Adam finally refused to taste the legendary Kongfu cuisine, because Shandong was not on their travel plan.

Although Yun Jinshu said that he could invite a chef from the Kongfu, Adam still refused, saying that it was too much trouble and unnecessary. No matter how famous the Kongfu cuisine is, it is only a small part of Chinese cuisine. Adam doesn't think that the food they tasted along the way will be inferior to the Kongfu cuisine.

"Eh? By the way, are there many practitioners in the Kongfu?"

After lunch, Adam suddenly remembered this when he returned to the car.

After all, according to their previous chat, there are practitioners of Confucianism in China, and it was once a very mainstream practice method, so what about the Kongfu?

This thousand-year-old family that was born with Confucianism should not be lower in status than Longhushan of Taoism. It should be higher in theory. After all, there are many schools in Taoism and four great heavenly masters, but there is only one saint in Confucianism.

"There used to be many, but unfortunately the skills of Confucian practitioners are closely related to the principles they read. Those scholars who read "The ruler is the ruler, the minister is the minister, the father is the father, the son is the son..."

Yun Jinshu shook his head:

"After the founding of the country, Confucianism was once hit hard, and the practitioners of Neo-Confucianism were almost extinct. The School of Mind was better, but because it was too difficult, there were not many people. Now there are more new schools established after the founding of the country, based on the four sentences of Hengqu, studying the six arts of gentlemen."

Adam suddenly realized that the way of practicing Confucianism was like this... But he was still a little curious about what the mysterious power in China was like. Unfortunately, he had never seen the Chinese practitioners take action.

If he had to say, he had seen the Penglai flying sword of the red fruit girl, but it was just a glimpse.

If the Eastern magic based on the five elements of wind and thunder in Hong Kong Island can be seen to have some similarities with Western magic, then the mainland is even more special.

It is not difficult to see from the previous heaven and earth formation that the methods of the mainland are very different from Western magic in terms of the underlying world rules, the forms of expression and methods of practice.

How do Confucian practitioners fight? Do they recite poems to fight against the country and the world like in the Confucian Saint? Or do they predict the enemy's moves in advance like the Tianxiang Realm in the Snow Sword?

Facing Adam's question, Yun Jinshu and Yun Yanhui had a subtle expression:

"Mr. Adam, you should be talking about the content of the vernacular novels, right? The country and the world... How is it possible? Confucianism mainly cultivates the spirit, and the fighting method is mainly military etiquette and archery, while swordsmanship, calligraphy and painting are used as auxiliary."

After Yun Jinshu finished speaking, Yun Yanhui also added:

"Yes, Confucianism does have this thing of heaven and man, but that is the sixth sense produced after the soul is cultivated internally and reaches a certain realm. Although it is not common, it is not unique. There is nothing special about it. Taoism has a whim, Buddhism has the sixth consciousness, and warriors have the way of utmost sincerity to know the future... "

"Wait a minute, the way of utmost sincerity can know the future? Isn't that a line from the Doctrine of the Mean?"

Adam's words surprised Yun Yanhui:

"Mr. Adam, you really understand Chinese culture... Indeed, but what you are talking about is the same thing. The martial arts predecessors did not have a high level of education, so they just used it."

"I see."

Adam nodded and became more interested in Chinese practitioners.

Yun Yanhui obviously saw it:

"Mr. Adam, are you very interested in Chinese practitioners? It just so happens that there will be a national competition held every five years next year. Do you want to go and have a look?"

"National competition?!"

Adam was surprised. There is such a thing?

And it is held every five years. It is the world's number one martial arts competition, right?

"To be precise, it is now called the National Wushu Championship. In the same event, ordinary people compete in martial arts routines, while practitioners compete in combat. Of course, ordinary people cannot see the practitioners' competitions."

Adam couldn't help but open his mouth. This name... is really more in line with the national conditions than the No. 1 Martial Arts Conference.

But to be honest, Adam was really tempted:

"Will there be many participants at that time?"

"Of course there will be many. Basically, outstanding disciples from various sects will go, and the office will also extend olive branches to practitioners with outstanding performance. After joining the company, it will be a stable job in the system."

Yun Jinshu said as a matter of course, so Adam suddenly realized:

"You didn't also get into the office through the No. 1 in the world, no, the National Wushu Championship?"

"Hehe~ I am just an untalented person. Three years ago, I won the third place in the 10th National Wushu Championship with twelve red flame flying forks!"

Yun Jinshu said happily with his big teeth bared.

Yun Yanhui said silently: "I was fourth and I admitted defeat directly. If we really fight, we have always won and lost against each other."Red Flame Flying... Fork?

Adam blinked. It seems that the definition of "sword" of Shushan Flying Sword is wider than he thought...

However, in this one-on-one competition, the third and fourth place should be the loser group of the top four, so who are the first and second place?

Although he was a little curious about this, Adam didn't ask at this time to ruin the atmosphere.

"Then I'm really interested... So when do tickets usually go on sale? Where can I buy them?"

"Generally speaking, they go on sale two months before the start of the competition. The branch office will open a ticket office, but if you want to go, Mr. Adam, we can contact the office to prepare a VIP ticket for you."

Yun Yanhui said as a matter of course.

Given Adam's current situation, even if he puts aside his identity, just based on the cultural relics that are being repaired and counted, he must be a VIP among VIPs.

Adam was not polite about this. It would be too hypocritical to buy a ticket by himself:

"Then I want a ticket with a good view!"

"Of course!"

As he spoke, a piece of paper suddenly appeared in front of Adam and fell directly to Adam's chest as the car drove forward.

"Who is it?!"

After two sharp shouts, a burst of green light broke through the window, and at the same time, a green light picked up the piece of paper before it fell on Adam's chest.

"Calm down! It's not an enemy attack!"

Adam said hurriedly. The piece of paper was left by Isidora to contact him.

But it was at this time that he realized the value of his two bodyguards. Although they usually quarreled with each other and occasionally made stupid mistakes, they were always vigilant.

From the appearance of the paper to the reaction of the two, it was less than a blink of an eye. In the car driving at high speed, the piece of paper didn't even have time to fall on him.

Reaching out to take the piece of paper, Adam took a glance and saw that the green weapon was actually a strangely designed weapon, with a thicker handle in the middle and sharp blades on both ends. It was somewhat like the legendary Emei Spear, and the overall shape was a bit like an elongated shuttle.

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