"By the way, why did you go to Professor Flitwick?"

Bernard discovered a new problem.

"What's so strange about this? Isn't Adam also taking extra lessons from Professor Flitwick?"

Uther raised his eyebrows:

"I found out that Professor Flitwick once won the duel championship, so I asked him for knowledge in this area."

Eugene looked at Uther:

"Are you interested in the duel competition?"


"Dueling competition?"

Bernard was thoughtful.

However, they didn't want to discuss the topic of the duel competition. Following Lockhart's signal, a group of dwarfs dressed as Cupid angels walked into the hall.

How to say... Although there is nothing wrong with this outfit, the appearance of the dwarf species is similar to the mandrake that breaks out of the ground after growing up, so the final result can only be said to be extremely uncomfortable for the eyes.

"Welcome our friendly little Cupid with greeting cards!"

Lockhart applauded the dwarves, but he seemed to be the only one in the whole hall who was happy, but Lockhart didn't seem to care:

"They will be wandering around the school today to help you deliver Valentine's Day cards! Not only that, I believe my colleagues are also willing to participate enthusiastically!"

Lockhart winked at everyone mischievously:

"Why don't you ask Professor Snape to teach you how to brew aphrodisiacs?"

Adam couldn't help but look at Professor Snape.

Professor, can you bear this?

Professor Snape's expression was unprecedentedly ugly. The last time he drew Harry in the lottery, it was not as ugly as today. If anyone really dared to ask, he would be thrown directly into the crucible, right?

Lockhart's dangerous speech was not over yet:

"If you are interested, I believe Professor Flitwick is better at psychedelic magic than any wizard - oh, this cunning old guy~"

Adam looked at Professor Flitwick again. The respected and thin-skinned head of Ravenclaw looked like he was about to break...

Lockhart smacked his lips with a sense of unsatisfaction and did not continue.

In fact, his original plan was more than that. Seeing that Adam had made a festival that no one had ever heard of a big success and attracted the attention of the whole school to him, Lockhart certainly considered him.

But thinking carefully, Adam seemed to be no worse than him in this regard. What if Adam attracted everyone's attention in turn...

So in the end, Lockhart gave up this tempting decision.

It's a pity that Lockhart let Adam go, but Adam didn't intend to let him go.

In the morning class, one dwarf after another broke into their greenhouse No. 2, reciting or singing love letters to someone in the classroom with a hoarse voice, accompanied by the absurd harp performance.

While Adam felt uncomfortable at the time, he had to admit that there was still a certain element of gloating in it, especially since one of them was Uther, until it was his turn...

After class, Adam walked to the female classmate who was about to be petrified because she did not expect the dwarf to send love letters in this way, and gently rejected her confession, then picked up the dark staff and rushed to Lockhart's office.

"Count me in!"

Uther pulled out his wand expressionlessly.

Of course, how could Adam do such a bad thing as directly attacking the professor or chanting a spell?

Of course, Uther could not do such an impulsive thing.

"Calm down, Adam!"

Bernard hugged Adam's waist tightly.

"Let me go! I'm going to kill him ah ah ah --"

"Uther, wake up! Murder is against the law!"

Cologne hugged Uther's neck and pulled him back.

"Don't be afraid! My dad is also the Minister of Magic!"

Eugene walked silently behind the four people, opened his hands and pounced - the world was finally quiet.

After calming down, Adam had to admit that if he continued to keep Lockhart, this guy might do something, and this hidden danger should be eliminated as soon as possible.

It's a pity that the professors knew that he had solved the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets a long time ago, otherwise if Lockhart was accidentally eaten by the basilisk, it could only be said that he was unlucky...

Eh? He didn't seem to have promised Professor Dumbledore that he would not hurt the professor... Oh, forget it, there's no need to do this for Lockhart.

Let's start writing.

"On this night, Gilderoy Lockhart ushered in the most horrible day of his life..."

Due to some kind of personal desire, Adam did not use a shorthand quill, but personally wrote the ending of Lockhart's life.

Seeing the ghost repair againAlthough Lockhart was panicked when the ghost nun came to his house, he was not that panicked.

He had discovered that no matter what illusions he saw, they were just illusions. Although he could still see them with his eyes closed, this could not change the fact that illusions could not hurt him.

"Hey! Crazy woman, come here!"

Lockhart not only did not hide, but also boldly stretched out his hand to provoke the ghost nun.

The ghost nun smiled, opened her mouth and bit her--


Lockhart, who had a finger bitten off, was stunned for a few seconds, and then the whole person was instantly wrapped in fear.

Why didn't the other party follow the script this time!


The pain and fear made Lockhart rush out of the office at once. The ghost nun looked at his receding back and smiled slightly, and followed him out of the office door slowly.

Lockhart ran desperately after escaping from the office, but at this moment, the corridor, which was only a dozen feet long on weekdays, seemed to never end for some reason.

With his strength about to run out, Lockhart couldn't help but look back. The ghost nun was standing not far from him, and next to the ghost nun was the door of his office... Seeing Lockhart looking back, the ghost nun walked up to Lockhart step by step and opened her mouth wide.

"Ah ... "Today--"

As Professor Dumbledore spoke again, the hall fell silent.

"He has been taken away by the Ministry of Magic. Azkaban will be his destination for the rest of his life."

Professor Dumbledore looked at each student with some pain in his eyes:

"I hope you can learn from this and take Lockhart's story as a lesson. I hope you will never become such a person."

"In addition, your next Defense Against the Dark Arts class will be taught by the four deans as before, so you don't have to worry about the exam--that's all I have to say."

After dinner, Professor McGonagall found Adam:

"Professor Dumbledore is waiting for you in the principal's office."

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