"Then Mount Fuji..."

Adam was not there in person, so he was not as sharp as Xiao Hei in some details.

Until he saw Xiao Hei continue to go to the top of the mountain, Adam's sight shifted, and he found some clues hidden in the uninhabited volcano.

"The classic Yamata no Orochi, although it is a semi-finished product, it is at least an SSR. I just don't know why I didn't see the so-called god of Takama-ga-hara."

Adam was a little confused. These Shikigami and monsters are basically fake monsters. Anyway, they are not genuine goods, so naturally there is no problem of whether the attributes are compatible.

Could it be that he doesn't like it?

In addition, the so-called three sacred artifacts were not seen. Logically speaking, the Yunwai Mirror was taken out, and there was no reason why the Yata Mirror did not exist. Even if it was to win people's hearts, the more famous and symbolic Yata Mirror should be made first, right?

In fact, there are three sacred artifacts, and Takamagahara also exists, but the Japanese population is small, and they really can't afford so many spirits, and can't raise such powerful artifacts - three earthquakes a day can't make up for such a high casualty rate, and this thing also has to be sustainable.

Originally, Minister Sugawara and his team planned to take this opportunity to take a big chance, but an explosion on the army side directly led to the collapse of the blood sacrifice plan, and Takamagahara and the three sacred artifacts Adam were destined to never see each other in this world at least.

As Xiao Hei left, the remaining wizards of the magic institute were picked out and fought, and the Japanese Self-Defense Forces immediately fell into a stage of dispute.

Some generals believed that they should take this opportunity to use missiles to clean up the ground and let those wizards play their final role, otherwise they would not have so many wizards to contain those Chinese practitioners later.

Moreover, the Chinese practitioners are particularly gathered now. If they miss this opportunity and wait for them to disperse, it will be even more difficult for them to deal with them.

Another part of the generals did not object to this being a good opportunity to attack, but the problem was that they couldn't mess around in that position.

——That's Mount Futu!

This is a dormant active volcano. Using missiles to bombard the ground halfway up the mountain will almost certainly cause a volcanic eruption. Moreover, with the size of Mount Futu, it will not be as simple as a volcanic eruption.

"What does it matter? Everything will be restored later anyway."

The general who supported the former view looked at them in surprise.

Why are you still concerned about this now? Why didn't you say anything when you blew up the city before?

"But we have already blown up a round of cities before. Before, it can be said that it was only ordinary civilian casualties, and it did not cause much damage to the real core of the country - military power, heavy industry, etc."

Of course, the buried bombs can be blown up in places where people gather but there are not many important industries. At the same time, important factories, nuclear power plants, etc. are also not blown up, otherwise Xiao Hei should not only smell a little food aroma.

The general who supported the latter view continued expressionlessly:

"But once Mount Fuji erupts, it will trigger a chain reaction, and the magma will probably cover most of Japan... According to the non-exercise inference, we will have to spend a lot of effort just to deal with the magma, not to mention the industries destroyed by the magma."

After looking around, the general asked a soul-searching question:

"In this case, even if we eliminate those Chinese wizards, can we really be considered to have passed the assessment?"

For a moment, the room fell into silence.

"In fact, Mr. Ota may be overthinking."

A general who supported the former view suddenly spoke:

"The standard for passing the assessment is just to defeat the opponent, and the standard for the new permanent director should be at least to be able to block the official attack of the existing permanent director, that's all."

At this time, no one mentioned the previous statement that they had to retain the opponent's manpower. They could only say that it was fortunate that they had stabilized the Tiandi Tongshou according to their habit and took away half of the people on the opposite side, otherwise it would be very dangerous now.

Minister Sugawara really had a lot of heartfelt words to say to these idiots about this move of heaven and earth living together, but he was afraid that he could not help himself, so he was no longer at the scene.

With so many Muggles, the effect of a full blood sacrifice would be more effective than any bomb!

Why didn't these people tell him before they took action? !

The generals who supported the latter view discussed it and felt that the other side was right. If they really wanted to defeat the three forces, it would be so difficult that no country in the world could do it.

The main thing was that they had no other cards to play now, and time was not on their side. If they dragged on, the wizards of the magic house would be wiped out.

Soon, the missile group aimed at the waist of Mount Toto had been deployed, waiting for the order of the highest commander.


"Boom——"Looking at the shaking Mount Fuji on the screen, the general who was counting down heroically suddenly frowned:

"Baga! Who pressed the button in advance?"

The soldiers sitting in front of the operating table looked at each other in panic, looked at the operating interface in front of each other, and finally looked at the general:

"Sir, no one pressed the button!"

"Baga! No one pressed the button, could it be that Mount Fuji erupted by itself?!"

The soldier who was slapped in the face for a disagreement wanted to cry without tears. Didn't scientists say that Mount Fuji could erupt at any time? It's not impossible that it's such a coincidence!

The soldier didn't know that the general also just knew that there was a Yamata no Orochi inside Mount Fuji. Under normal circumstances, Mount Fuji would not erupt so easily, which is why the general was sure that the soldier was lying.

But now, it is obviously not a normal situation...


With wings flapping, hanging high above Mount Fuji, Xiao Hei's appearance at this moment has changed significantly compared to before.

Originally, Xiao Hei was completely black, with only the blue Cherenkov glow emanating from his chest. At this moment, Xiao Hei looked more like a giant dragon made of magma, basalt, and obsidian. Red light flowed through the gaps between his scales, and the breath from his mouth and nose was filled with the smell of sulfur.


Another roar, and the Futu Mountain, which had originally shaken, began to shake again, and this time it seemed that there was no trend of stopping soon.

The snow on the top of the mountain rolled down the mountain, and the people on the mountainside - there were no people on the mountainside now. The Chinese practitioners had regretfully left with the escape technique when Futu Mountain shook for the first time, and the remaining scattered Japanese wizards also hurriedly apparated away.

At this time, looking at the changes in Futu Mountain from afar, many Chinese practitioners looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Well, is it safe here? Should we stay away?"

Compared to the endless magic, Chinese practitioners pay more attention to the relationship between themselves and the surrounding world. Of course, they can see clearly that Mount Futu is about to erupt.

"It shouldn't be..."

As soon as a practitioner finished speaking, Mount Futu erupted under Xiao Hei's control. The thick red magma column rushed straight through the clouds, giving people the illusion that Xiao Hei had opened up the earth's aorta.


Watching the magma column gradually lose its power and start to fall, the entire four islands of Japan and even the surrounding seas were within the attack range, and the practitioners all widened their eyes.

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