Hogwarts: From Inheriting The Ancestral Business To Becoming The Devil

Chapter Thirty-Five: Twin Brothers Who Want To Die

On the way back to the dormitory, Kahn still took out the Marauder's Map to have a look. Unexpectedly, after looking at it, he really found something wrong.

Filch, George, and Fred were all on the fifth floor. What were the three of them doing in the middle of the night, they weren't going to sleep?

He took out his pocket watch and saw that it was already past three o'clock. Maybe George and Fred were in some trouble!

Kahn decided to take a look anyway. Could it be that they overturned because they didn't have a Marauder's map?

Walking into the corridor on the fifth floor, you will be greeted by Peeves' laughter and Filch's scolding. You can also hear two cat meows from time to time, as well as an unpleasant smell. The smell of the toilet is even worse. The mixed taste of eggs is really a bit difficult to handle!

After finding the twin brothers, Kahn held his nose and said hello: "Hi, George and Fred!"

But this sudden greeting seemed to scare the two of them, and they ran away before Kahn lifted the illusion spell.

Helpless, Kahn could only hold his nose and continue to keep up.

It wasn't until he came to the corridor on the sixth floor that Fred turned around and found Kahn who had lifted the disillusionment spell. Then he stopped, and shouted with some dissatisfaction: "Kahn, people scare people to death, don't you know?"

"Sorry, I just saw that you are still here with Filch at such a late hour, and I thought you were in trouble."

George and Fred looked at each other and said in unison: "Trouble? I'm sorry we won't be in trouble, Filch in trouble."

They have absolute confidence in themselves. When it comes to their familiarity with Hogwarts, they are still higher than Filch. Except when they first entered school, they have never been caught by Filch after that. .

"Then what are you doing so late?"

Kahn was a little puzzled, he wouldn't be in trouble, he was still wandering around Hogwarts after three o'clock in the middle of the night, isn't there something wrong with that?

Although it was past three o'clock, I had business to do! (Scraping the collections of seniors who don’t know whether they are still alive or not!)

George explained: "We were going to go to the right corridor on the fourth floor, but we were invited by Peeves halfway."

Kahn was speechless after hearing this, and was invited by Peeves, and then played with Peeves and Filch for most of the night. The goal was on the fourth floor, and you played until the fifth floor. It was Peeves who attracted you You, the old man Filch attracts you, you are very wrong!

"It's past three o'clock, is Filch so funny?"

"Ahem, didn't you forget the time?"

"What about you, you are still traveling at night at this late hour, did you find anything interesting?"

"It was indeed a bit of a discovery."

Kahn is not going to hide it, and the Room of Requirement is not a place worth hiding. The crown of La Wen Keluo has been found, and the rest of Kahn is just planning to practice magic there.

"Oh, what is it?"

Now the two brothers became interested. They both knew most of Hogwarts' secrets, and they didn't know whether Kahn had discovered something new, or they knew it.

"A room that can appear according to your needs. For example, if you want to go to the toilet, it will be a toilet if you go in, and if you want to sleep, it will be a room."

Fred couldn't help but said, "Then what if I want Galleon!"

Kahn rolled his eyes: "You can try."

Isn't this Nima bullshit?

This is a top-level alchemy product, not a real miracle. I also want a Thor wife, can it give me?


George is interested, whether you can get Galleon or not, this is a great place, like an experimental base for mischievous products.

"On the eighth floor, on the opposite side of the Barnabas tapestry where the troll club beats. Just think about where you need to go a few times. By the way, this is still a place that can't be explored by the Marauder's Map."

"Then we have to try it tomorrow."

"By the way, this is the Marauder's Map for you to return. I'll go back to sleep first."

Not wanting to pay attention to the two people who are still in good spirits, Lori Dawu directly took out the Marauder's Map and handed it to the two, and then prepared to leave.

George didn't take it, but said seriously: "I'll give you the Marauder's Map. We dare say that few people are more familiar with Hogwarts than us. Now we can't use it."

Kahn was not hypocritical, and directly accepted the Marauder's Map. This thing is really useful in itself, and it is just a prank tool in the hands of George and Fred.

Just when Kahn was about to leave, Fred suddenly said: "Kahn, don't you want to go with us to see what's in the corridor on the right of the fourth floor?"

George followed suit and nodded: "That's right, Dumbledore said that, there must be a big secret somewhere."

Kahn sighed: "Dumbledore said that his life would be in danger."

These two brothers are really reckless. I don't know where the resurrection stone is, but the three-headed dog must be there.

And the three-headed dog is a dangerous magical animal of the xxxxx level. Ordinary adult wizards can only treat it as a snack in front of it. Little wizards at Hogwarts still eat one at a time. I really don't know what Old Honey thinks.

Fred retorted, "I don't think Dumbledore would really allow any danger at Hogwarts."

George agreed: "Yes, we have been to the Forbidden Forest a few times, but we have not encountered any danger."

Kahn couldn't help but give a thumbs up to the two brothers. The spirit of death is really awesome. There are definitely a lot of dangerous animals in the Forbidden Forest, especially after Hagrid moved in. It's just your luck that there are no leftovers that haven't been gnawed.

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