At first glance, it looks like a halo surrounding the earth, but it is actually a collection of hundreds of millions of rays of light.

Each ray of light has a great destructive power comparable to the A-level treasure, the Sword of Promised Victory.

This is the third treasure of Solomon activated by Goetia, and it is also an EX-level treasure of human nature formed by converting all human history into heat——

"The time of birth has come, and it will correct everything!"

The light band that announced the end of mankind fell all over the sky, and Adam, who had just stepped into the final singularity, happened to be in the path of the light band!

When Adam looked up, there was even some doubt in his eyes, and the light band had already hit him in front of him——

"Come on, burn like grass!"

Goetia's low voice echoed without paying much attention to the sudden appearance of Adam, but there was no follow-up.

"Damn, is this gift a little too enthusiastic?"

Raising his hand to hold up the shield to block the torrent of light bands, Adam glanced down with an unfriendly look.

Very good, Fujimaru Ritsuka and the others and Goetia are all here.

Adam's eyes were fixed on the guy below who was working as a doctor in Chaldea under the pseudonym Romani Achiman, but whose real identity was Solomon.

He had just entered this world, and although he did not deliberately control the time and location of his entry, he came directly to the inside of the Temple of Time, just in front of [The time of birth has come, so to correct everything].

Solomon and Goetia in the front seat, one of them must be blamed, and in Adam's opinion, Solomon was 100% or even 90% suspicious.

After all, if it weren't for the other party, he wouldn't even come here.

Solomon obviously understood what Adam meant, but his eyes twitched a little at this moment.

How to say it, although he himself did things like sending down a flood and then letting people be saviors, after all, preaching mainly depends on solving people's difficulties.

The purpose is to solve difficulties when there are difficulties, and to solve difficulties when there are no difficulties.

But this time it really wasn't him!

No matter what he wants to talk about, he won't use a big move to hit the other person's face before he finishes talking, right?

Solomon did not hide his inner voice and even took the initiative to amplify his psychological fluctuations for Adam to sense, but Adam Pure Unlucky Reed said he would not listen, and raised his hand to shoot at Goetia-

"First of all, I will return a shot to you, Gungnir!"

Gungnir, which is only in the state of a treasure, is called a gun that must hit and win. For Goetia, who is the first beast and has fused with the seventy-two pillars of demons, the name of the so-called gun that must win is simply a joke.

Although he was a little surprised that a person suddenly appeared, and the other party could even block his third treasure, this did not prevent Goetia from mocking Adam's attack that was not painful:

"It's just a fake thing created by human reason, and it's just a painless attack!"

As he said, Goetia raised his hand and used a magic to meet Gungnir.

Then Goetia found that the water temperature seemed to be wrong. This Gungnir... There is something wrong!

Good news: This Gungnir is fake.

Bad news: Goetia doubts whether the real Gungnir is half as strong as this fake one.

Gungnir, whose speed did not slow down at all, penetrated through layers of magic all the way, carrying various attributes such as Anti-Genesis, Human Evil, Human Wisdom, and the Original Earth. It penetrated half of Goetia's body without slowing down, and directly penetrated the Temple of Time.

Goetia, whose spiritual base was still intact but only half of his body was left, stared at Adam with one eye, and almost burned his CPU.

What was that move just now?

Solomon stared at the hole in the Temple of Time, and was also silent for a long time.

The true form of this Temple of Time is [The time to wear the crown has come, and it will inspire all things], which is also Solomon's second treasure. After Solomon's death, Goetia integrated Solomon's body into it to amplify this second treasure.

In other words... Adam's Gungnir just now blasted a big hole in Solomon's body.

A gift for two people with one shot, right?

But it was not me who hit you with [The time of birth has come, and it will correct everything]!

Solomon was speechless.

His existence is a little special. After receiving the apocalypse, he is Yahweh, but Yahweh is not him.

Although he was not furious about his body being pierced, his mood was still somewhat fluctuating.

At the same time, outside the Type-Moon world, Adam opened his eyes and was rubbing his hands to look at the two lolis in front of him.

Yes, Alaya and Gaia turned out to be lolis after being personified... Adam felt that there was a lot to complain about, but he also felt that it was somewhat reasonable.

The appearance of the loli is just a shell. Gaia and Alaya looked at Adam with a look in their eyes similar to "Cheng"Program loading... Loading failed... Program not responding..." eyes.

In Adam's left hand, he saw the purified human evil, the human wisdom synthesized from [King's Treasure] and [People's Wisdom], and in his right hand, the original earth and the Gaia restraining force in [People of the World, Hope to Lock the Gods].

As he seemed to be preparing for battle, he rubbed his left and right hands, and the conceptual aura coming out of Adam was actually very similar to theirs...

No, in their perception, Adam can be completely called a part of them!

As mentioned before, Alaya and Gaia, as restraining forces, protect the world while actually Their intelligence is not high, and their behavior can even be said to be a bit dull. If they find a target with a high threat level, they will only expel it. If they cannot expel it, they will directly fight with the opponent.

This standard is even the same for the Type-Moon world, but what about the restraint?

If the standard is met, they will be expelled. Do Gaia and Alaya meet the standard themselves?

The answer is obvious, they must have met it, so this rule does not apply to them themselves.

So can Adam pretend to be them?

If it is a target with normal intelligence, this trick of pretending to be the other party so that the other party can't tell who is who is who is is simply a trick. It's a joke, just like in King of Glory, Yuan Ge turned into Xiao Qiao on the opposite side and then ran into Xiao Qiao herself. It would be strange if Xiao Qiao didn't recognize you.

But this method seems to be just right for dealing with Gaia and Alaya, who are collective consciousnesses - they have no self-awareness.

Obviously, Gaia and Alaya are stuck with a bug now.

Found a target that should be expelled because of its strength - started to expel it, and exploded with the opponent if it couldn't be expelled.

Found that this target is part of them - the rules of expulsion do not apply to them themselves, cancel the expulsion.

And... they don't remember that the man in front of them is them , and it can't control the other party at the same time.

"Ahem, well, Gaia, Alaya, make a deal with me~"

Adam's mouth curled up, looking at the two lolis in front of him who were stuck in a deadlock. He couldn't expel him according to the rules, so there was a lot of room for discussion.

Although the intelligence is not very high and the behavior pattern is rigid, the inhibition force can still communicate, otherwise there would be no heroic spirits who signed a contract with the inhibition force to work for it after death.

Right, Red A?

However, after a while, the other side had no response, and the smile on Adam's face gradually disappeared:

"No way? The collective subconsciousness of the earth consciousness and primates who want to survive will not be so fragile that they will be stuck in a dead loop and crashed by a bug I caught, right?"

Adam forced a somewhat stiff smile:

"Not that, it shouldn't be... Merlin! Solomon! My king! Damn it! Your inhibition force crashed!"

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