"Abolish the Statute of Secrecy...Mr. Reed, do you really know what you are talking about?"

"Of course, I am very sure."

Originally, the office knew that Adam was going to have a formal conversation with them, and although they had taken it very seriously, after the person sent over actually communicated with Adam, he found that this was really not a topic that he could participate in with his position.

He was just a small deputy minister. For such an international event, let alone participating in the discussion, it was not his turn even to vote!

He was ready to go back and change people, but before leaving, he still asked Adam uncertainly:

"Mr. Reed, what you are talking about, is this your personal idea, or the British Ministry of Magic..."

"To be precise, it is the Ministry of Magic of several countries."

Adam picked up the parchment version of the Witch Party work group in his hand and took a look:

"In addition to the British Ministry of Magic, there are also France, Germany, Switzerland, Australia... Oh, and Egypt."

These are the countries where the Witch Party has almost completely controlled the wizarding market in just half a month, and the countries that originally supported Adam, especially the banks in some of these countries are still managed by goblins, and the economic system is so vulnerable.


Adam's eyes suddenly froze on a line of reports.

"Uh, what's wrong?"

The deputy minister was memorizing, and suddenly heard Adam's puzzled voice.

"Uh, it's okay, the MACUSA seems to be split? But I can still make the decision."

Deputy Minister: ...?

It sounds like your right to make the decision does not come from the authorization of the Ministry of Magic...

But no matter what, this is not something he can participate in the decision-making, so he silently recalled to make sure he remembered it, and hurried back to report.

Since 1692, the Statute of Secrecy has been initially implemented. Since then, people have tried to abolish or break the Statute of Secrecy for various reasons every once in a while, but no one has ever succeeded.

The last person who wanted to abolish the Statute of Secrecy was Grindelwald. He was the closest to success, but he had always stood on the opposite side of the International Confederation of Wizards and had never received support from any country's Ministry of Magic.

This time is different... The Statute of Secrecy may really be broken!

Adam didn't have to wait long before several waiters came with fruit plates and asked him to wait. Because of the tournament, the leaders in the office were still busy, so the waiting time might be a bit long.

Adam nodded, knowing that the leaders were in a meeting, and enjoyed the fruit plate.

"What happened abroad in the past few years?"

In the conference room, a middle-aged man with sparse hair looked surprised:

"Why do so many ministries support breaking the Statute of Secrecy?"

A younger man in a shirt pushed his glasses and asked:

"I wonder if it is possible that Mr. Reed is not telling the truth? After all, he doesn't seem to have produced any evidence, and we haven't received any relevant news."

"So what is his motive for deceiving us? As for the intelligence collection of foreign ministries of magic, it's better not to have too much hope for such a thing."

It's easy to say in the world of ordinary people, but it's too difficult to infiltrate intelligence into the magical world, which is already very closed.

"That's exactly the problem, isn't it? Since the wizarding world of each country is still closed, why would they decide to break the Statute of Secrecy?"

The man in the shirt still held his original attitude.

"Well, let's not talk about whether Adam Reed has the support of so many national ministries of magic as he said, but he can at least represent the opinions of the British Ministry of Magic. Don't you deny that?"

The words of the man at the head interrupted the debate in the conference room and made the conference room quiet again.

For the matter of abolishing the Statute of Secrecy, if one person or even a group of people support it, the problem is not particularly big. At present, the biggest problem is only as big as Grindelwald... Well, it is actually a big problem to that extent, but it is not completely unmanageable.

But if the Ministry of Magic of a country, even if only one country's Ministry of Magic officially supports the abolition of the Statute of Secrecy, the nature is completely different.

Ordinary people today are not as isolated from the news as they were hundreds of years ago. It is difficult to solve the problem when people in a city discover the existence of wizards. If a country directly and openly declares the existence of the mysterious side, and it is a country like Britain, then even if other countries still maintain the Statute of Secrecy, it is only in name only.

From this point of view, it is not important to discuss how many countries Adam represents. It is enough as long as he can represent the attitude of the British Ministry of Magic.

"BritishThe current Minister of Magic is named Eugene Crowley. He, Bernard Lanslock, the current Chief Justice and Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and Adam Reed were roommates during their time at Hogwarts, and they have a very good relationship. "

The man who was in charge of presiding over the meeting and preparing materials took the newly printed documents from the staff beside him, handed them to everyone, and continued to introduce:

"After entering the Ministry of Magic, Eugene Crowley actively promoted a series of reforms, each of which was supported by Bernard Lanslock. Although Adam Reed was not directly involved, he had a considerable industry and should have provided financial support for the other two. "


Although I had known Adam more or less before, this was the first time I had learned about him so formally through documents. Looking at the contents of the document, everyone in the meeting room couldn't help but frown.

From this document, the relationship between these three people is simply close. They have never had any disagreements on the affairs of the Ministry of Magic. There are high-ranking officials, wealthy people, and judicial officials. It is even more outrageous than the largest court party in ancient China. After all, even the emperor has joined. The decision of these three people can almost completely represent the British Ministry of Magic.

And such a young group with such control over the Ministry of Magic has completed several reforms of the Ministry of Magic. The Ministry of Magic is indeed thriving at present. No wonder they have the idea of ​​abolishing the Statute of Secrecy.

"By the way."

Seeing that everyone had read almost everything, the man presiding over the meeting emphasized one point in the document:

"During their study at Hogwarts, one of their roommates was the next Minister of the Egyptian Ministry of Magic, and according to current intelligence, their relationship is also very good. "

The Libra that was highlighted was said to be loaned to the British Ministry of Magic for the quick trial of Death Eaters, but in fact there is no sign of it being withdrawn until now.

The senior officials of the Egyptian Ministry of Magic Office are also aware of the situation. The current minister cannot completely ignore the influence of the next minister, as they are mother and son.

And to be honest, places like Egypt may not have much obsession with maintaining the confidentiality law. It is not surprising that the Egyptian Ministry of Magic changed its attitude after the British Ministry of Magic made a decision.

"So, Adam is likely to represent the attitudes of at least two countries?"

The man in the shirt did not bother with other issues, and pinched his brows with a headache.

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