!"

"Although the business is illegal, we are a judge with a guaranteed reputation.

"How much is the deposit?"

"Three Thousand Gold Galleons!"

Kahn still paid a deposit, and if he dared to swallow his own money, then the house elf and the magical animals in the store would be used as feed.

"Do you have trolls here?"

Kahn was going to do an experiment for a few days, and the target was of course Voldemort's diary, to see if his alchemy could change it.

To put it bluntly, horcruxes are the combination of black magic and alchemy. For these Kahns, they are full of talent. It would be best if they become their first goal after the completion of alchemy.

"No, but I know where the giant monsters gather. I can tell you a thousand gold Galleons."

The house elf shook his head. The troll has nothing but strength to hold things. It has a low IQ, smells bad, and eats too much. Even the only magic material, the troll's beard, can't be sold at a price.

Even those who want to train giant monsters to be security guards have to choose smarter ones, but ten giant monsters may not be able to choose one, only fools will sell such money-losing goods in their own shops.

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