"So who is the weirdest Boggart among us?"

Cologne suddenly spoke, and the five people looked at each other, and four of them raised their hands silently and pointed at Bernard.

Bernard pointed at Adam: "???"

"You are slandering! Is my Boggart weirder than Adam?"

"He and Uther had an unpleasant experience during the holiday, and it is normal to dream about something during the day, but your parents obviously have a good relationship, right?"

Cologne looked at him speechlessly:

"You are a persecuted maniac... You always doubt other people's feelings for you, but you are very devoted to other people's feelings. It's really weird!"

"How can I?! You...you don't What nonsense!"

"I'm worried about Bernard's future love life."

Adam sighed with a mature look:

"If he is dumped, I think Bernard will be the type who sits up in the middle of the night and cries secretly, and writes letters to the other party while crying to ask what he did wrong."

"No, no, no, I think he is more likely to step on the other party, point his wand at the other party and coldly ask why he dumped himself, and then cry and make a fuss in his heart."

Eugene's calm analysis was well-reasoned and convincing.

At first, Bernard's face was just red, and as everyone continued to tease him, his eyes slowly turned into circles.

"Ahem, okay, okay, let's not talk about this..."

In the end, Adam's sometimes-present conscience played a role and stopped the torture of Bernard.

After class, Adam left the team alone. He was going to the Forbidden Forest for a special date.

"Have you been waiting for me for a long time?"

Carrying the Dark Staff and wearing new clothes, Adam came to his "secret base".

This is a wizard robe that he specially customized in a clothing store in the Muggle world, which takes into account both comfort and beauty, and looks roughly the same as that of Erio Hiiragisawa - there is even a matching hat.

Under the protection of magical plants such as the Whomping Willow, Poison Tentacles, and Devil's Snare, four unicorns gathered here among the bushes. Seeing Adam coming, they stepped forward with joy and circled around Adam.

"Long time no see, I miss you too~"

To be precise, they haven't seen each other for a holiday, but judging from the surrounding situation, the unicorn family has protected this secret base very well during this holiday.

Adam took out a few glass bottles and placed them on the shelf made of branches, then opened his hands to the unicorns. The unicorns rubbed against Adam in a friendly manner. The smallest unicorn was obviously more anxious. It didn't take long for it to bite Adam's sleeve and pull it towards the bushes in front.

"I know, I know, don't worry..."

Reaching out his hand to stroke the other's soft, shiny hair like silver threads, Adam waved the dark staff, and a complex magic circle lit up under his feet-

The bushes became fruitful in the blink of an eye, blueberries, strawberries, red currants, raspberries... The berries were all sweet and juicy, tempting people and animals. The unicorns stamped their hooves excitedly and plunged their heads into the bushes to feast on them.


He also picked a blueberry and put it in his mouth. The refreshing sweet taste spread between his lips and teeth, which made Adam feel good and raised his mouth:

"Sure enough, the magic of the tree card is still needed to turn fruits and vegetables. Although the sweet card can also turn sweet fruits, it is probably due to psychological factors. The freshness and naturalness of picking fresh fruits are difficult to replicate."

The dark staff knocked on the ground, and countless fruits on the trees, bushes, and vines ignored the restrictions of seasons and climate and bore fruits. At this time, a breeze happened to blow, bringing waves of intoxicating fruit fragrance.

Apples, pears, watermelons, pomegranates, mangoes, grapes, cherries, sugar apples, longans, lychees... When dozens of fruits were picked and sent to them at the moment of maturity, no one could refuse.

If there is, what about the seedless, peeled, cut and plated version?

After playing with the unicorns in the Forbidden Forest for a while, he went to talk with the hippogriffs introduced by the unicorns, and then played with the moon beasts for a while... Adam had accumulated a lot of animal veins in the Forbidden Forest without realizing it.

It was not until the sun set that Adam, who had a simple dinner of three meats, two vegetables, one soup and various fruits, returned to the kitchen with a huge amount of fruit in his bag.

A magic spell was used to remove the cores and peels, and then several sharp and shadowless people cut the fruits into small pieces suitable for eating, stacked them layer by layer, and placed them in a twelve-layer glass plate with a central connection to prevent the smell from mixing, and then embellished with some jelly, chocolate and small cakes, a supreme luxury fruit tower was completed.

After the plating was completed, Adam stepped into the Hufflepuff public lounge.The moment he entered the rest room, he became the focus of people's attention.

The nearly two-meter-high fruit tower floating behind Adam was really too eye-catching... and I don't know if it was because of the glass container, but under the light, the whole fruit tower seemed to be glowing!


Several Hufflepuffs who were chatting walked up to Adam with somewhat erratic steps, and couldn't help swallowing their saliva when they saw the fruit tower:

"Is the one behind you a new product..."

"No~ Adam's store is now mainly run by Uther and others, and the speed of launching new products will be much slower, and I don't think that putting fruits on a plate and adding some small decorations can be called a new dessert."

Adam waved his finger, and the fruit tower landed steadily on the table in the middle of the common room:

"Like last year, Professor Dumbledore commissioned me to be the chef for the Halloween dinner. In view of the fact that there are some unfriendly guys around the school this year, Professor Dumbledore added an extra sum of money and asked me to cheer everyone up through the Halloween dinner, so I prepared some surprises for this."


Hearing this, the Hufflepuffs looked at each other.

"If that's the case, wouldn't it be a pity for you to let us know in advance?"

Senior Bruce asked everyone's thoughts.

"Oh? Of course not, because this fruit tart is not the surprise I mentioned, but it will indeed appear at the Halloween dinner - if everyone responds well."

Adam smiled and looked at everyone:

"So, what are you waiting for? Come and try it! First-year students, take the forks on the bottom layer! As for the rest of you, there is not enough room for so many people to stand at the table, so make good use of your floating spell~"

"Come on, Adam, we will support you even if you make the most ordinary fruit-flavored gummy candy..."

Bruce's eyes wandered over the fruit tart for a while. As Adam's senior customer, he discovered that the protagonists of the fruit tart were still those fruits, and among those fruits, he shaved off those that he was familiar with...

Bruce waved his wand, and a piece of white jade-like flesh floated into his mouth.

Gently bit it, an incredible sweetness bloomed in Bruce's mouth. He even thought he was eating a candy - but the fragrance of the juice and the wonderful taste that splashed out made him clearly understand that this was not a delicacy that any kind of sugar could create.

For all Hufflepuffs, the fruit tarts had fruits they had never seen before, and for a moment, those candies and small cakes were somewhat neglected...

While the fruit tarts were being consumed quickly, everyone couldn't help but become more interested in the surprises Adam mentioned.

With everyone's anticipation, Halloween was slowly approaching... However, for the little wizards in the third grade and above, the day before Halloween was actually very important.

That was the day they could leave school and go to Hogsmeade to relax!

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