Hogwarts: From Inheriting The Ancestral Business To Becoming The Devil

Chapter 67 Hold The Money And Wait For The New Year's Eve

"Kahn, why does Professor Quirrell visit you so often?"

After finding Kahn who came back from the owl shed, Daphne asked curiously.

No matter how you look at Quirrell, a Hogwarts joke, it has nothing to do with Kahn, a Hogwarts genius!

Since the Halloween incident, Quirrell has become a disgrace to Hogwarts, known as the weakest professor in Hogwarts, because of his cowardly appearance in the hall, almost scared to pee.

Many students dared to play tricks on Quirrell, and George and Fred even hit Quirrell on the back of the head with snowballs.

As for the notebook that was given to Kahn in the first place, in Daphne's opinion, what is the use of a notebook for a guy who is not as good as Kahn?

"He made a deal with me?"

"What deal?"

Daphne was a little curious, with Quirrell as poor as he was, what was there to trade for.

"I can't say that, I promised Professor Quirrell.

"By the way, Inphne, do you have anything to do with me?"

"This is the Buffy brain-boosting potion I made, you can see it!"

Daphne took out a small bottle of green potion as if offering a treasure. Hermione had completed the production of Buffy's Brain Refreshing Potion as early as early December, but she herself hadn't completed a bottle until today.

The talent in potions is indeed not as good as Hermione's, but I am very happy to be able to do it independently today.

"Let me see!"

Kahn picked up the bottle of green potion and smelled it. It smelled a bit fishy, ​​and it really refreshed Buffy's mind.

Kahn doesn't intend to use it himself. One of the medicinal materials for this thing is the brain of the frog.

14 And the effect is only to increase brain power and improve memory, and it can't improve talent or anything. It's just for you to remember, and you don't know if you can use it or not.

So this thing is for exams. By the end of May, Buffy Brain Refreshing Tonic will definitely sell well. Whether it is the final exam for little wizards, or the O.W.L for fifth grade, or the N.E.W.T exam for seventh grade, as long as there is a written exam In some cases, Buffy's brain-boosters can come in handy.

"Pretty good Buffy brain refresher."


Daphne was a little happy, and finally caught up with a little progress.

"Have you had dinner?"

"not yet!"

Daphne shook her head. After the Buffy brain refresher was refined, Daphne began to look for Kahn. After asking a Slytherin classmate, she found out that Quirrell had called him away.

"Then let's have dinner together!"

The dinner time at Hogwarts is from 5:30 to 6:30, and there is no specific time for you to arrive, but generally there will be no food after 6:30.

After dinner, Kahn went to the Room of Requirement to practice magic as usual, and taught Hermione and Daphne a little spellcasting skills on the way.

As it approached the early hours of the morning, Kahn's interest was unprecedentedly high. Today is December 31st, and 1992 will be a few minutes away.

And I have also prepared 22.6w Gold Galleons, which can be transferred nine times, and I feel like a big injustice, rushing to give money.

Just when Kahn was excited, the turntable was finally updated.

"Glittering Globe x 5"

"Scholar Card x 10"

"Skill Points x 5"

"Talent Point × 3"

"Pet Ration × 1000"



"Green Goblin Skateboard (Magic Edition)"

"Inazuma Swordsmanship and Naginata Technique (Thor's Guided Edition)"

"Black Goat Cub (Seed Form)"

"The Banshee Veil"

"Killing Sakura"

Similar to last time, there are all kinds of consumables in the front, and some miscellaneous things in the back.

Don’t say anything, let’s start. After calculation, 15.33w Gold Galleons are needed to draw nine times, that is to say, you can still have 7.27w Gold Galleons left for yourself. I have to say that it is really desperate for money.

The first draw, "Black Goat Cub (seed form).

This directly silenced Kahn. He didn’t know what this thing could do. Of course Kahn knew about the black goat cubs. Isn’t it the raw material for lamb chops?

But adding a seed form is different. A normal black goat has a fart seed form, unless it is a jerk, but Kahn doesn't think the system will give this thing, otherwise it would be a big joke.

In addition to the normal black goat, there is another one, Shabu Nicholas, one of the three pillar gods of Cthulhu, the goddess of darkness and abundance, the supreme mother goddess, and the black goat of the forest that gave birth to thousands of descendants.

His subspecies are also called black goat cubs. According to the system's pee sex, the possibility of this is extremely high, but Kahn can't afford this thing, and he doesn't want such a pet, even after the relationship between the system and Shabu Nicholas There is no connection.

Ordinary people will lose their San value when they see it, but wizards should be better, but this looks sorry for people!

The body is a huge mass, with black whip-like tentacles growing on the mass, and there is a huge mouth around the mass, from which green mucus is continuously dripping, and there are huge hooves under the body to stand , Their body outlines are like some kind of tree: the stubby feet are the trunk, and the tentacled body is like the crown.

If possible, Kahn would rather not extract this, and it is better not to have this kind of thing in this world.

