The news that Andy broke through the age limit before the Goblet of Fire and put his name into it spread quickly throughout the castle shortly after Andy and Qiu Zhang left.

The people in the castle had different reactions to this.

Oh, Andy Hall signed up for the Triwizard Tournament.

Oh, it turns out that he broke through the magic set by Dumbledore.

Oh, he almost destroyed the Goblet of Fire...

Wait, what? !


"What?!" Professor Flitwick asked in disbelief in the Ravenclaw Tower, his eyes widened.

Pavard, who ran to him breathlessly to report the news, nodded and said, "Professor, you heard it right."

"Andy broke through the age limit set by Professor Dumbledore and put his name into the Goblet of Fire."

"And in front of... Beauxbatons."

Professor Flitwick calmed down and exclaimed, "This is really... great!"

"Huh!?" Pavard was shocked, "Great? Professor, what are you talking about?"

Professor Flitwick exclaimed, "I heard this morning that there are students from Slytherin and Gryffindor. Actively signed up, not to mention Hufflepuff, they have Diggory.

"Only our Ravenclaw has no one who has taken the initiative to participate. To be honest, I am quite embarrassed as the dean."

"It's great that Andy is willing to step forward. If it really doesn't work, I originally thought that Ravenclaw College would send you to sign up for the competition."

Pavard couldn't understand for a moment: "Professor, why does this sound like scolding me?"

"No, absolutely not, you think too much."


Shocked, confirmed, and then shocked again.

The same conversation happened in every place in the castle.

Various professors, the principal's office, the owl shed, and even the grove by the Black Lake...

Everyone was discussing this matter.

There were also students who deliberately passed by Snape's office and heard the sound of things being thrown inside, and hurriedly ran away again.

This time Andy made a big noise.

The most important thing is that no one knows how he did it.

Usually everyone knows that Qiu Zhang and Andy have the best relationship.

But at this time, the two of them seemed to have disappeared from the face of the earth, and no one could find them.

There was no way to ask them or hold them accountable.

The follow-up effects of this incident came soon.

Everyone went crazy!

The first to go crazy were the lower grades and students who did not meet the registration requirements, including Fred and George.

Because they found that Andy's magic affected more than just him.

After Andy broke through the age limit, the age limit was completely paralyzed.

The magic above has completely disappeared.

In other words, now, no matter who wants to participate in the Triwizard Tournament, they can sign up at will.

The first to discover this were the Gryffindor Creevey brothers.

Denis Creevey, whom Andy had met at the sorting ceremony, and his brother Colin Creevey.

When Andy signed up, they happened to pass by and witnessed the whole process of Andy breaking through the age limit.

Dennis screamed during this process. He was not so scared when he fell into the water while crossing the Black Lake on a boat.

After Andy left, Madame Maxime led the students of Beauxbatons to quickly put their names into the Goblet of Fire, and then hurried away.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Dennis followed the people of Beauxbatons and tentatively threw the parchment with his name into the Goblet of Fire.

Then Dennis was surprised to find that the Goblet of Fire actually accepted his message.

This proved that Dumbledore's magic really failed!

Then, Colin also tentatively put in his name and found that it was true.

Neither of them grew a white beard.

The two brothers of Creevey signed up just for fun. They knew that with Andy there, they could never become warriors.

But others didn't think so.

Like some kind of lottery craze, the news spread quickly.

Considering the honor of winning and the prize of one thousand Galleons, not everyone can control their reason.

After all, no one knows how lucky they are before the Goblet of Fire results come out.

What if you are selected?

What if you win?

Just give it a try, it's free anyway.

Soon, Figure 1

More and more people were happy.

First, all the people in the hall who witnessed Andy and Dennis's actions followed suit and put their names into the Goblet of Fire.

The Goblet of Fire can accept anyone, as long as it is parchment.

Later, students who were eating in the hall also squeezed into the hall.

Those who had registered earlier ran away and told their friends this information.

On the way, more and more people joined in.

Soon, the hall was full of students.

Then the professors went crazy.

In addition to Snape who was throwing things in the office, Moody was also going crazy.

His original plan was closely related to the Goblet of Fire. He was thinking about how to bypass Dumbledore's magic, but now Andy solved it for him.

It was a bit too thorough.

After Andy's commotion, even if Moody wanted to do something with the Goblet of Fire, he had no chance.

The craze for the Triwizard Tournament lasted for a while, until Dumbledore appeared again, and it was finally temporarily stopped.

After receiving the news, Dumbledore, along with many professors including McGonagall, as well as Bagman and Crouch from the Ministry of Magic, quickly arrived at the scene.

Professor McGonagall was responsible for maintaining order, while Dumbledore and two directors of the Ministry of Magic checked the Goblet of Fire.

The final result was that the Goblet of Fire had no other problems except that it would tremble from time to time.

It was not normal for a magic item to tremble.

Ludo Bagman gathered in front of the Goblet of Fire, thought for a while, and tentatively asked: "Do you think the Goblet of Fire is afraid?"

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows and said: "Interesting guess, Ludo, I tend to think so."

Battie Crouch said with a gloomy face: "Since it has been confirmed that the Goblet of Fire is fine, now we should discuss how to punish the student, Dumbledore."


"That's right, we must never allow such a situation to happen. I think it is a blatant provocation to the Ministry of Magic to openly violate the competition restrictions."

Dumbledore smiled and said: "I'm afraid I don't think so, Barty, in the final analysis, we want to select warriors, don't we?"

Barty Crouch asked: "Are you defending him?"

"Not really a defense, I just think what you said is too serious." Dumbledore said, "Mr. Hall's behavior is not against the Goblet of Fire or the Triwizard Tournament itself. On the contrary, I think it just proves his enthusiasm for participating in the competition."

"According to witnesses, they did not see Mr. Hall use any special magic at all. Mr. Hall just walked over slowly, and the Goblet of Fire accepted his registration."

"Just relying on yourself to break the age limit I set, I think it is enough for our selection of champions."

After speaking, Dumbledore looked at the floor, smiling and thoughtful.

The previous limit he set had long disappeared without a trace.

Ludo Bagman said, "I like the idea of ​​a warrior who is good at challenging authority and himself!"

Battie Crouch said, "Hmph, even if we don't hold that student accountable, what about the impact he caused? We don't know how many students who are under the age of competition have registered without permission."

"The Ministry has already made a guarantee in advance that the safety of the warriors must be guaranteed in this Triwizard Tournament."

Dumbledore said, "That's just for the most basic safety considerations. In fact, I don't think we need to worry about this at all."

"Reporting insufficient strength It is impossible for a person who is not selected to be a champion. The Goblet of Fire has its own standards. "

"Most of the candidates who are finally selected as champions will not object."

Battie Crouch said coldly: "I hope so. This kind of accident happened. I need to discuss it with the department."

"In the meantime, registration will continue temporarily, but you will set a new age limit, right? The kind that will not be easily destroyed."

Dumbledore smiled and agreed: "No problem."

At this time, Fred and George, who had long white beards on their faces and hurriedly came from the school infirmary, hurried to the hallway.

They jumped down the stairs panting, and saw Dumbledore as soon as they entered the door. They slapped their heads in annoyance: "I missed it again!"

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