Just as the pitch-black giant python was struggling, the ground began to tremble, and a magma blade as high as 100 meters directly pierced the octopus and the giant python together.

Kahn in the middle of the black flame also disappeared in a burst of purple light, and reappeared at the same height as Voldemort.

Kahn is not in the habit of looking up to others.

Faced with Kahn's ability to appear and disappear, Voldemort also felt powerless, because he knew that this kind of Kahn was already invincible, and he couldn't stop him if he wanted to leave.

It would be fine if you know what magic is, but the key is that you don't know anything about Kahn's hand, even if you want to target it, you can't find a direction.

But even so, he must continue to fight, at least let Kahn take the initiative to escape!

Fortunately, he has researched ways to resist Fiendfire, and he can also suppress Kahn, otherwise this team would be really hard to lead.

But in the next scene, Voldemort was completely dumbfounded, he had never seen or thought about it.

The magma blade in the middle of the black flame turned into a monster with a height of 100 meters flowing with magma after a burst of space-time distortion, and the black flame was still wrapped around the surface of its body

The Frost Arrow that I dodged just now, after condensing into a huge ice cube of tens of meters, also turned into a super giant blue fat head fish floating in the air.

What was even more exaggerated was that after a burst of thunderclouds in the sky, a pitch-black dragon popped out and let Kahn step on its head.

Voldemort, whose lower body turned into black snow, was stared at by three giant beasts, at this moment, he only felt his hands and feet were cold and his whole body was cold, what the hell is this?

If you had said earlier that you still have this transfiguration technique, I wouldn't have pretended to be so forceful!

Naturally, with Voldemort's eyesight, he could tell that this was Transfiguration, but his accomplishments already surpassed Dumbledore's!

I think it's not like I haven't fought against Dumbledore back then, he used his Transfiguration technique to crush himself with a hammer, and now he has a Transfiguration technique that is stronger than Dumbledore's, this is a hammer!

Standing on the faucet, Kahn felt comfortable all over. Although the magic power was consumed a lot, it was so cool!

This transfiguration technique can definitely be said to be one of the closest to the essence and the most wonderful magic in this world.

Whatever you want, as long as you have enough magic power and imagination, Transfiguration is omnipotent.

As for whether he can rub a nuclear bomb with his hands after knowing the principle, Kahn is not sure yet, but he can try it when he has a chance in the future.

With the blessing of the nine-point Transfiguration talent, he reached the peak state of the fifth-level skill in the second game, and finally reached the sixth-level skill after using the Xueba card.

In the end, Kahn had kept one of the skill points obtained by lottery draws in the past two years unused. Finally, half a month ago, Kahn was given another full-level skill to the Transfiguration Vehicle.

Now, with the help of the transformation technique, a copycat version of sea, land and air has come.

The original Gulardo of the Sword of the Precipice combined with the Fierce Fire Curse is also considered to be of earth and fire attributes, and it looks much fiercer than the original version when it reaches a height of 100 meters.

The original kioka, ice and water, which are combined with the moisture in the air, is given an extra attribute here, the fat-headed fish that blows bubbles in the air with a cold air, has a fat and huge body, and looks a bit silly.

Finally, there is the Mage Crack Kongza incarnated by Thundercloud and Airflow. Although it has the shape of a dragon, it does not have the attributes of a dragon. Purple, and this head is the smallest of the three, only about thirty meters long.

The former two use their own magical creations to transform, and naturally consume less magic power, while the latter uses the control of elements in their own blood to forcibly manipulate external elements to change, which is naturally more difficult.

"Gulardo, use the fire-breathing `!"

"Kyoka, the source wave!"

Kahn, who stood on the dragon's head, began to cosplay as a trainer.

The pitch-black flames and the blue light beam hit Voldemort in the midair at the same time, but he couldn't see anything for the next moment. The two attacks directly produced a huge explosion in midair, thick water vapor enveloped the entire battlefield, and even Voldemort The family's ancestral grave and the entire cemetery were blown away by the strong storm.

Is this the evaporation effect?

Before Kahn went over to investigate, a black mouse jumped out of the mist. The wizard robe on his body was torn, and the exposed skin was bright red, with a trace of festering.

If the wave just now had not had the magic power and protection provided by the black mist, it would have been cool!

For this, Voldemort didn't want to fight at all. He didn't want to die at birth, so at this moment, his life was the most important thing.

If you keep Qingshan here, you will not be afraid of not being demolished and burned. Whoever dares to talk too much will be killed. If you can't win Kahn, you can't kill you, a talkative?

Boom boom boom!

The dull sound brought a movement like the earth was shaking, and Gulardo took heavy steps to pursue.

An icy blue light flashed away, and Kyoka, who was floating in mid-air, gave Gulardo a disdainful look, then flicked his tail and fins cheerfully in the air, and from time to time sent an icy light to Voldemort.

".~The finishing touch!"

As Kahn's voice fell, a high-pitched dragon chant sounded, and Rikuzao's body twisted quickly.

Wrapped in purple and green energy, the whole body turned into a sharp arrow and shot out, reaching behind Voldemort in the blink of an eye.

As soon as Kahn's voice fell, Voldemort already felt his whole body trembling, it was the body or the soul issuing an early warning.

Compared with sight or hearing, the real strong believe in their own feelings more.

So Voldemort used Apparition without hesitation, even if it turned into a body separation technique, it would be better than being beaten to death on the spot.

Just when the impact of the dragon's head was about to hit Voldemort, Voldemort disappeared with a bang, leaving only a small (good) half of his body, with his right arm and leg, plus some internal organs.

With a light wave of his hand, Kahn put the severed hand into the Dust Song Pot, and the rest of his body instantly vaporized.

And the unabated Likongzao also opened a hole in the hill not far away, and it happened that an old house disappeared in the process.

Originally, this wave of Kahn didn't plan to kill Voldemort, and at the last moment, he would naturally tilt his head a little bit higher, but that's fine.

Although half of his body was missing, Kahn believed that Voldemort would come back.

He is also really, he planned to chop off his hand and brush it, why use apparition?

Now it's all right, half of my body is missing.

Under the coercion of Rikkakuza's finishing touch, even Dumbledore may not be able to succeed!

After all, whether it is wind or voltage, it will seriously interfere with apparition. Fortunately, this time it is not head separation. .

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