This kind of rejection from the Type-Moon world is certainly a bit troublesome, but it has to be said that it is indeed an effective self-protection for the world.

Like the HP world, there was no reaction when Adam developed to the point where he could destroy the world.

On the other hand, in the Type-Moon world, not only were outsiders like Adam targeted, but even the people in the Type-Moon world who had reached this level were kicked out one by one - such as the Awakened One.

Although the Awakened One took the initiative to leave early after realizing this, this did not change the fact that the Type-Moon's restraining power was merciless even to its own people.

Later, Adam also thought of a way based on the Awakened One's experience, which was to use the Heroic Seat to make himself into a Heroic Spirit-like existence and project into the Type-Moon world.

Before leaving, the Awakened One left behind his own Chakra and clone, which became a treasure named Heaven Chakra Saint King and a Heroic Spirit with the job of Savior in the Heroic Seat system.

"With your ability, it's completely fine if you just do a little trick on the Heroic Seat~"

Merlin said firmly.

Although those memories have only left a little bit of Adam's unconsciousness and will benefit him because of Adam's upgrade, he still knows that this is no problem for Adam.

"Ah, the restraint is against me to this extent, and I can still enter through the Throne of Heroes?"

Adam has not thought of this yet. He feels that the restraint of the magic product of the Throne of Heroes is almost non-existent for him.

Although the restraint of this world maintains this magic, the restraint is still a little worse than Mokona. One is the world instinct and collective consciousness, and the other is the god who created the world.

Kuro Lido's magic can even create a replica of the God of Creation of a plane. The value of the Kuro Card, a universal world rule of all worlds, can be seen.

Merlin was quite sure about this, after all, this was a successful thing:

"In the final analysis, the Inhibition Force is not that smart. They won't listen to your explanation, and they won't study whether the rules of the system you integrate into that world through the Seat of Heroes can restrain you."

"Well, although this makes sense...but what we have to do is, at the very least, change the established history, and at the most, create singularities."

Adam spread his hands:

"The mere existence of singularities will hinder the development of human reason. In this case, the Inhibition Force can't not take action against me, right? No matter how they investigate, they will be exposed, right?"

Merlin was silent for a while, and said:

"Let's try it first. If it causes an overreaction of the Inhibition Force, there is a backup plan."

Now Adam's status is higher than he remembered, and the reaction of the Inhibition Force should be different. If it doesn't work, he has prepared other plans.

It's just that he will be a little tired...

"Okay, it's up to you then."

Adam knows Type-Moon but not Type-Moon. He may know more about some settings than Merlin, but he certainly can't compare to Merlin, a local, in terms of specifics, so he simply handed over the task of commanding the plan to Merlin, and he only had to be responsible for execution.

This time, he went there to complete the deal with Merlin on the one hand, and to be a tourist on the other hand, to see if he could watch the Holy Grail War. It would be even better if he could visit Chaldea.

The Void Ocean outside the world has no standard to show the passage of time. Adam calculated that about ten years had passed by his heartbeat, and the two arrived at their destination - Type-Moon World.

"This time it seems to be particularly smooth!"

Looking at the destination in front of him, Merlin was a little amazed at the smoothness of their trip. Not only did they arrive quickly, but they also didn't encounter any unexpected events along the way - the Void Ocean is not a peaceful place.

There are many beings and phenomena that he has to avoid even if he encounters them. I hope that this plan will go smoothly.

"Okay, we are here. What should we do next?"

Adam looked at Merlin.

"It's very simple. Do you see that place? That's the Throne of Heroes."

Merlin pointed.

Normally, the Throne of Heroes cannot be directly observed with the naked eye, but Adam can walk outside the world. Obviously, this threshold does not exist for him at all.

"Inject your magic power into it, and then you can start to shape the character panel. What you can shape depends mainly on which abilities you are willing to project."

Adam, who was waiting to hear a long technical theory: ... ah?

"Just, so careless?"

"Not careless at all. If a magician in our world wants to contact the Heroes,The existence of the Spirit Seat requires complex rituals. "

Merlin's meaning is very simple. If you have a low status and poor strength, it is difficult to contact the existence of the Hall of Heroes. Summoning the Heroes requires a complex process, not to mention entering the Hall of Heroes.

But on the other hand, if you have a high status and strong strength, it is very easy to place a projection in the Hall of Heroes, and many steps can be omitted.

"... Reasonable."

Adam nodded after a short silence. This world is so real.

"After you pinch the panel, I will summon you in the world. In order to facilitate my positioning of you, I need a token that can point to you."

I understand, a holy relic...

Looking at Merlin's outstretched hand, Adam thought about it and took out a gold galleon and handed it to Merlin.

Although the thing itself is not particularly special, don't underestimate the uniqueness of a world's unique currency. This should be a token that can point to him instead of anyone else in the first place.

"... Reasonable. "

Merlin was stunned. He had expected Adam to bring out something related to his legendary deeds, but the gold galleon...

Let's just say whether Adam's legendary deeds have it!

Putting away the gold galleon, Merlin took a step directly into the Type-Moon world. Adam, after putting on layers of protection, concentrated on injecting his magic power into the Hall of Valor...

"Oh my god, you really made the character panel yourself?"

Looking at the panel in front of him, Adam's head was full of black lines.

Although he knew that this was the form of expression formed by the magic system of the Hall of Valor based on the user's cognition, Adam couldn't help but sigh when he saw that this magic was so modern.

Look at them.gif

If they want the magic of their world to penetrate into all aspects of life and become as convenient as this, there is still a long way to go.

Maybe he can learn more from this world...

Thinking so, it didn't prevent Adam from focusing most of his attention on the panel in front of him.

"Does it depend on what abilities you are willing to project to make it look like? So that's it..."

After just a little research, Adam understood how to operate this panel and couldn't help but smile with interest.

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