So, this is his telepathy?

Adam was not sure. Although his telepathy seemed to have the same effect as telepathy, practicing telepathy did not require Buddhist attainments.

In the competition, relying on this ability of foresight and the Buddhist martial arts that were not weak in themselves, Lekong quickly won.

After the game, Adam began to lower his eyes and think about the specific effect of the energy structure used by Lekong, and whether it would cause accidents if he tried it casually.

Unfortunately, the mice he often used did not have the ability to precisely control energy.

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Adam Reed?"


Adam turned his head and looked up, looking at him in the aisle beside him. At the same time, the person who asked him just now was Lekong who had just won the game.

Oh, no, it can't be said to be just now, after all, the next game after Lekong has now ended.

But why did Lekong come to find him?

It seems that because of his successful practice of Buddhism, Liaokong's emotions and thoughts are restrained and hidden, and they are not like most people floating on the surface. Adam cannot see them naturally with a simple glance, and Adam does not want to actively read the other party's thoughts.

Adam glanced at Yun Jinshu beside him. He was a little suspicious that Yun Jinshu's inquiry about the other party was known to the other party.

Yun Jinshu shook his head blankly.

He didn't know!

Regardless of Liaokong's intention, Adam stood up first:

"Master Liaokong is looking for me, is there something?"

Liaokong was obviously stunned when he heard Adam's words, and waved his hand and said:

"I am not worthy of the title of master, but... Mr. Reed, your Chinese is really good."

"Thank you for your compliment, but Master Liaokong should explain your intention."

Although he occasionally likes to be a riddle man to tease his friends, Adam usually prefers a straightforward way of communication.

However, this way of communication made Kong feel a little uncomfortable. The speech he prepared based on his life experience in the UK was completely useless.

Can't those British people talk about the weather for hours without getting to the point? He was ready to lead the topic from the weather to the point...

"Well, it's like this. Let me introduce myself. My common name is Fang Zheng, and I am the general manager of Lushan Xilin Cultural Tourism Group."

Kong, or Fang Zheng, took out a business card from his chest pocket and handed it to Adam.

Fang Zheng... How come this name sounds like a Buddhist name?

Adam took it and saw that the business card was quite design-oriented. A pagoda was pressed on the left side of the dark green business card, and a series of information was on the right side of the pagoda, such as the company name, Kong's real name and contact information, etc.

"So, Mr. Fang Zheng? You are looking for me for..."

Since the business card was handed out so formally, it was obvious that Kong was not communicating with him about the following matters as a Buddhist disciple.

But Adam was also relieved. It seemed that Yun Jinshu's investigation of the other party was not exposed.

"It's like this. When I was studying in the UK, I also subscribed to the Daily Prophet and the Wizard News, so I have some understanding of Mr. Reed's situation. I know that Mr. Reed is a well-known entrepreneur in the British cultivation world."

Adam blinked, feeling a little subtle.

To be honest, his business has been growing and becoming stronger for a long time. This is the first time he has been called an entrepreneur... Usually, at most, when his brothers have dinner together, they will call him a capitalist who doesn't need to work.

But this is also the reason why he doesn't participate in social occasions such as dances. Otherwise, if he wants to hear rainbow farts after he has money, he will be afraid of not hearing them.

While Adam was a little uncomfortable, the two of them went directly to the empty seat in the back row and sat down. He also listened to Fang Zheng's request. In short, Fang Zheng wanted to discuss a business with Adam.

"The cultivation circles of various countries have rarely communicated with the outside world, and the cultivation circle of China has a unique historical heritage and has distinct characteristics compared to the Western wizard system. I believe that both Chinese practitioners and British wizards will be very interested in each other."


After listening to Fang Zheng's story, Adam pondered for a while.

What Fang Zheng said makes sense, but the problem is...

"Entering the Chinese market is indeed a feasible development direction, but why should I cooperate with you? What competitive advantages does your company have?"

Since Fang Zheng wants to talk about business, Adam will naturally communicate with him in a business manner.

Unlike in other countries, for the wizarding world of those European and American countries, Adam only needs a breakthrough to completely take over the other party's market with massive resources. This isIt was their usual trick, and Adam responded without any psychological burden.

The situation in Africa was somewhat different. Adam thought that the wizarding world there had a big problem. Wizards were superior people, and their lives were no worse than those of British wizards, but the lives of Muggles and Squibs were short of water and food, and even had a life of displacement with frequent wars around them...

There had actually been voices of disapproval within the various African magic ministries, but they were blocked by the other party using the confidentiality law.

For this situation, Adam's attitude and plan would naturally change. He felt that he could not only control the market of the African wizarding world, but also the African magic ministry itself.

The situation in China was even more different. Adam was naturally willing to do business with the Chinese cultivation world, and even in the Muggle world. Moreover, profit was not the first consideration, but mainly to help his hometown develop.

In this way, Adam naturally valued stability and the market more... In this regard, which partner could compete with the office?

Adam didn't think there would be no state-owned enterprises in the cultivation world of China, otherwise what would be the invoice headers for those lunch boxes just now?

Fang Zheng thought about this for a long time, but couldn't come up with a solution.

In the absence of strong evidence in terms of stability, the market is indeed their weakness.

Originally, he was prepared to make up for the weakness in the market with profits. He didn't think about becoming Adam's exclusive partner, but just hoped to seize the opportunity by becoming the first partner to cooperate with Adam, gain some advantages, and then snowball.

But now Adam doesn't care about interests... Fang Zheng didn't know how many times he asked in his heart, is this guy in front of him really a British?

"In that case, I'm sorry to bother you."

Fang Zheng sighed, then hesitated for a moment and said:

"Mr. Adam, if you give up high profits to expand the market in order to raise prices after occupying the market, please don't do it."


Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Adam couldn't help but be stunned. For a moment, he couldn't help but think that the Wu party in Europe and the United States had started to act in advance behind his back.

Then Adam smiled and said:

"You worry too much. China is also my home. I won't do such a thing."

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