Halfway through the banquet, the two vacant staff seats were finally waiting for their hosts.

Ludo Bagman and Barty Crouch in suits came from the gate of the auditorium, walked up to the high platform and shook hands with Dumbledore, then sat in the two vacant seats

As the director of the Department of Magical Sports and Sports, Ludo Bagman will definitely show up at such a grand event throughout Europe, and of course Barty Crouch also needs to come, he is just an Auror now It's just a candidate for the director of the office, and the position is still the director of the International Magic Cooperation Department. This kind of communication with other countries still needs to be present.

Judging from the current situation, by the end of this year, Barty Crouch should take the position of director of the Auror office. The position of director of the International Magic Cooperation Department will naturally be handed over to someone else. Although this position is not very useful, But it will still fall~ in the hands of one's own people.

Originally, according to the normal procedure, Ludo Buckman and Barty Crouch should have greeted the teachers and students of Beauxbaton and Durmstrang together with Dumbledore, at worst they should have arrived before the banquet started, and after that So when this happened, it wasn't hard to see that the Ministry of Magic was trying to show off with Dumbledore again, and it really didn't give the White Demon King any face.

It’s just that in the original book, Barty Crouch was controlled by the Imperius Curse, which gave the Death Eaters and Voldemort a lot of opportunities to control the Triwizard Tournament. Now Barty Crouch will naturally not be imprisoned Curse control, is there something wrong this time?

If you have a chance, you can check it out. After all, Legilimency can tell whether a person is being manipulated. Dumbledore usually doesn’t use Legilimency because of his own moral bottom line, but Kahn doesn’t have this moral bottom line!

Morality is such a thing, how many people who have achieved great things are moral?

When Dumbledore stood up, the auditorium automatically fell silent, and some young wizards who were still busy cooking also stopped their knives and forks, and they knew that the dinner party was over.

"Now, let me talk about the arrangements for the Triwizard Tournament."

After clearing the dining table with his hands, Dumbledore announced to the young wizards below.

In an instant, a feeling of excitement and nervousness permeated the little wizards. Finally, it was time to announce the election method of the Triwizard Tournament. Everyone had their own little ideas. The top students wanted to compare their results with actual combat, and the scumbags They want to compare their connections with their father, and want to draw a lot if they don't have anything, so that they may still have a chance.

"Before that, allow me to introduce two guests, because there are still people who don't know them. On my right is Mr. Barty Crouch, he is the director of the International Department of Magical Cooperation

On the left is Ludo Bagman, Head of the Department of Magical Sports and Sports at the Ministry of Magic. "

Dumbledore said and looked at Ludo and Crouch on the left and right sides of him. Although the Ministry of Magic did not give him Dumbledore much face, he still wanted to give Dumbledore enough face in front of outsiders. Dumbledore's current personality is like this up.

When Ludo and Crouch stood up to say hello, the applause given to Ludo was obviously much bigger than that of Crouch, because the contrast between the two was too obvious. An uncle with a smile on his face used to be regarded as A somewhat famous Quidditch player, the latter is a serious old man with a straight face.

"They will join me, Mr. Mandel, and Ms. Maxim to form a five-member jury to judge the performance of the warriors.

As he said that, Dumbledore motioned to Filch to bring up the box.

Filch, who was signaled, trotted all the way, holding a large wooden box studded with jewels in his hand, and the gazes of all the little wizards followed the movement of the wooden box in Filch's hands.

Even some young wizards stood on the chairs in order to see more clearly. Needless to say, this incident must have happened on Gryffindor's long table, and Professor McGonagall's expression on the staff seat immediately collapsed.

After carefully taking the wooden box from Filch's hand and placing it on the table in front of him, Dumbledore continued: "In this year's Triwizard Tournament, each item has passed Ludo Beckman and Barty Mr. Crouch's audit, this time there are three items in total, and no warrior will know the items of the game before the game."

"And these projects are carried out at different times throughout the school year. They will examine the abilities of the warriors from various aspects, such as the level of their magical talents, their courage and reasoning ability, and of course their ability to overcome danger."

"After each event is over, the referees will give corresponding scores based on the performance of the three warriors. After the three games are over, the warrior with the highest score will win the Tri-Strong Cup.

"In the end, the person responsible for selecting the warriors is a notarized selector, and it is the Goblet of Fire."

...ask for flowers...

Having said that, Dumbledore drew out his wand, tapped the lid of the box three times, and the box opened slowly with a "squeak".

Dumbledore reached in and took out a large, rough-cut wooden goblet. The cup itself was inconspicuous, but there was a blue-white flame dancing inside.

"Every student who wants to be a warrior must write his name and school name on a piece of parchment and throw it into the Goblet of Fire."

"Tomorrow night, which is Halloween night, the Goblet will select the three students it thinks can best represent the three schools. Now the Goblet of Fire is placed here, and all students who are willing to participate in the election can have access to it. "

Looking at the Goblet of Fire in his hand, Dumbledore said with a smile on his face.

Immediately, he seemed to think of something again, and immediately said: "In order to prevent students who are underage from being tempted, I will draw an age line around the Goblet of Fire." Anyone under the age of seventeen cannot cross this line .

"Finally, I would like to remind you not to participate recklessly. Once you are selected by the Goblet of Fire, you must stick to it to the end. Those who are selected actually sign a magical contract that must be abided by, so think twice.

After speaking, Dumbledore arranged the magic and left the goblet to leave with the faculty and staff, while the young wizards below couldn't wait to step forward to observe the Goblet of Fire for selecting warriors.

Sure enough, just as Dumbledore said, all little wizards under the age of seventeen cannot pass through the line on the high platform, and if they touch it, they will be thrown into a crow.

"It turns out that it's just an age line. We just need to prepare some age-promoting potions."

"Yeah, it gets us past the seventeen-year-old age line with ease."

Kahn listened to the excited applause of the Weasley twins, who were really thinking about the Triwizard Tournament.

"Really? Which of you will try first tomorrow?"

Ron on the side was excited when he heard this, and he wanted to participate in the Triwizard Tournament.

And Kahn also decided to participate, if nothing else, he would come here for the sake of Voldemort, who was his noble person back then.

His resurrection feast, such a big event, as a close collaborator, how could Kahn be absent!.

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