Everyone's cheers brought Adam's attention back to reality from the house elves.

Seeing Harry, who had caught the Golden Snitch, fall from the sky to the muddy ground, Adam suddenly remembered something and hurriedly ran to the field with the crowd.

Is it coming? The second year, and even the greatest invention of the wizarding world in the entire seven works -

Mixed in with the Gryffindors surrounding Harry, Adam was satisfied to see Gilderoy Lockhart squeezed over with an excited look on his face:

"Leave it to me - don't worry, I have enough experience to deal with this kind of thing!"

"No - wait... Don't! Let me go to the hospital wing -"

Ignoring the noise in his ears, Adam carefully observed Lockhart, staring at the trajectory of the wand swinging while memorizing every syllable he uttered.

As the spell took effect, Harry's arm drooped down like a rubber hose-style character in an animation - the bones of his entire arm were pulled out.

Bone-dislocating spell!

With this spell, what else do we need to do with the whole chicken and fish bone removal techniques?

This is called magic to improve life!

I wonder if the fruit core can be removed with this magic...


The spell went wrong, but Lockhart still maintained a smile of "I succeeded" and stood up awkwardly:

"Sometimes--yes--this does happen occasionally...but the broken bones are fine! Isn't it? Okay, Harry, let's go to the hospital wing..."

Lockhart didn't dare to look at Harry, who was full of anger and resentment, and looked at his friends around him:

"Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger, please accompany Harry."

Although they were very angry about Lockhart's behavior, it was obvious that Harry's safety was more important now. The two glared at Lockhart and quickly helped Harry up, rushing to the hospital wing with ease.


In a panic, Lockhart was stepped on hard by someone.

The protagonist of the game left the stage early, and the handshakes and other activities ended hastily. Adam said goodbye to his friends again and came to an abandoned classroom alone.

As a house elf, Dobby was elusive and had no fixed range of action. In order to find him, Adam had to use some special methods.

For example... divination.

There are many ways to divination in the Clow Cards, such as using the Dream Cards to predict dreams, using the Water Cards to do water divination, using the Tree Cards to summon yarrow divination, etc., but the former divination is uncontrollable, and the latter requires a certain professional foundation.

The most suitable divination method for Adam is to use the Clow Cards directly for divination - the Clow Cards that integrate the Tarot Cards are also a prop that can be used for divination.

"Shuffle the cards with your left hand, then divide the deck into three parts and mix them together... Note that you can only shuffle the Clow Cards with your left hand."

Xiao Ke and Sibi sat at the two corners of the table and told Adam the specific process of divination:

"After shuffling, draw ten cards according to your preference and arrange them in a 3x3 diamond array."

"Put the first card in the opposite corner, the second card in the corner facing you, the third card in the lower left, and the fourth card in the lower right..."


According to the two, Adam arranged the Clow Cards and closed his eyes:

"The Clow Cards created by Clow Reed, please answer my question and tell me the location of Dobby, the house elf..."

The magic power slowly flowed on the Clow Cards in front of him. Adam opened his eyes and turned over the Clow Card at the top of the card array in front of him.

Sibi said in a deep voice:

"It's the ground card."

The first card is a hint, indicating that the opponent's position is related to the ground... To be honest, it's a bit tasteless. After all, what he wants to find is a position. The ground card at most means that the opponent is not in the sky or in the water.

Then there were three Clow Cards in the middle of the card array. These three Clow Cards pointed to the specific content of the divination.

Adam turned them over from left to right.

"Pop, Gan, small...?"

Xiao Ke tilted his head. What place is this?

"Dobby is hiding in the kitchen of Hogwarts?"

These three Clow Cards are connected together. Adam can hardly find a second answer except the kitchen of Hogwarts.

It seems that these are enough, but Adam still went through the process and turned over the Clow Card at the bottom right corner of the card array. This Clow Card pointed to the next goal of the divination object.

"Shield... Guardian? Or savior? All of them make sense."

Because he had a certain understanding of Dobby, Adam's process of answering the divination results was very smooth. He put away the Clow Cards and immediately set off for the kitchen, which was the place Adam was most familiar with in Hogwarts besides the dormitory and Hufflepuff common room.

"InsideMr. Reed, how can I help you? "

As soon as he entered the kitchen, a passing house-elf greeted Adam familiarly.

"Blue, I want to know if there are any foreign house-elfs in the kitchen recently?"

After closing the door behind him, Adam naturally looked around and whispered to the house-elf named Blue.

Blue also lowered his voice when he saw this:

"Foreign house-elf? Yes, Mr. Reed, there is indeed a house-elf who came to Hogwarts, and its little master is now studying in Hogwarts. "

Blue looked a little dissatisfied, thinking that this was a question of their work ability, but his dissatisfaction did not mainly come from this:

"That guy is so lazy. He hasn't helped his little master clean up a few times since he came to Hogwarts. His master should..."

"Okay, Blue, I know you have always been the most diligent one among you. "

Adam stopped Blue from complaining. Blue raised his head proudly after hearing Adam's praise, and Adam took the opportunity to continue asking:

"Where is the house elf now?"

"Well, he just went out and just came back. He should be resting over at the oak barrel..."

Hearing this, Adam slammed the dark staff in his hand on the ground, and a huge magic circle wrapped the entire kitchen in it. A somewhat illusory big lock slowly disappeared in the air.

"Mr. Reed?"

Blue looked at Adam with some doubts.

"Take me to the oak barrel where he is."

"Okay. "

Although he didn't know what Adam was doing, Blue still chose to believe this student who had gained control of the entire kitchen and all the house-elves several times.

Hogwarts' house-elves all live in oak barrels, most of which are from recent years, with the logos of Butterbeer and the Three Broomsticks on them. Dobby's oak barrel was squeezed in the corner. It was an old oak barrel with rusty iron rings on it.

Adam walked to the oak barrel and heard a low snoring coming from it. Perhaps the previous act of casting a spell on the wandering ball was also a big burden for Dobby.

"A lazy guy only deserves to live in such an oak barrel! Look at this guy, he is still sleeping now! "

Blue explained to Adam indignantly.

Without responding to Blue, Adam reached out to the oak barrel, and the magic circle was formed in his palm in the blink of an eye.

The sealing magic applied to the entire kitchen was limited to the oak barrel, and then the oak barrel was floated up and floated to Adam's side.

"Mr. Reed, where are you taking it?"

Blue couldn't help but say when he saw this scene.

Adam glanced at Dobby who was still sleeping soundly in the oak barrel beside him, and smiled slightly:

"I have something to ask him. "

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