"Forget it, think on the bright side. At least Ryunosuke Uesugi is bad and decisive. Wouldn't it be even more unlucky if it was that old bug Matou Zouken?"

As the saying goes, life is about contrast to be happy. Adam comforted himself and felt much better.

"The next step is to wait for Merlin, that unreliable guy, to summon me... Should I go back to Valhalla directly?"

Adam touched his chin.

Although he didn't show this skill alone, with his current ability, it was actually no problem not to return to Valhalla. The main reason why the Heroic Spirits could not leave the Master was the problem of the source of magic power, and he didn't have this problem.

Even if he stayed, Merlin could still summon "him" when he summoned him, and it would not interfere with their original plan.

After all, whether it was through the Holy Grail or something else, what was really summoned was just a projection of a Heroic Spirit, that is, a projection of Adam's projection...

Although Adam usually liked to be lazy, after all, his status was there. It was not difficult for him to maintain multi-threaded operations of different projections at the same time, but it would be more tiring than single-threaded operations.

"Although, this world is just in the process of the Fourth Holy Grail War. On the small hand, I can take this opportunity to see many heroes in my memory, and the one I least want to see has been replaced by me."

Adam rubbed his hands and said:

"On the big hand, I can try to interfere with the normal development of time. I can also use the Holy Grail to contact the third law and the root... and there is black mud in the Holy Grail this time."

Thinking about it, this Holy Grail War is almost a big release of Type-Moon world specialties, some of which are unique, how can I miss it?

"But before that, I still have to check to what extent I have been weakened by the Holy Grail..."

Adam carefully sensed his projection.

Not bad, this is Adam's first reaction.

Except that the limitation of inhibition will affect the actual performance strength of the ability to a certain extent, Adam's panel has not changed.

In addition, the only difference is probably that Adam's panel has a few more class skills and has been instilled with some knowledge about modern times-due to Adam's ability, this knowledge is in a state of waiting to be read.

Adam checked the so-called modern knowledge without any disdain, and more or less understood the background of this era. Then he began to check his class skills.

"【Tool Creation】 and 【Fort Construction】... "

Looking at his two A-level abilities, Adam shook his head.

To put it bluntly, these two skills were forced up by the magic original. If Adam really took action, not to mention that he could not play the corresponding level of effect, it can only be said that he would be very different from the servants of this level of ability in this world.

"Maybe I should find a way to obtain some magic knowledge in this world?"

Thinking of this, several suitable candidates flashed through Adam's mind.

The closest and most suitable candidate to him is none other than the unlucky Director Ken, one of the twelve monarchs of the Clock Tower, a world-class genius magician, and a first-level lecturer of the Spirit Summoning Department.

Although Director Ken's actual combat performance was a bit poor due to his personal character and the opponent's unkindness, his knowledge reserve is definitely no problem, and he can also find the way to the Clock Tower through him.

"Then it's decided to be you, Director Ken. Compared to the original miserable future, cooperating with me is a more cost-effective choice, right?"

After making up his mind, Adam walked out of the house that was killed by Ryunosuke Uesugi, wiped off his traces, and broke a branch from the yard and injected magic power.

"Show me the way."

The branch that had become a magic wand moved in Adam's palm, and then the tip pointed to a certain direction.

"In this direction..."

A sigh dissipated in the evening breeze, and Adam's figure had disappeared from the spot.


"Yo~ Long time no see."

Adam sighed when he opened his eyes and saw Merlin in front of him.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Merlin keenly noticed that Adam's tone was a little subtle.

"Nothing, it's just that your summoning was a step late. I have responded to the summoning once before."

Adam shook his head and said.

"Eh? I set up the summoning array right after I got back here. I didn't delay anything except biting my tongue and having to start over once!"

Merlin was stunned:

"No one else has a summon that can point to you except me. To summon you before me, besides launching the summon at that time, I also have to have a certain affinity with you. Isn't this too coincidental?"

But the fact is that it is just a coincidence, one of the countless timelines just happened to catch up.

"By the way, why did the other party summon you? Did it cause any impact?"

"It was because of the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City, and you were summoned as a magic class. As for the impact... I am still observing it, and I haven't found any measures taken by the inhibitory force for the time being."

Hearing Adam's words, Merlin nodded, but this level of impact would definitely not attract the inhibitory force, otherwise their plan would not have to be tried at all. Just go with plan B.

Thinking of this, Merlin couldn't help but have the idea of ​​experimenting with that timeline first, to see to what extent the inhibitory force could tolerate Adam changing the established development.

"How many Holy Grail Wars are you on the other side?"

Merlin touched his chin and said, if he really had a hard time, he could still give the other party some advice.

"It's the fourth time~"

"Oh, the fourth... huh?!"

Merlin widened his eyes and swallowed.

The fourth time? How could it be such a coincidence...

After being stunned for a moment, Merlin quickly adjusted his mentality. After all, it had happened to him countless times.

And if nothing unexpected happened, without external intervention, the tragedy would continue to repeat itself.

"Who is your summoner? What is the next plan?"

Merlin got into the state directly. From their purpose, the Fourth Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City was actually a good entry point, which could almost seamlessly complete the test of various tolerance levels of inhibition.

But who among the masters in this Holy Grail War had such a high compatibility with Adam?

Eh? Wait a minute, in the Fourth Holy Grail War, it seems that the only one who used compatibility to summon was...

"A murderer named Ryunosuke Uzumaki."

Although he had already guessed, Merlin couldn't help but remain silent after hearing Adam's answer.

Where did this compatibility... come from?

"That guy summoned me and asked me what the true meaning of death was, so I sent him to experience it for himself, and he seemed very satisfied."

Looking at Adam who said this calmly while waving his hands, Merlin's throat choked.

He seemed to have discovered where this affinity came from...

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