The eyes of the Ancient One on the side lit up. In this case, wouldn't she also have a chance...

Although the white magic plane is going to be given to others, there are other planes, right? Even if this existence does not gain other planes, she can also take the dark plane. She is not picky!

Being able to go to Dormammu to pay an IOU while being loyal to Vishanti in the Supreme Sanctuary, and at the same time looking for the Eternal God as the last backer, the character of the Ancient One is self-evident.

She is a pragmatist. As long as the earth and humans can be safe and she can become stronger, her position doesn't matter.

The reason why she stopped other mages from contacting Dormammu is that she knows that those mages can't resist Dormammu's erosion and temptation at all. If they can resist, she hopes that these mages can live for hundreds of years like her to protect the earth.

The importance of having a dimension that truly belongs to them for the earth is self-evident.

Adam didn't care about the Ancient One's thoughts. He stretched out his hand and drew a circle. On the other side of the circle was the mountain villa that the Ancient One arranged for him.

The entire white magic plane now belongs to Adam, so the portal can be easily reached.

"Go find a universe where life is completely extinct. The larger the better."

Adam stepped across the portal and turned his head to Yao and said.

Even though the Marvel Universe is vast and it is easy to find a planet or a race that does not exist, it is a tedious and tiring task to find a universe without any life. It is really like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But now Yao is fully motivated and has no complaints about it.

Finding the universe for Adam was originally a deal he proposed, and Adam also promised him a white magic plane. If the work was easy, he would feel uneasy.

Adam's figure disappeared in Kamar-Taj, the portal disappeared with it, and Yao also disappeared on the spot.

Gu Yi pondered for a moment, turned around and summoned Master Wang, asking him to temporarily manage the Supreme Sanctuary for him, and then he devoted himself to searching for the universe of extinction like Yao.

On the other side, Adam cleaned up the interior of the villa with a snap of his fingers, then found the bedroom and lay down on the bed to sleep.

He hadn't slept for many years since he came all the way from the HP world to the Marvel world. The Sea of ​​​​Realms is not a place where people can sleep peacefully.

Although he can now recover his physical strength and energy without sleeping, if possible, he still prefers this recovery method that he is already accustomed to.

The sun sets and the moon rises, the moon sets and the sun rises, and a week has passed in a blink of an eye. Adam opened his eyes sleepily, turned into Maine's form for a long time, stretched his body, and then jumped off the bed and turned back into human form.

"Tsk, these people are too cowardly, haven't any of them taken action after sleeping for so long?"

Adam casually conjured a fried starch sausage covered with sweet noodle sauce for himself, and spoke with disappointment.

He really has no ill intentions!

Even if the five gods don't come, it would be good to have Loki, the god of stories, to show him who is the most competitive among the three princesses.

Now he can still devote a lot of energy to digesting the concept of the white magic dimension. He can't eat delicious food at home every day, right?

After flying in the Sea of ​​​​Realms for so long, he is almost tired of these foods no matter how delicious they are.

He wants to go out and see the plot, but now is an awkward period. Captain Marvel has left, and it will take many years for Iron Man to appear... huh? Wait!

Adam drew a circle to open a small portal, and then reached out to grab a ginger cat from the portal.

"Hey hehe~ How could I forget about you, little guy?"

This little guy is a Yuan Devourer, a creature from the universe, and looks very much like an orange cat on Earth. This is not a disguise, but simply a similar appearance, and the internal structure is completely different.

The Devourer is an oviparous animal, and once it opens its mouth, various tentacles and other structures used to help it swallow will surge out, and the visual effect is quite shabby.

The reason why it is called the Devourer is that this little guy eats almost everything and can eat almost everything.

Its stomach is connected to a small universe. Although it seems too small compared to the real universe, it can easily accommodate a smaller galaxy. Therefore, there is even a legend in the universe that the Devourer will devour planets.

In short, this is a very powerful and very capable little cat, and Adam couldn't help but be moved.

"Mimi~Mimi~Want to come with me?"

Adam took out a handful of dried fish and shook it in front of Gugu (the name of the Devourer), and Gugu looked surprised and speechless.

The energy on this guy looks so huge, it must be obvious that he is his own race. How can he really treat himself as a cat?Wait?

"Don't you like it? Then... how about this?"

Adam injected some power from the dark dimension into the dried fish.

Gugu came up and sniffed it, then pushed it away with his hands that looked like he was wearing a little white glove.

Why did he use dried fish as a container when he had already discovered its species? I say again, it's really not a cat!

And the power of the dark dimension looks bad, why would it turn against the white magic dimension for such a thing?

Adam silently replaced the energy of the dark dimension with the energy of the white magic dimension.

The Devourer was still unmoved. This old-fashioned power was so hard to chew that it hurt his teeth.

It turns out that the Devourer also has to pick the taste of food. For example, the Cosmic Cube is a food that is difficult to chew and indigestible. It was vomited out by the Devourer not long after it was eaten.

So Adam thought for a moment and replaced the power in the dried fish with his own magic power.


The Devourer, now renamed Mimi, wrapped his tail around Adam’s calf, put away the pads of his paws and rubbed his body against Adam’s trouser legs, looking like he was high on catnip, and kept making meowing sounds.

“I didn’t expect that the Devourer actually liked magic so much… No, it should be said that it was my magic.”

Adam came to his senses. In terms of energy level alone, according to his current status and strength, his own magic is indeed much higher than the dimensional energy in the Marvel world.

In addition to casting spells himself, Adam has never shared energy with others. In the past, most of the heroes in the Type-Moon world descended through projections, and the only Heroic Spirits he directly summoned were those few crowns, and there was almost no communication between the two sides.

So Adam finally had a clear understanding of this matter until now.

However, the reason why the Devourer was able to become like this was not only because his magic level was high enough, but also because the amount was large enough. Beings in the Marvel universe who could fill the Devourer with magic were usually not so extravagant.

After all, for them, the rules have reached their limit, and the only thing left is the accumulation of energy.

Looking at the cute Mimi, Adam summoned Xiao Ke and Sibi. Although he didn't plan to stay in this world for a long time, since it has come to this, he might as well relax and take a rest.

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