After transferring the negative emotional energy from the underground of Hogwarts to other places, Adam and Isidora lived a life of studying ancient magic, occasionally checking on Yug's progress or going out for a walk.

Their current plan is to recruit each other after the other party can initially master the use of ancient magic.

"In fact, I think we can find more people to study together."

Taking out the negative emotions of a poacher of this era, Isidora sat down and prepared to take a break, and said to Adam casually:

"Since Adam, you can travel through time, why don't you bring the four founders together? Or other powerful wizards, such as Merlin."

"Well... what you said makes sense, but unfortunately it's not possible."

Adam spread his hands,

"I have also thought about these people you mentioned, but they... how to say it, they all have their own personalities. If I bring them here, I'm afraid they will not join our research, but would rather study their own things."

Isidora nodded thoughtfully to show her understanding.

In fact, the main reason why Adam didn't kidnap those wizards was that their identities were too special...

Whether it was the four founders or Merlin, their status in the British wizarding world was too high. If they were sent to Hogwarts too early, it might lead to some things that were not conducive to unity.

Especially Slytherin, a fanatic of pure-blood theory, he was not like Voldemort, who only talked but did not practice. That is to say, the Death Eaters are basically in prison now, otherwise they could raise a pure-blood team in a minute if they were released.

Anyway, they will not run away in the past part, and it will not be too late to kidnap them when Adam's influence on the British wizarding world really penetrates all aspects, including people's hearts.

At this moment, the fluctuation of ancient magic energy attracted the attention of Adam and Isidora:

"Is that...?"

"It seems to be the direction of Hogsmeade Village."

"Go and have a look!"

The two Apparated to Hogsmeade Village, but they did not expect to see a large area of ​​ruins directly.

Isidora frowned: "Are these made by ancient magic?"

"It shouldn't be, after all, there is no ancient magic energy left in these ruins."

Adam came to the place where the energy residue was concentrated, raised his hand and traced the shadow of the past.

Seeing the armored giant in the light and shadow, which was blown into flying ashes on the spot after being hit by a beam of energy from Yog, Adam and Isidora were silent.

Adam hesitated and said:

"Is that also ancient magic?"

If ancient magic is so powerful, how did those professors defeat Isidora?

"...I don't know."

Isidora was also a little hesitant,

"My research on ancient magic is basically on how to relieve my father's pain, seems that the power is indeed ancient magic?"

Adam nodded, and recalled the equipment on the giant in the light and shadow just now. It seems to be a bit similar to what the old goblins use?


At this moment, the rubble in front of the two suddenly moved, and then flew away under a forceful pull.

"Oh, it's restored to its original state."

Adam nodded. This magic is indeed very effective for the destroyed things that are not magic props, nor destroyed by black magic, and the remains of the destroyed things are relatively intact.

The debris in front of them came from a clothing store, Fengya Wizard Clothing Store, which Adam was somewhat familiar with. It was still there a hundred years later.

Unfortunately, it was bought by Adam later.

"Speaking of which, I haven't visited Hogsmeade a hundred years ago..."

Adam touched his chin, but thought that based on the situation of wizards, Hogsmeade a hundred years ago and a hundred years later would not be much different.

"Ah, it's you!"

With Adam's ability to distinguish the normal emotions around him, he could clearly distinguish that the other party was pointing at him.

Looking up, Adam saw Yug running towards him excitedly with a conspicuous white hair.

"Who are you? I saw you at the Sorting Ceremony that day, you..."

Yog glanced around and whispered:

"You are also related to ancient magic, right?"

Adam and Isidora looked at each other, and then Adam nodded.

"Yes, we are scholars related to ancient magic research."

Isidora smiled at Yog and said:

"That day we found that you seemed to have talent in this area, and it was not until today that we finally confirmed it."

"I knew it!"

Yog clapped his hands excitedly:

"I have encountered many things related to ancient magic recently. First, I was attacked by a dragon,Being chased by goblins again..."

During this period of time, he had encountered too many things. He had countless questions in his mind and wanted to find someone to ask, but he had nowhere to tell them. The only person who knew about it, Professor Figo, didn't know anything and asked him to keep it secret and not tell anyone.

Now he finally found two people related to ancient magic, and they were people from Hogwarts who could be trusted, so Yug's mouth even had a tendency to stop for a while.

"Wait a minute, this is not the place to talk."

Adam found that there were wizards around who noticed them, so he interrupted him helplessly,

"Let's find a place... Is there a Three Broomsticks Bar at this time?"

Adam said the second half of the sentence to Isidora.

"I had one at that time, but now..."

Isidora shrugged her shoulders. She has been busy recently and has no time to go out for a drink.


Yug took the initiative to speak:

"Well, but I made an appointment with my classmates to meet at the Three Broomsticks Bar. "

"It doesn't matter. There's no need to keep the ancient magic secret... um... we still have to keep it secret."

Before he finished speaking, Adam felt that he could no longer suppress the time deviation.

Originally, there were very few traces left by Yug in the future, and almost no one remembered him. At least Adam hadn't met anyone who mentioned him. Therefore, Adam could now meet Yug directly instead of bringing Yug from the parallel world. Adam could completely suppress this little time deviation by his own strength.

But if ancient magic is known to everyone, the time deviation caused by the huge difference with the future is not so easy to solve.

"It's not a big problem. Let's go there first. If necessary, I will delete the other party's memory of ancient magic."

Adam said and took the two to the Three Broomsticks:

"By the way, you just transferred to Hogwarts, and you made friends so quickly? Is it your roommate? ”

Generally speaking, this kind of rapid friendship only happens to freshmen. Everyone is new here and naturally has the conditions to make friends. It is difficult for transfer students to quickly integrate into the new environment.

I can only say that they are worthy of being Hufflepuffs. They are good at making friends.

“Uh, no, it’s a friend I met in class. He is a Slytherin student.”


Adam couldn’t help but look at Yug in surprise.

Not only did he make friends quickly, but he was even a Slytherin. I can’t tell. This friendship ability... is it Cedric-level?

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