Kahn has made up his mind to seal it up, and the next one is the second one, "Green Goblin Skateboard (Magic Edition)", okay!

At least it's better than the flying broom, which Kahn decided not to use after taking one flight lesson, and his balls hurt.

And it is much faster than the current Nimbus 2000, with a speed of 1,000 kilometers per hour [I just don’t know if the weapons and equipment are there.

The third issue of "Flame Storm", a weak ability, can control Fiendfire freely, so why do you need this thing?

However, it would be good if its bouncing characteristics could be added to Fiendfire, otherwise it would be a tasteless one.

"Banshee Veil", "Inazuma Sword Art, Naginata Art (Raytheon Guided Edition)", "Shining World Instrument × 5", "Scholar Card × 10", "Talent Point × 3", "Pet Ration × 1000 ", the six consecutive draws are done directly.

The banshee veil is not much to say, the equipment is over, look at the effect twenty disappears to generate a shield that counteracts magic, and increases a small amount of magic resistance and magic strength.

A little disappointed, it would have been better if it was fired every forty seconds.

The shining world instrument is exposed to abnormal conditions, the Xueba card and the talent point are old friends, and the pet rations needless to say are eaten by Huang Heilong and the big cat.

Finally, there is the swordsmanship and naginata technique of the Raytheon-guided version, but I don’t use either a sword or a sword. This thing has a hammer, so even if you give it a punch, it’s better!

At any rate, it can be used in dragon form.

Looking through it, it turns out that the meaning of Thor’s guidance version is that every picture is a demonstration by Mrs. Ying herself, and there is a text explanation below, and a set of clothes and expressions are changed every two pages.

The front is pretty normal, JK and OL still have swimsuits and so on, but the back is terrible, similar to what I saw on the small website in my previous life, and I can still maintain the state of teaching naginata, it’s amazing!

This has to be kept well, it’s the same thing whether you learn it or not, but it’s a matter of attitude if you don’t learn it, so you can’t review it sooner, later, or later with a correct attitude!

Anyway, Naiko is full of brains now.

As for the remaining three, Kahn wants all of them. The skill points are very clear. In reality, Sasaki Sakura should not be as stupid as the game.

The desperate situation of reincarnation should be the ultimate move of the iron male Maude Caesar, which draws people closer to his own realm of the dead. If he kills the opponent, he will devour the opponent's soul and obtain a certain attribute bonus. Before the opponent is reborn, this part of the attribute can be occupied for oneself.

But the reality is not a game, you have swallowed your soul, and you have resurrected a hammer, which is a permanent increase in ability, but in reality Kahn does not dare to swallow it, who knows if there is any risk in swallowing the soul, one of the various novels Kahn didn't want to follow in their footsteps by piling up the opponent's soul and playing out the crazy seniors.

When you come to the Dust Song Pot, first look at the seeds of the black goat cubs. The ones given by the system should not have any effect on you!

It's half a meter high, and it's a size smaller than Huang Heilong's egg, but this one doesn't have a so-called eggshell, it's just a combination of meat and bark, and there's a black tentacle on the top, like a sprout same.

It needs a lot of vitality to fully grow, but Kahn has no plans to use it now, and OJBK will be locked in a small black room.

Looking at the Green Goblin skateboard, how about this magic version!

There is no weapon system, but judging from the situation of Kahn's soaring aircraft, the limit speed is 1,500 kilometers per hour, and there is a simple protective cover at high altitude.

Kahn, who landed, still felt a little dazed, and he felt like he was floating after these few laps.

"Alba, big cat, it's time to eat!"

After recovering for a while, Kahn shouted loudly with two bags of pet food in his hand, this food felt a bit like a big bag of dog food, would Huang Heilong and Zou Wu really eat such unremarkable things?

As soon as Kahn finished speaking, a large black lizard crawled over from a distance, the wings on its back were just a decoration, and an orange figure jumped out of the woods on the other side.

Zou Wu is now also unable to travel through space because of his young age, which is really a disgrace.



The two little guys circled around Kahn, staring fixedly at the open bag of pet rations in Kahn's hand.

As long as you are interested, Kahn will immediately dump the next generation of dog food, oh no, it is pet rations on the ground.

Two figures, one black and one orange, jumped over in an instant, but the next moment the orange figure flew upside down at a faster speed. Fortunately, Zou Wu had the agility and stability of a feline to land on all fours.


Zou Wu rubbed against Kahn's calf aggrievedly. From the moment he came in, he was the one being bullied.

After rubbing Zouwu's head, Kahn gave it another bag of pet rations.


Huang Heilong, who noticed everything, let out a roar, and this guy wanted to grab the restaurant again.

However, facing Kahn's cold gaze, Huang Heilong remained calm. Kahn didn't dare to let Huang Heilong be too presumptuous, otherwise it wouldn't be surprising that Zouwu was eaten that day.

[I don’t know why Liyue’s Little Thunder God loves me so much. If I remember correctly, Master Ke has surpassed the limit and reached nine lives. ...].

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