"At first, it was just a complaint, accusing a priest from the Vatican of sexually abusing children... when the plaintiff was still a child."

Adam took out a piece of paper, which was more like a letter than a complaint. The handwriting on it was a little shaky, and it was completely handwritten. You can see that the person who wrote the letter was very excited when he picked up the pen.

But everyone can see the letter, but they can't remember the specific information about the writer in the letter, nor can they remember what the handwriting looks like.

"Starting with this letter, the Human Union launched an investigation, through direct visits, retrieving files, etc.... Of course, it also involves the use of some magic. The investigation has been going on for a month and three days."

Adam recounted the course of events.

"Although a month's investigation is far from completely uncovering all the crimes, it is enough for the Human Union to decide to summon the clergy of the Vatican - more than 27 countries are involved, and the victims are more than 10 million, including both men and women, and most of them are underage children."

Adam's voice has completely cooled down by this point, and the eyes looking at the scum below are already like looking at dead people.


The sound of sucking in breaths rang out all over the world. The priest and little boy's joke is actually widely circulated in European and American countries, but because of this, it has eliminated the seriousness of the matter.

When everyone just regarded this as a hellish joke, few people would think deeply about the terrifying truth behind it. This is essentially an extremely bad and very hidden crime, and no one would think deeply about whether this phenomenon is common.

When you really hear it, everyone will be so surprised. What they originally thought was just a joke is so serious in reality!

More than 10 million victims, what does this mean? Among the countries recognized by the United Nations, less than half of them have a population of more than 10 million.

Especially child sexual abuse, the impact is particularly bad. The child's life may change dramatically because of this, and this is not only harmful to one person, but also to a family.

"Involving multiple countries, the number of confirmed victims is more than 10 million. Such a large-scale crime, sexual assault on underage children, is even more heinous. Therefore, the Human Rights Union took over this merger case and sued the Vatican for crimes against humanity!"

Even though Adam's previous words had shocked many people, many people were still shocked when they heard the last sentence, mainly those leaders.

An international organization... sued a country? !

Who gave him the power... eh...

Suddenly, these people discovered a point they had not noticed before.

Why does the United Nations seem so powerless when there is a real international conflict, as if it is useless and can only make an appeal but cannot send troops on behalf of the international community?

Because when the United Nations was established, it was not given such power at all, and the United Nations did not have a real army, but only peacekeeping forces voluntarily sent by member states.

But the Human Rights Alliance... seems different!

The think tank members flipped through the Human Rights Alliance manual and found that the manual mentioned that the Human Rights Alliance can intervene in conflicts and international events that reach a certain scale, and even resort to force.

As for how large this certain scale is, the manual does not say, and to what extent the resort to force can be made, the manual does not say.

And the Human Rights Alliance... has its own military force!

Indeed, the Human Rights Alliance also does not have a real army, but it has magic belonging to the Human Rights Alliance!

The fact that the huge headquarters itself is a battle fortress with built-in magic turrets is no longer a secret as the Human Union continues to suppress conflicts in various places. This is the part that the Human Union has taken the initiative to show.

With authority and force, it seems that the Human Union seems to... seem to... really have the capital to sue a country!

After all, the so-called prosecution is only worth mentioning when there is the ability to conduct a trial. Otherwise, if you clamor to sentence the other party and they ignore you, what can you do?

At this moment, many people were stunned.

Isn't it... such an excessive treaty written in the manual, didn't anyone raise any objections at the time?

Ministry of Magic representative: I'm laughing to death, we didn't even read the manual carefully.

Permanent Council representative: I'm laughing to death, this booklet was compiled by us.

Representatives of other major countries: I'm laughing to death, the Ministry of Magic reminded me not to die.

Representatives of small countries: I'm laughing to death, it seems that my opposition is useful.

Islander representative: Um, where can I get the agreed food and water?

No matter how people react, Adam has finished speaking and has sued., followed by a high-speed divine speech:

"After the investigation of the People's Union, the evidence is complete. Since the evidence includes memory and physical evidence, it is inconvenient to display too many. If you need it, you can go to the archives and records room of the People's Union headquarters to check it out. Special reminder, for the sake of the victims, a confidentiality contract spell needs to be signed before viewing the archives."

After speaking, Adam looked at the people below and raised his hand:

"Here, I announce the sentence on the Vatican-"

"Wait a minute! How can you just sentence it directly?"

A cardinal was so scared that his voice broke.

What about the previous process? What about the trial? What about the defense? I apply to meet with my lawyer!

The people who were shocked by the People's Union's prosecution of a country before were shocked again, and this time they were even terrified.

"This... This is a violation of the law! This is an atrocity in the guise of civilization! This... This is..."

Similar language was heard everywhere. Bernard looked at Adam outside the main hall, his face pale but his eyes still firm.

"Judge them by law?"

Adam looked at Bernard with a meaningful look:

"Which country's law do you want to use to judge them?"

"Of course it is the principle of territorial jurisdiction..."

"But they are in the Vatican, how can you catch them and try them? Send troops to arrest people after the territorial trial? Or are you going to let them judge themselves? What if they bribe the country to amend the law?"

Bernard opened his mouth and frowned.

In order to prevent the excessive expansion of the law, it is normal to make various restrictions. There is no perfect law in the world, so when setting and enforcing the law, the least bad one is often chosen.

"The Human Union will not interfere in domestic civil and criminal cases, but will only take action against those anti-human situations. Laws and principles are meant to make criminals repent, but when it comes to anti-humanity, there is no need to reason with those things that are not even human. They don't deserve to hear it."

Adam slowly stood up and walked out the door:

"Don't they want a way to deal with it that suits their situation? Then I will give them a trial that suits their conditions!"

Blinking, Bernard returned to the present, looking at Adam standing outside the door and reaching his hand down, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of trial was the so-called trial that met their conditions.

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