"Is this maze so big? And why is there nothing in it?"

After walking around in many twists and turns, Cedric didn't see any human figures, not even a ghost. He was ready to lean on the wall to rest for a while.


Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, a light sound came from behind him, accompanied by the stench of rotting fish and shrimp.

Cedric's body stiffened, and he slowly turned his head. A huge gray-white giant meat ball with a shell appeared behind him, and the long tail with hooks was emitting flames.

This smell, this color, isn't this the blasting-tailed skrewt that Hagrid asked them to help take care of? How come it has grown more than ten times in a few months?

Without time to think about it, Cedric ran away, trying to fight back, but when several spells were bounced off by the shell, he could only run with his head down.

As a result, he ran into the nest that the Acromantulas had just built.

The Acromanthus that just moved to a new home and then had it demolished: ( ̄皿 ̄╬)

The blasting-tailed skrewts chasing food and caught a group of food: ╰(*°▽°*)╯

Cedric with three Acromanthus in front and a blasting-tailed skrewt behind: Σ( ° △ °|||)︴

Cedric, who was chased by the blasting-tailed skrewts and Acromanthus, didn't know that other areas in the maze had already started playing battle royale.

Barty Jr., disguised as Moody, had controlled Krum and Fleur with the Imperius Curse. The two bombed and surrounded them all the way, and drove Harry to the finish line like a shrinking poison circle.

Seeing the trophy at the finish line, Harry rushed up as if he was saved - the Triwizard Tournament was over, and people outside would know what happened inside!

Harry didn't notice that at this moment, Krum's expressionless face showed a weird smile.


Adam saw Harry disappear at the end and chased him with the shift card. The mirror quietly replaced the original Adam and sat in the same place.

"Master... please..."

As soon as the invisible Adam landed, he heard a familiar voice. It turned out that Pettigrew was crying over there.

Adam's eyes turned and looked at the ugly Voldemort, and finally fell on Nagini.

Time stopped-

The illusory hourglass floated in the air, and the sand that no longer flowed down symbolized the stagnation of the inherent time.

Adam walked forward and replaced Voldemort with a 100% new Nagini for free, with a warranty period of two years.

After putting the bookmark and closing the creation card, Adam looked at Harry, who was still confused and didn't understand the situation, and disappeared.

Time resumed-

From Adam's departure to his return, only a few seconds of inherent time had passed, and even Uther and Eugene beside him didn't notice anything wrong.

All seven Horcruxes are under control, and Voldemort can now be considered a good Voldemort.

At this moment, Adam widened his eyes slightly.

A huge magical power followed the trace of the portkey just now, just like Adam did before, and Adam was also familiar with the owner of that magic power...


Adam frowned in confusion. Was Fawkes involved in this battle?

In any case, after a while, Harry appeared on the lawn holding the trophy of the Triwizard Tournament.

The applause and cheers drowned him in an instant, and people did not notice the pain in his eyes that had not yet dissipated and the relief of escaping death.

"Huh - I, I was almost killed!"

Cedric, who was rescued from the maze, was ragged, with black smoke from the explosion all over his body, and there were a few feathers from some unknown animal in his messy hair.

"It's not easy to be a hero. Dark wizards are much scarier than a few magical animals."

Adam's voice sounded behind Cedric.

"Adam! It was you who did it! I ran more than forty laps in the same place!"

Cedric rolled up his sleeves and planned to have a manly duel with Adam, but when he turned around and saw Harry and the other two who were in a coma, he was silent.

"Two of them were under the Imperius Curse, and one was too shocked. What a poor child."

Adam shook his head:

"Your father is here, comfort him well, he seems to be scared."

After saying that, Adam disappeared from the spot. Before Cedric could react, he was hugged by Amos who ran down in a hurry.

"Cedric! My son! You're okay! That's great!"

If Amos Diggory was full of joy at the beginning, expecting Cedric to win the first place in the Triwizard Tournament,

So when Harry shouted "Voldemort is back" and fainted, the professors of Hogwarts brought out two other brave men who were in a coma from the maze.After the war, Amos only had hope that Cedric could return safely.

Cedric was startled, silently reached out and hugged his father, and buried some things in his heart.

The staff of the Ministry of Magic and the professors of Hogwarts took control of the situation at the first time, and the Triwizard Tournament ended successfully, with the first place being Harry Potter of Hogwarts.

Only a few people noticed that Professor Dumbledore's face seemed particularly gloomy.


"Hello, we meet again."

Before Adam found an opportunity to go, the old man with silver-gray heterochromatic eyes came to him first.

"Professor Dumbledore actually let you out?"

"He is very busy now... busy taking care of his new love, and even forgot to tell the bird."

Looking at the old man with raised eyebrows, listening to the weird tone, especially the familiar face, Adam thought for a moment that the person in front of him was not Grindelwald, but Jack Sparrow.

Emperor Grindelwald, you are a broken character, do you know?

Oh, no, whenever Dumbledore is involved, Grindelwald does seem to be particularly... childish.

"You seem to have known my identity for a long time."

After talking to Professor Dumbledore, Grindelwald slowly narrowed his eyes and looked at Adam.

"It's an honor to meet you."

Adam did not deny it, and put his hand on his chest and saluted this top-notch dark wizard:

"Are you interested in having a cup of afternoon tea with me?"

"... Dumbledore is really old and confused."

Grindelwald sneered and followed Adam's footsteps.

"Why would the legendary dark wizard, the leader of the Witch Party, come to me?"

Adam conjured a pot of black tea:

"Do you want sugar?"

"No, this kind of thing, black sugar milk tea with 70% sugar and taro paste."

Adam paused when he picked up the teapot, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching, but the teapot in his hand continued to tilt, and what was poured out was black sugar milk tea.

"It's better to drink low-sugar and low-calorie drinks when you are old."

Adam couldn't help but advise.

"My body is not that fragile yet."

Grindelwald took a sip of milk tea and looked at Adam:

"I don't have much time. Help Dumbledore survive, and I can give you everything I have."

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