"Toby, go and see what's going on.

At the foot of Mount Fuji, Coverdale Vito watched the violent vibrations from the small golden ball on the table, and gave instructions to the members of the Witch Party waiting on the side.

This is an alchemy device used for induction. It is a gadget that Kahn made out of boredom before. It is divided into a golden mother body and a silver daughter body.

Earlier, when I first came to the boundary of Mt. Fuji, I went to the top of the mountain and buried twelve silver metal balls around the Asama Shrine. As long as there are magic fluctuations around, the silver balls will not respond, but the golden ones will vibrate. The greater the fluctuation of magic power, the stronger the vibration.

There was some reaction these days, but the situation where the golden ball was about to jump off the table had never happened before, so Coverdale Vito suspected that the above had already started doing it.


Toby Cedric responded and quickly left the temporary stronghold. This time, Coverdale Vito had absolute command, and all of them had to obey orders. 14

Outside the stronghold, Toby Cedric disappeared without a trace in a burst of space distortion.

Mount Fuji is quite large, except for the part on the top of the mountain, they are not so willing to pay the cost to decorate the entire mountain with an anti-apparition spell.

At the same time, the top of Mount Fuji was close to the snow, and a figure wearing a black wizard robe suddenly appeared under a cliff.

Since the top of Mt. Fuji is not only the location of the wizarding world, but also a tourist attraction in the Muggle world, outsiders are not prohibited from entering "Song just announced the closure of the mountain and activated Daxing's hemp expulsion spell in the past few days.

Toby Cedric took out a black cloak from the bag he was carrying and put it on his body, releasing several auxiliary spells.

Immediately, the whole person completely disappeared into the night sky, even walking on the snow did not leave a trace.

This cloak was an invisibility cloak, of course it couldn't be compared with Harry's invisibility cloak, after all it was the only one.

In fact, invisibility cloaks are not expensive in this world. Two thousand gold galleons a piece, but the effect is not good, and the timeliness is less than three years, and the hide of the invisible beast must be used as the raw material, which is a bit tasteless for wizards, after all The Disillusionment Curse is just a basic spell, so there is absolutely no need to waste two thousand Galleons.

But Kahn has borrowed Harry's invisibility cloak to study it a few years ago, and this thing can't perfectly conceal his figure, and it's useless in front of wizards who are too strong, but there are not many wizards with this strength, so we still have to use it. Has a certain value.

Kahn made a weakened version of the invisibility cloak after some research at the time. The concealment effect was still a little bit worse, but it was much better than the ones on the market. There are not many, and the timeliness is also stronger. It can be used for five years without damage.

As Toby Cedric approached, the surrounding magic fluctuated more and more violently, and from time to time you could see the fire that illuminated the entire snowy night.

"Thunderbolt Explosion!"

The dwarf in pitch-black tights led a small group of men and horses to the rear of the shrine, and raised his hand to see Wang Zha.

Accompanied by the sound of violent explosions amidst the continuous flames, the huge backyard of the shrine was directly reduced to ruins.

Demolition is better than a thunderbolt explosion, but if it is given to a capable person, it will be a whole street.

"How dare you do this..."

An old priest came out from behind the ruins with a group of young and beautiful witches, trembling with anger when he saw the scene in front of him.

If I hadn't reacted and put on the shield in time, I'm afraid it would have been turned into ruins like this backyard!

"Why dare not?"

"From today onwards, there will be no Asama Shrine, hahaha..."

The leading dwarf clamored obscenely while holding a wand, and looked at the graceful body of the young lady wearing a witch costume from time to time.

Why do you think he broke away from the main force and came around the backyard?

It's not for the Miko lady here.

A shrine plus a priestess, this kind of thing is not too common in avi.

If it was in the past, his small family would definitely not have dared to draw the attention of Asama Shrine, and would not even have dared to look twice, but now!

The bold and the timid starved to death, but the Hatoyama family who was in charge of this operation said that they would take the young lady of the Asama Shrine and enjoy it at will.

Asama Shrine!

They are all young ladies under the age of twenty-five with excellent looks and figures, of course he wants to win the top spot.

Although it was a bit unruly for him to do this, but when asked, he just said it was for the purpose of attacking back and forth. According to the current situation, if he wants to save face, he will not embarrass people like himself too much when he goes to Hatoyama's house.

"you you......"

The leading old priest almost didn't catch his breath and went straight over.

Since coming to Asama Shrine, who dares to be presumptuous here?

But this time I'm afraid it's not bad luck. Although the Tokugawa family had already sent support when they received the news, the number is limited after all. Now those who can fight are fighting in the front, and there are only some old guys in the rear and the new witches.


"All petrified!"

Toby Cedric, who managed to touch it with great difficulty, looked at the group of perverted men in black tights who were holding Miss Miko in front of him, his face changed two points.

I have to say that the witches in this small country are really good, showing a round and delicate big white ball, and the hem only reaches the root of the thigh, revealing the white and slender legs, and at the moment, surrounded by a bunch of wretched men. The panic revealed under the block is really quite attractive.

I don’t know if a shrine maiden dresses up like this, why does the car help the maiden?

If possible, he would also like to take two of them home later. Unfortunately, the discipline in the voodoo party is strict. Although murder and arson are not uncommon, if you dare to do something unrelated to the mission during the mission, just wait. Go home and suffer the Cruciatus Curse!

In the current situation, the two sides are indeed fighting, but he still needs to go to the frontal battlefield to observe. If everything is ok, he should notify the people below to start taking action.

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