One thing that needs to be made clear is that Gilgamesh is not arrogant without any AC number.

His seemingly impulsive, careless and stupid attitude is not only because of his personality, but also because he does not think too much about the unknown fun.

Although Gilgamesh used the treasures in the King's Treasure as cannonballs, although he sealed his clairvoyance that can see through all the opponent's data and release the true name of the treasure in his hand, although he always stood on a conspicuous high place as a turret to fight with others...

But even such a Gilgamesh can still brainlessly crush at least 50% of the Heroic Spirits. If he goes higher, Gilgamesh will have to use a little brain.

Gilgamesh can indeed fight seriously, but he only needs to do three things when he uses all his strength:

Open the clairvoyance to see through the opponent, find the treasures against the opponent from the King's Treasure, and release the treasures by their true names.

These three tricks can directly kill 99% of the Heroic Spirits.

So why does Gilgamesh never fight with all his strength?

In addition to arrogance, the reason is actually the same as many people don't like to use Wind Spirit Moon Shadow when playing action games - too boring battles will seriously damage the fun of the game.

In the plot, the reason why Gilgamesh can be provoked accurately is because he doesn't care about the ambush of the opponent, and even expects the surprise brought by the opponent, not because he is stupid enough to see that it is a provocation.

Now that Enkidu is by his side, if he doesn't want to go, no matter how much Emiya Kiritsugu provokes him, he will not react.

But despite this...

"How can you repair it! This king will ruthlessly ravage you into pieces!"

The violent magic power was suppressed by Adam's hand. Adam looked at Gilgamesh who was so angry that he even pulled out the Sword of Separation, and Enkidu who was holding Gilgamesh tightly but was also angry, and couldn't help but check the situation outside.


It seems that Emiya Kiritsugu has investigated Gilgamesh's identity.

Is it Tosaka Tokiomi? No, it's Kotomine Kirei!

Adam directly locked the source of the information leak, and then turned his attention to Fuyuki City.

It was still the same overwhelming publicity as before, but this time it was a harvest festival - a celebration held for Ishtar, the goddess of abundance.

Yes, although Ishtar symbolizes Venus, as a god, she is mainly worshipped for the power of agriculture, harvest and fertility. In addition, her power also includes war and love.

Although the residents of Fuyuki City don't know why they are celebrating for a god from Mesopotamian mythology that they have never heard of in this season that is not harvest season.

However, this priesthood... is indeed a god worthy of worship, the kind that everyone can worship if they see it.

In addition, the Einzbern family paid for it, and the entire celebration was completely free. Basically, as long as you bring someone to go, you can have food, drinks and fun. In just less than half a day, the popularity of this event in Fuyuki City has reached a very high level.

If that was all, Gilgamesh would probably pinch his nose and close his eyes and just pretend that this event did not exist.

As luck would have it, several major activities of this festival were prepared according to the legend of Ishtar, including an activity similar to smashing golden eggs - which was changed to smashing clay dolls in this festival.

It is said that it is to commemorate the goddess of harvest punishing the sinners who harmed the earth and killed the sacred beasts.

Seeing this description on the propaganda banner, Gilgamesh was almost furious. The fact that he didn't rush to fight with Saber on the spot was already the result of Enkidu's suppression.

"Emiya Kiritsugu... you are really not a human being."

After understanding the whole process, Adam frowned and said angrily.

How many residents of Fuyuki City, or modern people, have heard of the Gilgamesh epic?

Isn't it just listening to what the official propaganda says.

The key is that once this cognition spreads and is deeply rooted in people's hearts, at least on this timeline, Enkidu will inevitably bring the influence of "sinners". It is hard to say what rank Enkidu will be when he descends as a servant next time.

Even without this influence, it is still a very bad behavior to casually spread rumors and slander an ancient hero who protected human history.

Enkidu, who was holding Gilgamesh's empty hand, was also full of anger at this moment.

"Calm down first, my king."

Adam took a deep breath:

"The more angry you are, the more you should be calm..."

"Huh? You want me to be calm? I am already very calm by not including the entire city in the attack range!"

Although Enkidu was holding him back, Gilgamesh's expression at this moment was broken:

"You guy, don't tell me that you are still thinking about analyzing my collection!"

"Alas, in my eyes, am I such a person who doesn't value Enkidu's reputation?? So sad..."

Adam wiped his eyes, leaving two water marks.

Even though Gilgamesh was so angry, he couldn't help but twitch his eyes when he saw Adam wiping his eyes and pretending to cry in front of him.

But he was indeed a little relieved in his heart.

The other party's ability to analyze the Noble Phantasm was indeed an ability that even shocked him, and he also knew how valuable his Noble Phantasm was to the other party.

To be honest, if the other party turned against him and used the Command Seal to force him, at least it would be no problem to delay it until the end of the celebration, but he would probably be so angry that he would lose his mind.

Enkidu didn't think that Gilgamesh's anger would allow him to defeat Adam. After all, Gilgamesh was a Servant, not the original body.

But if he still couldn't beat Adam after breaking free of the Command Seal, Gilgamesh would probably be the first Servant to be so angry that his Spiritual Base collapsed and returned to the Throne of Heroes, right?

"Although the other party has only one Heroic Spirit, his identity is very special. In addition to being the King Arthur in history, he is also the Sword Master of the Star. The more furious you are, the more powerful the treasures you use, the more it will be in line with the saving effect of the Sword of Promised Victory. "

With a straight expression, Adam explained Saber's information to Gilgamesh, especially emphasizing the thirteen seals of the Sword of Promised Victory.

If Gilgamesh really gets furious and drives Vimana to throw an ancient nuclear warhead, or drives the sword of death Enki, the explosion of the Holy Sword of the Star is a small matter, he is mainly afraid of attracting the restraining force.

"What should I do then?"

Gilgamesh frowned. According to his idea, he must give the opponent a fierce blow, the fiercer the better, but now it seems that too fierce is not good?

"Let Lancelot take the lead in attacking King Arthur, and as for the rest..."

Adam's eyes flashed:

"Leave it to me, this situation is just the right professional match. "

He didn't expect that his treasure would be useful...

The End of Human Reason

Level: EX

Type: Anti-Human Reason Noble Phantasm

A hall where Adam guards human reason is recreated around him. All abilities that damage human reason, such as the supremacy of theocracy, tampering with cognition, ignorance and violence, destroying personality, and denying self, will be directly prohibited here from the root.

Does Kiritsugu Emiya's behavior of discrediting the ancient hero who guarded human reason count as damaging human reason?

That counts too much!

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